Is it true that only shitskins and slavs drives BMW in Europe?

Is it true that only shitskins and slavs drives BMW in Europe?

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And gypsies

fairly accurate
they tend to be corporate cars too

german cars = cancer

t. american badged british car

No, gypsies and moors do it so.

Turks drive them

In America Niggers drive Acura, who drives them in Russia?

>who drives them in Russia?


mostly turks/lebanese and old farts from Bavaria

mostly moors going from france to the orth of African countries do, buy a shitty half broken BMW and go home telling how wonderful things are in europe and how rich he got in here. Those cars are easy to spot (pic related).

BMW M3 is a car for assholes

What do ethnic europeans drive?

For me owner of new expensive BMW is
>somebody who has too much money to care that you can buy like 1 bmw or 10+ škoda
>gold digging young sexy female who cant even park her car properly
>crazy road pirate who will most likely kill you in car accident and only he survives because bmw is more safer than škoda
>some old fat guy who is higher manager of some corporate and this is firm's car (caboose?)

The power of brand is real.

>What do ethnic europeans drive?

cheap shit cars like Toyota, VW, etc

>cheap shit cars like Toyota
>shit cars


this is the official white mans car.


Here there are only 2 kinds of people who drive BMWs.
Retards who act and wanna look tough
and teenage boys who act and wanna look tough.

upper middle class

Thinking of getting a e39 m5

2bh I think it's just a myth to ridicule rich people because we are envious of them and because of cargo cult many people think that attitudes of westerners mean something. BMW is cool car, yet I like Mercedes more. I'd like to have an old 70s Mercedes to ride for my pleasure and have a modern Mersedes sedan for a daily routine if I was rich.

Hence the expression ''Turkenbenz'' :)

>Tfw i will never belong to a meme people in a foreign country.

based euro accord

Btw yes, I never understood Europeans and taking broader, westerners. I couldn't believe my eyes when I visited Europe myself. Quality of life was obviously higher, people looked richer.. And they were driving shitty old cars. What's wrong with you, people? People here take credits in banks for a 10-20% to buy a new car. Cars in Moscow are more new than cars in London despite we aren't first world country. Wtf? Why do you hate cars? Don't you like driving cars at all?

Ponty are not encouraged among white ppl

If I was rich I would obviously buy Cayenne. What's the point in buying Mercedes if you have money enough to buy a new one? For these same money you could buy a Cayenne, just used, and obtain a more classy car.

Here white color of cars is the most fashionable now. Is it the same in Europe?

People on Cayenne or G-Wagen here should be hanged.

It's not about пoнты. It's about enjoying driving a car. You would never feel anything with old Toyota, fucking Prius or other gay cars popular in the West. Riding a Mercedes, BMW or sport cars like Mustang or Viper would be incredible. Riding an offroad car is great too. I would prefer old Land Rover with elements falling away to """cars"""" like Smart. You have cheap plastic, rustle, small salon, not enough safety and the most important - not enough speed and feeling of the road in a cheap car.

you answerd your own question.

people don't buy a car for status, this is a 3rd wolrd thing desu
Yugos do this here

No they drive Audi.
Turks and other shitskins drive VW. Usually three gen old models.

>starving cockhole envious of rich people who can afford food in his country
Well, was it fun to jump?
We may have problems but we aren't worse than many African countries unlike you. We are Latin America. You're Zimbabwe.

they are with right steering wheel here

What do you do for status? Discuss buttfuck and democracy?

>Yugos do this here

>What do you do for status?
Nothing? Showing off your status through showing off your ''possesions'' is frowned upon here.
No one will treat your diffrently for owning a new BMW.

The highest BMW density is where many social welfare apartments are.

Yes. German yobbos have switched to Audis. Audis are the worst speeders and tailgaters nowadays.

I wish people around here were like that.

japanese stuf

Yes. I've only seen Albanians and Romanians with BMW/Mercedes


They prefer to buy or stole an expensive car and live in a commieblock than live in a house and drive a normal car.

here i can spot albanians because they spend all their money on cars like niggers. they love the x6

people with money drive shit cars like a passat or chevrolet


Russian standards...

