1. Cunt

1. Cunt
2. Do you buy stuff from based chinks?



Yes. I have a print head on the way.

I'm not poor

No I'm not a poor niggard

Nope, I have a strong policy against sweat shop goods.

nah that's paki-tier


t. purveyor of fine memes

2.Yes, except for refrigerated food (chinks tend to turn off their fridges at night)

yeha i purchase many chinkshit and some materials/craft supplies

shits dirt cheap its good for a sample or a test


Based af tbqhwyf


What should I buy from chinks?

Yes. So far I bought a couple of tenkara rods, a chink ""trangia"" stove, tshirts and hats. On transit some fishing flies, a bag and a watch.

we dont have a choice

About to gamble away my last $20 in a game of king chess. Wish me luck.

Yea. You buy all your crud from us.


I'm playing against a nigger.

bought a custom mousepad from China for $1 like 5 years ago and still use it today.


Headphones and a ruizu

look my tablet is chink
my cable management is chink
my autismcube is chink
my t (c)hinkpad is chink

+xiomi hybrid

When I lived in China, I bought stuff from chinks every day.

why spend $1200 on a normie apple or samsung phone when you could import a $150 chink phone with better specs?

Just bought a chink phone. Hoping that it won't explode in my pants and neuter me in the process.

No but next time I buy something I am.

wtf i love chinks now

only after pushing for a hard bargain and I'm buying only crotch rocket fairings

I'm planning on buying a fountain pen.

They can make that now

Yes. As much as I can.
