Legs of Sup Forums

Legs of Sup Forums


lol is that you


>short stubby toes

t*rklet confirmed

your hands are probably like an ape you bulgorila

300 years of Ottoman occupation made Serbs instinctively recognise the feet their ancestors used to kiss.

its not that bad

maybe you shoud wax ???

maybe you should man up


well manliness is not defined by how much body hair you have


yea but waxing doesn't

i fucked up
>yea but waxing doesn't help

i don't know many of the famous people do it because they have a nice body and its more pleasant to look at someone who is not all hairy like you are no offence

fuck it i just dont like hairy woman

>pic realated
no one does

brah thats old fashion

t. homosex


Hello my Anatolian brethren :DD

please be in brezanddijk

And I thought I was hairy



You need eat more



Noice kot

Thanks I made it myself


I want to increase it more and be manly.

>You made the cat by yourself

user are perhaps god?


those are some ugly feet.