

How do you Russians feel about foreigners (from the Western world) working and living in Russia?

I travelled to Russia last year as a tourist and met many welcoming young people who were happy to hang out and party with foreigners. I found it hard to determine whether most Russians felt this way though.

Any Russians on this board who could give me some insight?

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Moving to eastern europe means you will be a foreigner for the rest of your life.

It's not hostility, but the way we are and our approach to language and the way it's spoken. You will never speak a Slavic language like a native.

How do Polish people feel about foreigners speaking their language? Does the mispronunciation and stumbling make you angry or do you appreciate people trying?

>You will never speak a Slavic language like a native.
N-No... No...

I fucking love that statue. Biggest woman in the world.

Of course we appreciate people trying.

Doesn't change the fact that even after giving an hour long speech in Polish you missed a case people would chuckle and not treat your seriously anymore.

Due to over-the-top complexity of Polish (and other Slavic languages) grammatical mistakes are jarring, people will notice them immediately.

Anglos are used to people all over the planet butchering English, we're not.

They have to go back and take me with themselves

We hate Westerners, stay the fuck out. Others are welcome.
>I travelled to Russia
>and met many welcoming young people who were happy to hang out and party with foreigners
Double bullshit. Young people hate you even more.
Fuck off, Poland. He was asking Russians, not Eastern Europeans.

>Fuck off, Poland. He was asking Russians, not Eastern Europeans.
t. churka


people love new zealand
> How do you Russians feel about foreigners (from the Western world) working and living in Russia?

Good, they're better than middle asians.

>Young people hate you even more
lol no.

>let me tell you about your country
Older people are still naive from the time they thought Russia and West can be friends. Young people know you for what you truly are.

Well, prepare for people asking what did you forget in this shithole.
Overall, i don't think you face any hostility just because you are are from West

They're crazy dumbarses, that's what everyone in Russian would think about a guy who arrived from a 1st world county to stay here for a long time.

>let me tell you about your experiences
Again, no

Why are you so angry?

You'd be just "that strange guy" but nobody gives a fuck about people like that tho

Thanks bro, I really enjoyed my time there.
Occasionally though I'd meet a few more aggressive nationalistic guys who'd ask me about Crimea/Ukraine and the US... but it was only afew

No one wil care, especially if you're from a place like New Zealand.

Some people don't even know that Australia and NZ are the 1st world countries because we get our stereotype of them from 'Dundee crocodile'

Guess there are not so many Russian who can pick that country on a map

everyone knows that LOTR was filmed in NZ and itz butifel

I'm calm as the Buddha, just telling you the facts.

what did they ask

>Thanks bro, I really enjoyed my time there.
When you visited Russia in your dreams? Good for you. Just don't come here IRL.

It's not like everyone watched it, you nerd

>fuck off
>stay the fuck out
It's not really calm language.

That's just Russian interpretation of calm.

learn chechnyan because russian falls out of use

Talking about politics irl is generally not a good idea

Haha, yeah, that's the most common stereotype

But do you really associate the whole western world with aggressive foreign relations? Most of us disagree with the US's wars.

It's direct, but definitely calm. Stop grasping at straws, not my problem that truth upsets you so much.

Our dislike of the West has nothing to do with US wars, don't play innocent.

That or a language barrier problem I guess.

>But do you really associate the whole western world with aggressive foreign relations?
Generally just US and NATO. And it doesn't really mean that people will treat a person from US badly, they may bitch to you about politics or something but it's not really a big deal.

t. pidorashka


Lol, I know English better than you, Zhang.

Not, im not an autismo
You should know better than anyone that we don't care much about other countries but our neighbors here

Are you calm now?

Good argument, considering that you yourself are sure that the country is full of """pidorashkas""". The question is about people in general, not about me personally. And now i'm talking to a liberast, well done.

Maybe drink a little to relax.

This is the truth

The impression I got is that there's a lack of communication. All the people I met had VK but few had a Facebook. Few had travelled to the west and few westerners travel to Russia. We just joke and view each other through stereotypes.

VK is pretty sweet though with music sharing desu

>when you lost the argument but still can't stop yourself from posting

>Few had travelled to the west and few westerners travel to Russia. We just joke and view each other through stereotypes.
Yeah, this is true.

>Guys, I totally visited Russia. See, I even know what VK is.
Are you autistic, user?

>How do you Russians feel about foreigners (from the Western world) working and living in Russia?
Who cares?

