>Australia's GDP 1.56 trillion USD (2013)
>New Zealand's GDP 185.8 billion USD (2013)
Remind me why we haven't invaded this "country" and made it a territory again?
Australia's GDP 1.56 trillion USD (2013)
Just fucking do it already.
>Australians who invented Pavlova: None
>New Zealanders who invented Pavlova: One (1)
Australia absolutely BTFO
Daily reminder that New Zealand is still labelled as part of Australia under the Australian constitution and was once apart of the state of New South Wales, do not believe the propaganda of the eternal Apple jew
t. country that invented pavlova
What is New Zealand's economy based on? Where does the money come from
just fucking try you little shit, your not touching New Zealand.
How can you invade a country if you can't invade a field occupied by emus
How can you invade a country if you can't invade a field occupied by rice farmers
The average man from New Zealand is weaker then an emu.
well, it's hard trying to invade when according to wartime law, your country is officially occupied by emu
>australia lost a war and now the enemy is occupying their country
Nothing there mate. We make some maoris slaves, but they have nothing else. We should make it a site for detention camps
Because you're scared t b h m8.
Your women are officially occupied by Australian seed, how does that make you feel?
My Dutch gf thinks Dutch men are sissies, and she is carrying my child, lad. How does it feel?
do it you poofs
Not only do they have an emu on their coat of arms, they have my flag on theirs. I often wonder why the hell people take Australian posters seriously when this is the case.
Fuck the US coat of arms is poo
mega.nz of course.
Because every time you organize an invasion plan there is always the same problem, they are not on the map
This is a 10/10 in New Zealand. Why do they have shit tastes?
NZeds economy is doing better though. I mean, I mean it isn't just digging up rocks and selling it
Found the Kiwi faggot living in Australia, lads.
Fuck off.
You want even more Maori?
Also they dont even have any good rocks to sell to chinks m8
Because roos and emus occupy and demilitarized your country
>China's GDP 9.24 trillion USD
>Australia's GDP 1.56 trillion USD
Remind me why they haven't invaded this "country" and made it a territory
Wanna see what's under that shield big boy? ;)