How will world war three start? What will the factions look like?

How will world war three start? What will the factions look like?

Israel and America vs Iran

first civil wars
then east vs west

america and friends vs china (and russia, possibly pakistan)

or perhaps it's already started in the middle east?


China has been quite neutral. They're not showing any signs of hostility towards anyone but themselves for decades, not sure where you got that idea from. Russia has always been an edgy nation but with Trump in charge of the US that would be very unlikely to happen. NATO can be unpredictable. In our current geopolitical scenario WW3 is nowhere near being a possibility. Worst that could happen is Iran and Turkey getting btfo.

Your reddit wet dream of a holy war will never happen bud
Pic related is more likely
Green is neutral, NZ is sick of Europe's bullshit and will never fight another war for them
Grey is countries I don't know enough about to make a call on whether they go neutral or join a faction
Most the grey countries will prob go neutral though

Lmao, South America isn't going to do a damn thing.

Ukraine will be in civil war btw

This is stupid we don't have a religion why would we care.

And Brazil is super catholic

Right off the bat the only relevant countries (outside of nuke capable ones) are USA, Russia, India, and China. Especially the latter two.

Why are catholics obsessed with the virgin mary?

South america doesn't give a shit about your meme wars

we didn't in the first
we didn't in the second
we sure as hell won't in the third

Your map is also inaccurate. Portugal would most certainly remain neutral. If Spain joined a war the internal civil unrest alone would be enough to break the economy of Spain. Saudi Arabia would also most likely remain neutral.


Then what have they been doing in the South China Sea?

asutralia has sent troops to fight in nearly every US and British war. not neutral.

>tfw neutral

what is holy?
If it is an evil and depraved Jewish religion, please remove us from there.

Sup Forums tier autistic meme

le deus vult xDD

Excellent post!

thank you for putting my mind at ease mr brazilman


> sakhalin independence
> neutral caucausus
> non-islamic ukraine

> egypt and india committing to a side
> peaceful, non-opportunistic irish
> erasure of palestine okay with the sunni kings
> norway in, sweden and aus, out
> no german and french anti-islamic balkanization

wew lads

Because is the mother of god you twat

> norway in, sweden and aus, out
Yes my burger friend if you wouldn't be such an insufferable lardass you'd know these green countries have already stated their diplomatic neutrality in a case of war. Sweden and Finland most famously going with the Neutrality. Norway picked his side long ago when he joined Nato.