>literally only general threads
What's even the point of this fucking board?
Literally only general threads
From ashes to ashes, we are just a stardust.
We are in space all the time.
Cunt >bantz and shitposting desu senpai
Each sticks to their own
Proof that multicultural integration does not work and never will
I barely remember Sup Forums before generals anymore.
yeah, I don't get it. This is the first time I've been here in years and it looks like it has even more generals than before.
>international board! let's have fun and interact with other cultures!
>every single country has its own separate thread
>instead of fun intercultural relations, Sup Forums would rather silo themselves into their own boring, incomparable echo chambers
I wish /mämmi/ was deleted permanently
It's just a competition of who's the biggest losers/hikki/rat/neet at this point and used to trade suicide tips
Not a single meme to be had
Just hide them. control + left click to hide them faster.
>"literally only" means "half"
why do this when you can filter?
Generals are fine, Sup Forums leaking needs to be fixed though.
what's left though user
What needs fixing is the leaf problem
pol-tier post
I suck at filtering. When I filter generals, it also filters anyone using "/___/". Threads mentioning Sup Forums, another board or shitposts like /ourguy/ get filtered.
you have to filter every single variation of each general, not filtering anything with //, remember some generals don't use them