If people care about cars they'll buy the cars they want, if they don't they won't because no one cares about that shit

Why are you suggesting that you can only enjoy driving in a new car? What makes old cars worse at driving?

yup, that's a bald bydło car

No its a meme for people who can't afford German cars

>living in a house like a dirty peasant is good
Wew, what a retard.
Who are yobbos?

okay Mohammad

site note:medpack is the only flag that makes me jelly regularly ;_; feels 3rd world

Loud, uncultured, self-important, arrogant people. Braggards. бaхвaл or хвacтyн according to Google Translate.

> gypsy damage control

that applies to england too (the switch in preference)
some of the quick audis are nice though man
i really like fast estate cars

c63 amg estate car would be the dream

So do I, but I'll ride the bus before I become a BMW or Audi owner.


I don't know any white guys who drive high end cars, with the exception of sons-of-millionaires.

Brown dudes who can't afford them, nouveaux riches from Asia, and Russians buy luxury cars. I've never met a white born Canadian who owned a high end car. It's just a stupid investment in a country where winter is guaranteed to rust anything and everything metal.

I don't know why Russians buy luxury cars. I would have thought they'd have the same winter problems we do. Maybe they don't salt their roads as aggressively.

>tfw a Skyline faced Stagea will never have the steering wheel on the correct side for as long as you live in continental Europe

i know what you mean. is that yours?

I always see the nicest cars outside the poorest neighborhoods baka. I was going home in an Uber one night and the guy who picked me up had a custom paint Chrysler with custom leather seats n sheiit.

The guy was talking about upgrading to a Mercedes. At that point, he'll have spent about $100,000 on those two cars alone probably. That's money that he could've put aside for retirement or kids' education. Cars are nice but there are more important things

Cls and gl amg look nice

Nah, driving a boring Auris as of now. Tracking the ads for a decent first gen V70 to buy immediately though. Really hard to find with one of the top engines and in decent condition nowadays, most of them have more than 200k miles pissed away.

>also tfw no fast American wagon will ever have a tolerable interior quality
Seriously, I've seen econoboxes that look and feel better on the inside than this thing does, including my own Toyota "Corolla".

No one thinks about investments here. Everything we do we do for fun and pleasure.
Also having a good horse has always been respected in our traditional culture, especially in southern Russia. Horses are often mentioned in our traditional songs, especially in Cossack culture.

>Volvo, the ultimate symbol of the philistine middle class (at least in the Nordics)
>somehow more respectable than the nouveau-riche and cargo-cult-nouveau-riche symbols
Meh. For me it's 30 year old American V8 or nothing.

I was looking at Volvos too but they're too boring. If you saw that pic it's mine, actually really comfy interior - full leather heated electric seats, tinted windows, decent soundsystem etc. I like it because it's super low key, economical and quite fun to drive. Just wish it was the petrol v6.

Normally I'd consider Volvos boring, too, but the V70R with its sport bumper, big slot grille, rear spoiler and select colors really is a different beast in my eyes. Plus it's got 240 to 265 hp AND THAT GODLY FIVE CYLINDER SOUND.

Also I was considering to consider a Saab, but they're all a lot less comfy looking on the inside than the Volvos are (for some reason Saab seem to hate fake wood and I like it), and they're probably also fucked five ways from friday thanks to their GM corporate roots. If anyone has positive experiences with them feel free to claim otherwise.

Holy shit, Sup Forums has the worst taste in cars. Better stick to bicycles or public transport.

there's a boatload of them about for cheap for a reason m8. looked at these myself, would avoid. the reason I said the volvo is boring is in terms of how it drives. maybe if the suspension is harder with those bigger wheels, maybe... But it's still a volvo

Saab 900i was my first car and I still love her. Not the prettiest girl in class (especially the spoilerless combi coupe, seen from behind), but warm, reliable and with unique character.

This was pre-GM era though, with genuine Swedish Aeronautics heritage. Just look at the cockpit. I didn't know a lot about mechanics back then but the thing weighed almost 2t and was solid as hell.

Yeah probably. The way I see it it's the Opel of Sweden, and I've had enough bad experiences with Opels.

>also tfw they never made the Legnum VR4 with left hand drive

Same from outside

Wasn't ugly duckling even the common nickname?

Saab 99 was the "ducktail" model. Although the 900 was made with a similar sedan-ish tail too.

Just look at how cute it is :3

when i see the old volvo cars i always think that they have wooden or plywood hull

always looks like some sort of a comedy

*the old swedish cars
