Especially Germans? Is it because yet again the Anglos have stopped German domination? RIP EU, Nexit next.
Why are Europeans still butthurt over Brexit?
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Please leave my country, James. A true Dutchman should always choose the Germans over the Engl*sh.
If it wasn't for Merkel, Brits would still be in the EU. Germ*ns are assholes.
t. proud cuck
>RIP EU, Nexit next
Sure thing buddy
A true Dutchman wouldn't choose any of them, Hans Cuck.
Why are Europeans so butthurt about Germany?
I see more people whining about Germany governing the EU than germans whining about Brexit
Reword your posts without using cuckold or any of its derivatives and I'll do you the favour of clarifying my position. Keep your fetishes to yourself.
The cuck here is you.
They were butthurt before that.
t. cuck
t. cuck
You are a disgrace to your ancestors who fought to be independent you kanker cuck.
Reminder that the Brits liberated you so show some respect you little swamp German.
Because you always try and destroy Europe?
>Invents Marxism
>Starts WW1
>Starts WW2
>EU shills
>Invite millions of Muslims to Europe
Be normal for once you fucking autists or Anglos will have to push your shit in again.
Anyone with even the most rudimentary grasp of Dutch history should know that the English are our natural enemies, and the Germans, while certainly not always reliable, are our kin. Throughout history England has brought the Netherlands (and continental Europe) nothing but deceit and misery.
All of you are mentally ill. Stop fetishizing black men.
It's the fault of France.
Actually, I am happy about Brexit
I always saw Brits as a 5th column, who weren't really interested in European integration, only joined the EU to reap the benefits and slow it down.
And there was no way to kick them out, but then, out of the blue, they make this wonderful present and leave the EU by themselves.
Thank you Britain!
Did you prep the bull?
You were relevant in the 1600s. That's it.
Anglos have had to save your asses from the French and the Germans so wind your neck in, Maarten.
Are you just butthurt that you lost half your clay (Belgium) becuase of Anglos? Top Kek, another country utterly BTFO by the British.
>invents Marxism
>what's the French commune
>Has been debunked often enough
>The allies fucking humiliated Germany and so destroyed the young democracy
>Ideas of the French who wanted to weaken Germany
>Caused by Anglos and French fucking with this region for years
Are you even Dutch you mongoloid? Before "Germany invited" the Muslims, 5% of our population was Muslim. Now? Still the same. The same story goes for France and England. Our countries imported them way before the Syrian crisis started.
>You were relevant in the 1600s
so you arent Dutch?
Ah, like clockwork, you're not even Dutch but just an English mong living in my country, as my initial thought was.
Says a lot about England that it's so awful that you'd rather live here.
Even we send 40% of the refugees back. Also we have about 5% muslims
The fact you still push for EU integration given how much of a failure the EU has been just shows that Krauts are either still consuming Allied anti-German propaganda or you're all insane. Given your history of destroying Europe my money's on the latter.
Death to the EU. It's an absolute fucking pleasure watching you EU fags have a meltdown over Trump. The most powerful man in the world unironically hates the EU and is a Brexiteer.
The Anglos are coming for you again, Hans, and this time we'll finish the job.
>destroyed the young democracy
Do you have autism?
t. cuckxperts
Frexit will be next lads.
>invaded twice in 30 years
Why? The reparations caused massive hate for the democratic parties.
>Frexit will be next lads.
Not if Fillon doesn't make it to the second round
The town I'm in has statues devoted to British soldiers that liberated you. Stay mad, German spies.
If you support the EU you are anti-Dutch.
t. cuck
a true dutchman would choose the Netherland above all else. the fact you rather want to suck the kraut's bradwurst is disgusting
t. non-cuck
We're not butthurt over brexit, hit the button you pussy brits.
Will never happen, we're one of the true beneficiaries of the EU.
that dutchcuck should kill himself
As long as Guy Maurice Marie Louise Verhofstadt exist Nexit will not happen. You are trapped and Britain is going to be the example of what happens when you leave this fantastic club out of free will.
Germans didn't invade us in WW1, disgusting spic.
I'll piss on those statues.
Of course you idiot, but when faced between choosing the Germans or the English scum, we should always choose the Germans. We are a small countries and need allies. Economically and politically, Germans are much better allies than the English scum.
Yes, Rotterdam looks really nice doesn't it? God bless Merkel and open borders!
If you stay in the EU there will be no Netherlands left.
You're clearly a Turk. Dutch people throw themselves at Brits because we are the big Alpha males that saved your country when Dutch men couldn't.
>You can never leave
>Can leave anytime he wants, yet keeps postponing.