Yes, completely, you have blown my cover.

Totally fine about foreigners.

>How do you Russians feel about foreigners (from the Western world) working and living in Russia?
Never seen a foreigner working here in my life.
>I travelled to Russia last year as a tourist and met many welcoming young people who were happy to hang out and party with foreigners. I found it hard to determine whether most Russians felt this way though.
I don't care about foreigners. I've met some in uni. They were ok

>How do you Russians feel about foreigners (from the Western world)
Exactly the same way Westerners feel about Russians.

>do you appreciate people trying
No. Actually it pisses me of. It's very hard to speak with people who can not speak normally. I don't know how americans and other countries who have a lot of immigrants deal with it.

>Never seen a foreigner working here in my life.
Kek. Untermench detected. In the Oil industry hordes of European/US expats

Do you are hot girl? If not GTFO.

Пpoeбaлcя c пpeдлoжeниeм aнoн.
И дa, этo тянoчкa

Cute NZ boys are welcome ^_^

You remind me of Americans

Well, you worship them, so I guess it's a compliment?

New Zealand? Do you want be eaten?

>How do you Russians feel about foreigners (from the Western world) working and living in Russia?

I have never met any of them.

Go fuck yourself, weirdo.

This, desu.


>How do you Russians feel about foreigners (from the Western world) working and living in Russia?
Pretty ok. It's pretty common in big cities. Kinda exotic for other places. Just like everywhere.

Do you live in a large city?

The smaller cities I visited had some African students and mongol workers but that was about it.

Maori don't look scary at all. A bit gay if anything.

>Young people hate you even more.

That's true, desu. I've noticed it too, that old and middle-aged people don't feel a strong negative attitude towards foreigners, but most of those who are younger than 25 hate the westerners with a burning passion.


>Do you live in a large city?

No, I live in a small town.

And rightfully so. Btw, non-western foreigners: you are totally welcome.

I was kind of wondering the same thing.

If a Dutch person goes to Russia. Will your airplane get shot down?

Liberal hipster cucks from Moscow and Petersburg don't count.

> If a Dutch person goes to Russia. Will your airplane get shot down?

If only you fly through ukraine ;d

fuck off really

you appear in every related thread and spew your fucking putinist propaganda

I have never seen a person from another country in my life (except for people from ex-USSR).

Nah. We hate them. I had a Swedish teacher at Uni and she said she had never seen such dislike for Americans before in any other country.

Leave you home sometimes. I have seen tons of them even in my 60k people town

Well sadly yeah it was a few young (always men) who seemed quite informed about the war in Ukraine and Syria.

I get the whole national pride thing but don't understand why you would associate the whole outside world as so hostile...

I've seen westerners one time, it was foreign band (((

>in my 60k people town

I live in a 15.5k town.

She is a uni teacher surrounded by liberal students. What did you think the message she will get? American students in liberal colleges hate their country with a passion as well.

What band?


>why you would associate the whole outside world as so hostile...

A "besieged fortress" mindset, "whoever isn't with us is against us". 20 and even 10 years ago Russia was much more open to the rest of the world than now. We are slowly turning into a second North Korea.


You Will always have China on your side. That's what "the nationalists" in Russia told me. Quite amusing though.

So participating in their every single war and following every whim is some sort of a national masochism? Cool.

Yeah, that was the impression I got. Well I hope the internet bridges that gap (assuming the government doesn't block more sites)

There are different kinds of nationalists.

Pro-putin, pro-soviet, pro-Stalin "nationalists" and anti-putin, pro-european (in terms "we must learn from them how to live and organize our lives even if they are not friends") nationalists.

We need someone to fight the Chinese when shit goes south.

>Why do Russians dislike us, what have we ever done to them?
Are Westerners for real? Is this trolling?

NZ is nice

only britain and germany are bad, they installed communism and were killing us

So which one are you? At the end most human beings are pro good life and a sense of accomplishments.(including nation achievements of course)

Can a westerner exist without an external enemy? What is wrong with you, people?

They hate you all the same, dumb pidorashka.

I am observer

Implying the Chinese in your country won't have Oz compromised first.

I worship west's cultural and economic superiority

We need to throw r*ssian asianess in the bin

my point is we are a country of less than 5 million people whose main exports are Rugby players, milk/ sheep and Lord of the rings... I want to be friends... is that not possible?

New Zealand is the most loved anglo country here