Why are Japs so autistic when it comes to using PC's?
>anime news network
>news network
Why are Japs so autistic when it comes to using PC's?
>anime news network
>news network
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whoops, forgot the gay ass link
[spoiler]anime fucking news network
>anime news network
whats this
Theyd rather just use a fax because their zaibatsu kaisha got one in the eighties and they still havent paid it off yet.
Also when the fuck did capcha start to take half a minute to work thru? Shitposting is almost not worth the effort anymore..
Everyone is connected
whats that. the reason japan still uses it is they wont feel at ease unless they get something physical like a certificate.
its kinda shitty in this regard but not about someones intrest. and this custom isnt shitty in all cases. this also goes for the reason why japan still prefers physical media in games and comics.
Pls go, JIDF shill.
Everyone knows the yakuza force all the zaibatsu to use fax and other outdated tech instead of computers.
Also, nips just cant understand modern technology. like how noone in Japan has a smartphone yet, because they hate both apple and android
im not jew and all you are telling is simply false. tho im not sure if you are serious. as shitposting your post would be 2/10. i couldnt understand whats the funny point, its too meta. tho on the other hand its actually making me laugh because you look like you are purposefully acting like a pointless desperate Sup Forumsack
Why are japs such turbonormies when it comes to computing? Use of Unix-like OSes seems to be pretty much nonexistant, they even use Windows for fucking servers.
Fucked that one up didn't we
probably its because japan hasnt had a hacking scene/culture. for instance you had amiga and its scene but in japan it was msx. i dont know much about the culture but msx was generally used for programming games, not for hacking hardware or programming software.
>new hires in IT companies can't into email
Holy shit, now all the media blitzkrieg in schools in my 3rd world shithole about learning japanese and IT to work in japan makes fucking sense.
whats that its listed on that site? then this is a usual lie.
Yeah, but even if it is what is it with Japan and asking for IT guys from a 3rd world country?
Got curious once and checked it out and apparently they pay enough money for me to live comfortably even if I live in Japan, but don't worry nipbro I won't immigrate there.
i wont click that shit site because of the name but seemingly that list or article is inflammatory weebtrash that is made up like always.
Most likely weebshit.
Weirdly enough, you guys actually hire flip animators for anime don't know how well it pays but if that can happen in that industry I don't see how it can't happen in tech.
Won't be surprised to see a couple of pajeets or juans creating the next JP software or videogame.
anime news network is an american website
>pajeets or juans creating the next JP software or videogame.
sadly this is impossible. i once was following the scenes in sk and china for 10years or so, they were always claiming "yes we can" shit but they couldnt produce a single strong content. to achieve this, they must get rid of all the piracy first and make an original content that can be popular in their own country, not a fucking "global" piece of shit. they always aim for the "global" market but they dont realize its simply wrong. they must have the domestic popular figures and contents and grow it on their own.
> I don't see how it can't happen in tech.
its probably because of the language. unlike anime and shit, it requires tasks that heavily depend on the language. if japanese can speak english, it can be like what you said.
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