Fix this site Gook, right now.
/balt/ + /ausnz/
fucking bots
*prays to Oden for snus*
*does snus*
binkas bunkas binkis
>tfw to intelligent
Fix this site Gook, right now.
Guys we're too heavy! We need to lose weight fast.
Quickly, everyone take off your clothes. Doesn't matter where you are, everybody needs to pitch in.
Get nude!
fuck off
After having foreigner matches on tinder I'm starting to realise why all my mates hate Australian women
>radio says blizzard is keeping all traffic locked out, they advice to walk home
>it will take 2 hours for me to 'walk' home
>got 6 hours left at work
gay boi
This guy
I sharted and didn't even realise for 2 hours.
Does this mean I have American ancestry? If so, what should I do?
>1.34 Mbps download.
>0.72 Mbps upload.
>Ping 95 ms.
Hmmm, something not right here lads. I normally get 5 Mbps download & ping around 30.
I will be getting the NBN before you
>tfw the gook can't handle this amount of Australian shitposters and crash his website
Reminder that Australians and Kiwis are infact Latvians
Reminder that Latvians are infact French due to their superiority among other /balt/ics
Thank you.
Are you proper French?
who are you even talking to
can i post yet?
Fug, now the hwndu stream is down.
can we all agree that pale white girls really do look great taking big black cocks?
Holy shit that Colt family case in New South Wales LMAO
Are Aussies officially the new Appalachian bumpkins?
pooping rn lawl
dodgy site
we lost a lot of good men out there
I'm never going outside again.
Did you guys also suffer from blizzard storm?
this cant keep happening
what happen?
Lads it's so fucking hot in here but I don't want to open the windows in case creepy crawlies come in :^(
what temperature is it? or are you just burning up in christchurch
c-can I post yet
Hamilton, it's chilly outside but my room's a heattrap
ah yes fucking snowstorm outside when it's supposed to be almost spring already
you'll get more than creepy crawlies coming through your windows :^)
A weta crawled into my sleeve of my jacket the other day, gave me quite the fright when I put it on.
I haven't seen a Weta in 10 years, I thought they all died out kek
I see them every now and then, although I do live in the wop wops
We did it
Harden up cunt, we literally had weeks here where the overnight low didn't drop below 30 followed by 40+ degree days
made my day
Did what?
can you translate this? I don't speak russian
Recidivistic NEETism.
I was raised on penine moorland, I'm not used to heat.
the gypsies on the pic have been expelled
Dancing IRL as we speak
Well that is a cause for celebration.
>'you are like little baby' says man stood arms crossed set aflame
you dont have to speak russian to understand what is written there :^)
>penine moorland
What is this?
This will not go unpunished.
Hitler was a sensitive man.
he's a britbong
Daddy Cool
Ahh I see.
wow australia has culture
i like you now
why is Latvia so fucking based
a roo made him type it at gunpoint
you were more entertaining with your vatican/EU flag
n-no he didn't
*blinks twice*
I love France as well bby. :')
Legit going to learn French so I can banter with you lads.
Alain Delon is the most handsome man of all times. No homo.
*binks twice*
*binks thrice*
literally the most mainstream reddit tier shit
Your mum is gay.
hol up we dem boyz
are any european roma decent integrated citizens? I've only seen ones in France and the UK committing petty crime, begging etc
I assume there must be a silent proportion who live normally
What happened to him?
I really enjoyed that traditional Lithuanian folk song.
they're not integrated anywhere
here they are mostly thieves and hard drug dealers like heroin
He was divided.
I come from a Romanian (French) family and am very well integrated in France (not)
Oh not, it's the police! Hide the body! Quick!
how can you listen to this garbage?
Some gipsies are alright, majority of them have that vibe of "Better not leave my wallet out in the open."
Because it's a fucking.
fucking gook
Es tevi mīlu (took my 10 minutes to translate)