Russia and China are invading neighboring countries one after another.
China intends to dominate Asia and the Pacific countries.
Russia will dominate Europe and North Asia, Northwestern America and Arab countries.
Can not stop the hegemonism of Russia and China?
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China is targeting nuclear installable missiles to Japan, USA, South Korea, India and Taiwan.
Russia will gradually expand the dominant territory to Europe and Arab from Ukrainian rule
Russia and China intend to invade Asia within a few years
China nearly finished building South China Sea structures to house missiles, officials say
Russia plans to deploy a division on the Kuril Islands this year, according to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
If the Russian forces of the Kuril islands expand, the Alaska in USA will probably be invaded
i should go prepare to invade Hokkaido.
>Russia and China are invading neighboring countries one after another
do you have proofs to support this non sense of two countries that relies their economies on exports ?
Chinese politicians say that "the country of Japan will disappear", "hit the resentment of the Opium war against the UK", "Taiwan is part of the People's Republic of China", "the People's Republic of China exceeds the USA" .
japs did the same 100 years ago, whats the problem
>"the country of Japan will disappear
wtf? I love china now
Are Russians also going to massacre the indigenous Ainu people in Hokkaido?
Did you forget that China invaded Tibet and East Turkestan?
>talking about Ainu and aggressive Chinese
No islands for you, sorry. Here we say "you reap what you sow".
the difference is that they succeeded and you failed miserably
However, Donald Trump tries to make friends with Russia and China.
Russia and China further expand their military and intend to overthrow "the world's boss USA".
>Russia will dominate Europe
I'm gratified you got involved this war. The proceeds will certainly help cover our losses.
A tragedy following the tragedy of Ukraine may also occur
>Russia will dominate Europe and North Asia, Northwestern America and Arab countries.
I doubt it zitto animale
Do you think North Korea, Russia and China do not invade South Korea?
There was a case that Korean maritime police were stabbed by Chinese fishermen.
South Koreans should pretend to be hostile to North Korea, China, and Russia before they enemy Japan.
In the past, Japan protected Korea from the threats of Russia and China.
China will be the one to end the Anime menace. No more will our youth be poisoned by erotic japanese cartoons.
Also, North Korea and China massacred the South Korean people in the Korean War.
Why does South Korean enemies only Japan?
Recently, I heard that Pokemon GO is released in South Korea and South Korean people are having fun.
Also, in 663 Japan protected Southwest Korea from China and East Korea.
South Koreans should not have a grudge against Japan.
Russian massacres are still taking place in Ukraine.
Russia also stealed the Kuril Islands in Japan
Russia also dominated the Chechen Republic and the Sakha Republic.
Russia, it is a very dangerous country
>That's right, let's put 50 US military bases on our country
>To counter hegemony of course.
However, Russia is ranked 12th in GDP worldwide. Science and technology is also a weak country.
It is an incompetent country where the country is wide.
In any case, Russia will divide.
We should just nuke the middle east. Then they'll become our BFFs with weird fetishes.
It seems that only the Japanese soldiers in this picture are floating, this is a composite picture.
Of course, Muslims are the enemies of the world.
ISIS also killed the Japanese.
They are cucked by NATO you dumb paranoid dildo. Russia cant do shit without the US noticing.
Don't worry America is dominated everything.
nah you got cucked by the US and now they protect Korea. Also the Korean army is much more effective noadays. You should ask them for help when China invades you.
Nuclear military power should not divide, for everyone safe.
why would china attack japan?
All they'd have to do is wait a couple hundred years, and let the japanese birth rates do the rest.
I am the Danger.
The real question is, why does no one give a shit about Tibet?
Since China is a country where 'anti-Japanese education' is actively conducted, it is hostile to Japan.
The educational policy of China is abnormal.
China's looking at ASEAN and Africa
Russia isn't looking at much, just trying to make sure they have influence in their border states
However, China is trying to invade not only Japan but Asia as a whole.
Tibet, East Turkistan and South Mongolia were already dominated by China.
However, since Japan is a mighty country, China has not invaded soon.
It is Taiwan and South Korea that China first invades.
Literally why?
I get that they might do something like increase their naval borders. But invading and putting even more people under them? Not likely.
China also has an awful history regarding wars. They're not really good at it.
I do not know
Why? I do not even know why.
Actually I also want to make friends with Chinese, but Chinese do not allow it.
Since China has the largest population in the world, it is probably planning to deprive Asian countries of the resources.
The Mongol empire was a very strong empire.
The king was a Mongolians, but many Mongolian imperial soldiers were Chinese.
Chinese may also invade Europe.
Europeans should also be wary of China.
Hmmm, guess LatAm will be ok then.
Anyway, China and Russia of hegemonism are very dangerous countries.
China and Russia will surely trigger World War III.
Stop worrying about Russia and China, fix your unclear plant first.
What Ainu? You killed them all already
been there, done that.