What specifically has this country accomplished in its history?
What specifically has this country accomplished in its history?
Other urls found in this thread:
killing emus
being the best at shitpoosting on an imageboard
looking like scooby doo ofcourse
making mediocre steakhouses
Canadians surpassed them in even that a while back.
Sure they did, leaf
Genocide, alcoholism, and banter
m8 that was all you
Gave us Angela White titfucking videos
>he hasn't taken the ozpill yet
>Rothschilds bow to Australians
>Australians are in contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control America with an iron fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (New Melbourne will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Australian babies
>all Australians said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of 24 million angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Ozbots inside you right now
>The Australians are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the bunker in the Australian Antarctic Territory?
>Australians are capable of fluent classical Latin in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Australia. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Emu
>Most Australians are about 9 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings
the outback is in australia you dingdong
tbqh f a m Outback steakhouse is pretty good for a chain.
>>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (New Melbourne will be be the first city)
This masterpiece. Australian culture at it's finest. I'm jealous because we don't have one. This is superior.
desu this shit is delicious
Abbo genocide, then white shaming that didn't actually helped the abbos that much actually.
Making arguably one of the most horrible beers on the planet.
Don't understand how strayans can drink the stuff
taking this bait so nobody else has to
good argument, very on topic
lel The Aussies who come here to work the ski lifts get triggered as fuck at fosters advertising here as "Australias favourite beer".
where can I earn money in austria?
Is it true Argentinians have the most advanced Submarines? I heard the General Belgrado has been underwater for 30 years!
reichstag needs a new chancellor
idk making watches but this thread is about Austrailia
being better and wealthier than practically everyone else
Learn to speak german, I bet that helps
oh sorry my engrish, my keybord's fault. Fuck Mozart.
i mean I've got working holiday visa and will move to australia this summer
i'll go to language school but I don't want to work at japanese restaurants
Not even the most wealthy country in your own part of the world. Hong Kong is richer.
Australia was a failed colony. Hong Kong and Singapore are Britain's true pride and joy in that area.
Being reasonably smart
Hong Kong is not a country. Singapore might be of similar wealth, but they are a fake-country with draconian laws. We are freer and better than them
You could work on a farm but that would suck shit
>Outlawing homosexuality is draconian
I'd expect no less from the literal gayest country on the planet.
I was thinking more of their treatment of migrant workers, use capital punishment and their restriction of freedom of speech/press
Australian men are bro tier. Australian women are mean as fuck.
did you get bullied by one of our sheilas?
Serving as cannon fodder for the British.
Inventing a certain kind of clothesline.
World records for alcoholism.
Australian women are fucking weird. People give bogans a lot of shit, but at least they're honest.
perfected the integration of wonderful dishes containing wild kangaroo game into our menu
Probably mistook his accent as a big strong American, and then quickly became disgusted upon learning he was just Canadian.
It's just upside-down USA
Literature: Patrick White, Peter Carey
Science: Howard Florey, Frank Burnet
Economics/Finance: ?
Music: Nick Cave
Sports: Donald Bradman
Directors: George Miller
Actors: Heath Ledger, Geoffrey Rush
Other: Douglas Mawson, John Curtin, Albert Facey, Weary Dunlop, Fred Hollows
Deliberately not included: Ned Kelly, Rupert Murdoch, Bob Hawke, John Howard, Shane Warne, Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson
wi-fi and the ultrasound
almost nothing
also almost no culture
Forgot Boonie
They invented a cool stick.
>Don't understand how strayans can drink the stuff
We don't drink Foster's in Australia.
>Cultural center of America
>and will move to australia this summer
Australia is fucking awful during the summer. Come over late into March and avoid the stupid hot weather.
Our women are loud, insufferable cunts.
>Being reasonably smart
what's wrong with keeping undesirables on another planet?
i think he meant summer in japland
> Americans eat deep fried onion
Most disgusting thing ive seen in my life desu
Inventing lawn mowers and inventing roller doors.
Invented the bionic ear.
Everyone in Australia fucking hates fosters.
We'll be the last country standing.
>in its history
It's an Australian themed American restaurant, started in America
Australia invented WiFi ya cunt
When someone says nigger Africa has no history, you get on your high horse.
When someone says Australia has no history, you don't throw a tantrum.
Being the best at taking Big Strong Americans directions
Americans love niggers who knew
that greentext cant make your shit up
australia doesnt have any unique culture
kangaroos spiders deserts and shit for sure but these are just nature.
The black box flight recorder
We sort of had a culture but bare in mind we are only 200 years old as a cunt and globalism and modern media has largely demolished what small amount we had.
The goon bag
Thanks America
BTFO'd the Brits
ebin :D :DD
>that list
>those not included
literally fuck off and die you reddit cunt
A unique culture is one that distinguishes itself from the rest, so what the fuck are you doing when you represent Australia as some Mad Max looking, cork hat wearing, Aboriginal face painted, tinnie slinging mad cunt, that's apparently not unique? Fucking Japs...
killed aborigine
I understanded why they hate white Australian so much When I searched about their history.
White look down on non white.
So I hate white.
Fuck off nip
If you one day meet an Aboriginal you will understand why so many people that have look down on them
I wanna migrate to Australia as electrical engineering technician. It's good and warm country. Why do you hate it?
You are welcome here Ivan
Thanks, John! I'd like to integrate in australian society. %%Actually my name is Pavel%%
>I wanna migrate to Australia as electrical engineering technician. It's good and warm country.
you're welcome
>Why do you hate it?
It's a bit shit
CУКA БЛЯTЬ there are not the same spoiler-making-tags as russian imageboards.
Also I want to read about australian history and culture. It's interesting and help me to improve my English. I was really astonished when I read wikipedia about Snowy Mountains Scheme.
>Also I want to read about australian history and culture
No such thing
>No such thing
This is for you m8
One time there where some rowdy drunk prisoners and they rebelled, but our history classes are ass so you only learn this if you goto sydney, now its all asians..
Lol, really?
1) Few dudes settled on unknown land
2) Doing stuff
3) Proclaim independense
4) ???
5) BЫГOДA! [vygoda]
>First land army to stop the Japanese army in WW2
>First land army to stop the Germans in WW2
You can learn all of Australia's history in less than 10 minutes.