Nederland heeft niet meer zoveel macht gehad sinds de 18e eeuw, Geert. Wil je teruggaan naar een tijd waar een sterk land je annexeert wanneer ze er zin in hebben?
It was actually Canada, but even then it doesn't matter. You HAVE to go back.
Hij is een br*t in Nederland.
>If you stay in the EU there will be no Netherlands left.
This guy gets it.
>Germans are much better allies than the English scum.
do i need to remind you that the Netherlands was officially neutral during the first world war, and germany still nearly involved us in the war.
after that, in the second world war, they completely violated neutrality and just occupied us, taking every bike they could find, causing the great famine, etc.
i'd have England as ally any day of the week before germany.
but, even so, we aren't forced to choose. we are our own nation. if fags like you existed during the anglo-dutch war, we would either have become a Provence of france or england.
Alleen de Nederlanders om te stemmen over Nederlandse aangelegenheden. Een land zonder grenzen is geen land.
This guy gets it.
I still hope Geert frees you like Farage freed us Brits, despite that disgusting Randstad Turk badmouthing Anglos on here.
The Canadians liberated us tbqh.
Montgomery fucked us with his shitty Market Garden.
Implying there's a difference.
>no wars
>prosperity across Europe
>free travel and job opportunities for people
how exactly was EU a failure?
Does people in markelland really like eu and euro?
>no wars
are you kidding? along with america, we are the lead contributor to the middle-easter proxy wars. don't fucking kid yourself.
>prosperity across Europe
since the introduction of the EU, the GDP and national income has crawled to sub percentage figures.
>free travel and job opportunities for people
free travel is a fucking luxury, and only people wealthy enough to go on international holidays often are advantaged by this. any other bloke wouldn't mind asking for a visa and going through customs once every few years. as for job opportunities, the only people who are getting benefits from that are the fucking poles, taking jobs that could have easily been done and would have been done by dutch. taking jobs from someone and redistributing them isn't increasing job opportunities, fucking kraut.
>are you kidding? along with america, we are the lead contributor to the middle-easter proxy wars. don't fucking kid yourself.
no wars between EU member states
>since the introduction of the EU, the GDP and national income has crawled to sub percentage figures.
Look at the high economic growth in eastern europe. Compare Poland in the 90s to nowadays.
>free travel is a fucking luxury, and only people wealthy enough to go on international holidays often are advantaged by this
are you a time traveller from 300 years ago?
The continent of Europe hasn't grown in a decade. Open borders means free movement of terrorists. Merkel has probably single-handedly lost the EU Britain and France. Also the euro is a complete mess. Italy is on the verge of bankruptcy. Once that happens it's curtains for the countries stupid enough to still use the currency.
>Look at the high economic growth in eastern europe
because they are funneling massive amounts of money earned in western europe in the east, you retard. overall, we are slowing down considerably.
>are you a time traveller from 300 years ago?
>what is low income?
>The continent of Europe hasn't grown in a decade.
oh, and "no wars in the EU" is retarded, we haven't had that since after the second world war, long before the EU was even proposed. the EU has had nothing to do with that.
even so, you didn't specify that. we have been fucking up other countries with the sole intent to fight our wars outside our countries. of course the wars aren't within europe.
>Italy is on the verge of bankruptcy
You're delusional if you think the EU did this, Italy fucked herself up by taking on so many bad loans.
Our GDP doubled since the introduction of the euro though
>free travel is a fucking luxury
>only people wealthy enough to go on international holidays often
Now even i know that you are not for real.
I am Bulgarian.
Bulgaria is the the poorest EU country right now.
I've traveled on vacation abroad every year since we joined the EU since it is so easy.
For crying out loud i hop in my car and go to the beach in Greece whenever i want and the Greeks are literally swarming at the mineral springs in Sandanski or at our ski resorts.
Are you trying to tell us that you are poorer than me... a Bulgarian or your average Greek?
They have a currency that doesn't suit them. See Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. The idea of a single currency over such a heterogeneous continent was a dumb idea from the start, but then the EU knew this. 'Every crisis is an opportunity for more integration'. You've been duped. Just because you're happy being a small province of the Brussels empire doesn't mean everyone else is. Judging by the polls most Dutch agree with me.
>long before the EU was even proposed.
EEC was created in 1957
>He thinks people couldn't go on holidays before the EU
you keep shifting the goal post
you were saying that poor people cant travel and he proved you wrong
Yeah, sitting 12 hours at the border is a great way to spend your vacation.
You sound like a person who doesn't travel a lot.
Are you a poor NEET who has to rely on government money?
>They have a currency that doesn't suit them
So what? They are not the Netherlands and therefore I don't care.
Oh stop crying about borders you fucking gypsy, now we're literally flooded by rapefugees and wannabe jihadists because of our porous borders (non-existent actually).
