*walks towards the pitch* edition
the bump limit is at 310, faggot
first try
boiling burping, squealing at all the alt-right runts now defending paedophilia because their god did it... swine!
work in 30 minutes lads
Wonder how women feel knowing that whether they like it or not literally every single man they meet, aside from some benders, will at some point have a stray thought about what it'd be like to fuck them
define paedophilia
remember, no gfs forever
i know like 3 women irl and ive wanked to them multiple times, developing very complex fantasies desu.
Been a bit gay since I was young haha, did some gay things then as well haaha
but the 4444 aussia said I would be happy
once had a wank to a mate's gf who i didn't find particuarly attractive and didn't like her personality
get featured on I.T.V.'s Neighbours from Hell.
Got a sprained ankle and just did an exceptionally mediocre leg workout
>trusting australians
go on Get Your Own Back and gunge them
yeah but luckily most men they'll meet with have gfs
almost dropped me cup of coffee on my keyboard that'd leave me in a stick sitch haha
good post
how dear you betray me like this
girls do this about us
biology innit
why are my muscles still so small despite all my lifting
consume protein
gotta eat big to get big man, c'mon
sounds like a case of the runts to me lad
Khe Sanh isn't a bogan song 2bh
can't win them all
favourite musical?
what's wrong with australians
Australians are Americans with funny accents
Eh but even the ugliest woman will eventually cross someone's mind (within reason, obviously if they're physically disfigured runts maybe not). Doubt women are masturbating to the 5'5'' obese bloke who hasn't learnt how to use deodorant
just been filtered lads
i eat 6 peanut butter sandwiches a day
eating an apple lads
let off an absolutely horrendous fart in the biscuit aisle in tesco. passed by it again on my way out and they'd closed off the whole aisle
>eating the yeasty jew
why can't rightists go 5 minutes without mentioning free speech
Used to love playing ck2 but haven't played in ages, how is it these days? Heard they had some shit new dlc
australians are just irishmen who were dropped of on a desert continent to serve out their sentences and some how they made a country out of it by killing all the native inhabitants
>peanut butter
fingers smell like skips
(relevant info: just had a wank)
Sounds like licking out an Israeli bird with an infection
why cant lefties go 5 minutes without breathing
im a vegetarian
Have you ever had a fluffernutter la'
Americans are the same, except for the desert part
Epidemics are basically "lol now your vassals hate you and you can't use your councillors" or "lol lets kill half your living family and make you play as your 4 year old grandson"
Absolute shit, end up disabling it nowadays
why can the alt-right go 5 minutes without wanting to nonce a child
Bet you'd been planning this gimmick for months and nobody cares. Sad!
i'll stop breathing if you stop posting forever lad. you go first.
>Australian school allows male Muslim pupils to refuse handshakes with women
>Hadith teaching states: 'It is better to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle than to touch the hand of a woman who is not permissible to you'
Very good, Austrlia
I've got all of the lupus symptoms
meat makes me sick, doc says it's because i have too much iron in my blood, fuck off ableist
I read this as allowing good Australian lads to go around stabbing mussies
Business idea: Found a religion based on exterminating orthodox muslims.
what do you do when you're on a night out and you're confronted with a person who used to bully you and you are now bigger and stronger than him
What's this then lads
steal his girlfriend. intimidate him. embarrass him. make him jerk you off in the parking lot.
looking at the #1DayWtihoutUs hashtag and apparently I am meant to feel bad about all the free space
You're all yards Rolf
I didn't get bullied
lol. I wasn't joking. Try learning your own history...
no one should be forced to shake anyone's hand
t. autist who is uncomfortable with being touched
i don't live where i grew up like some inbred never leaves his village potato so it never happens
how did he shrink when i didn't grow?
might wanna go back to school
why make it a religion
kys my man
all manx should be killed
How often are cunts shaking hands at school that this is a problem and why do you need to be 'allowed' to not shake hands with someone? Would be weirder if you forced someone who obviously doesn't wanna shake your hand to shake your hand
degenerative bone disease
think im addicted to politics and current events at this point
horrible depressing stuff that
ireland's a really fucking small country seems like you can't turn a corner without meeting some cunt who's your cousin or you know
*Walks into pub with the boys*
Aye wench, fetch us 3 pitchers of your best winter mead.
business idea: when holding an interview, always have a woman in the room so if the interviewee is a muslim they wont shake their hands and won't get hired
how do right-wing people tolerate his demeanour?
So I can claim religious freedom and minority protection when the state tries to strike me down. Works for the Jews.
Maybe if you were forced to shake peoples hands when you were younger you wouldn't be such a pathetic little waste of space who can't stand physical contact for literally 3 seconds
business idea: spend marshall plan money on backing the sterling
I can't make friends with anyone because I see the flaws in everyone
I used to be like this but just got fucking sick of the shite
*does this but attaches this picture like I meant to*
buy him a beer, get real chummy with him and over the course of months foster a friendship with him, come over to his house to hang out regularly, then one night while i'm there and he's asleep, upper decker his toilet
lmao, the lefty attitude to migration is very revealing.
>if they weren't here who would do all our meagre and niggardly work
from me hometown
>being THIS autistic
rape him
It's not about shaking hands, it's about allowing backwards retarded mudslimes to oppose our social norms. First it's the headwraps and not shaking hands with women, then it's child marriages and honor killings.
i was a normie until i was about 15, stop projecting your pitiful life onto me you pathetic runt
i have a stomach ache
This is literally the best machine at the gym lads, fucking love it
Use free weights for pretty much everything else