I didn't say that.
>free travel is a fucking luxury, and only people wealthy enough to go on international holidays often are advantaged by this
I'm a Brit living in the Netherlands.
But you have the same currency. What happens in Italy affects everywhere else in the eurozone. Do you even economics?
Yes. I didn't say that, another user did.
Has it occurred to you the fact it's now so easy for any old gypsy to come to the West is a reason people don't like open borders?
Put yourself in our shoes.
>Oh great, I can visit the likes of Bulgaria and Bosnia without showing papers
It benefits poorer countries more.
>Oh great, I can move to the West where the minimum wage pays triple what I can get in my shithole
things I learned on Sup Forums today:
everyone is a cuck
You think that a wall would stop them?Nothing short of machinegun fire is stopping that horde.
We have a wall with Turkey and a real border...They still manage to go trough it,they start coming on boats trough the Black Sea.
They are not coming trough the official border control points.
So unless you have machineguns every 100 meters on your boarder they will pour in.
Also how about you talk to your faggot buddies and organize a fucking real EU army and spread it around and finance for a real outer border of the EU?
Do you expect us boarder countries to defend you all?How about you participate a little?
We are the once that share a boarder with Cockroachland.
yeah sure
>the likes of Bulgaria and Bosnia
This coming from a chav living abroad.What about the garbage that you bring when you come to our resorts?
What about your human trash?
They can't just stop themselves can't they
I wonder when will the Brits do it again
>RIP EU, Nexit next.
Nice thread OP
albion is perfidous. never trust him
Merkel. She ruined europe just for her approval rating.
Learn how to follow a conversation you mong.
>Implying people getting drunk on holiday is the same as permanently moving to a country and becoming a constant criminal menace
Fuck off Turkish Russian.
>The Anglos have stopped German domination
So let me get this straight, the Brits gave up their representation and veto rights within the biggest trading block in the world which they used to counter German influence in favor of a less favorable agreement that will make them still pay into the budget and accept the overwhelmingly majority of European legislation.
So essentially, they will have to accept laws and conditions which countries like Croatia and Germany (even more so) have more say over.
And this reduced German influence how? This sounds more like it's going to strengthen Germany's position within the EU and all of Europe.
Indeed, this sounds akin to voluntary vassaldom for the UK under a German-dominated EU with no means, almost no leverage and representation to counter it.
>He still thinks Britain will pay EU contributions
Kek. Britain had no leverage in the EU anyway because the rest of Europe is so left-wing. Brits now have a powerful ally in the White House, plus anti-EU movements are popping up across Europe. Germany is losing its grip on Europe once again and it's beautiful.
If they want to remain part of the single market they will have to pay contributions and if they don't want their economy to tank they will have to remain in the single market. For example Norway is paying more than a lot of real member states.
>Britain had no leverage
Do you even know how the European Institutions work? Britain used to have veto powers in the council and commission and among the biggest share of MEPs.
They were able to secure special exceptions and rebates that were just applied to them.
You are trusting Trump? A guy who has zero trustworthiness when it comes to keeping up with negotiate d FTAs? You realize that the UK has a worse bargaining position as a single state than the single market with virtually any country?
>anti-EU movements
These movements have been disillusioned quite harshly by the consequences of Brexit.
>These movements have been disillusioned quite harshly by the consequences of Brexit.
Who is le pen :D :D
This guy knows what's up
A corrupt politician that will be prosecuted for defrauding the European tax payer by setting up fictive employment after she has lost the French election.
Germans are so smelly + autistic LMAO
Brits don't want to stay in the single market. Most countries in the world aren't in your little club and they're doing better than you debt-loving, weak currency-using, Islam loving cucks.
Yes I trust Trump. The US isn't petty like the EU. They put business first and Trump is a businessman with British heritage. He will help the UK.
Le Pen and Geert Wilders should give you a wake up call. The EU is despised because of Germany's reckless managing of it.
What countries are doing better than us? Who exactly is your metric?
This is some crazy delusional projection. First the UK has the biggest dometic private debt +public debt to GDP ratio of all European countries.
Second, didn't the pound just lose 30% of it's value?
Third, it's people like farage that favor immigration from Muslim Commonwealth countries over Euripean ones.
We use the same currency, yet we are different countries with different economies. By them fucking up and not being able to devalue their currency they become stagnant and their companies will move towards countries that offer better options for your euro, like the Netherlands. This is made easier because we are one bloc which allow free movement of labor. EU is a scam for poor countries in favor of the rich countries.
BEST POST on this thread so far tbqh
The Netherlands are actually benefitting a little bit more from the Euro than Germany actually, haha.