Born Black male

>Born Black male
>whole world hates me

Sucks many. Should have been born as a qt black girl desu.

Just hold your head high and shoot for what you want in life. Let nothing stop you, and don't let Sup Forums memes get you down.

You are fighting an uphill battle, prove them all wrong, racist stereotypes are proven constantly but there are their exceptions, you could be one.

I have met tons of black folks that were shit tier people. But I was saved by one good black lady once and so I try to have an open mind about it.

you know the tale `if you suck dicks, you`ll become white. because only white bois are gay`

If I try to act confident everyone tries to shit on me, is there any country I can move to that isn't third world where I won't be constantly ostracized?

I don't hate you. I'm sure you're a cool guy.

t. Honkey

Modern American society is built to kiss your ass though, you have affirmative action and can always pull the race card

If that was true I'd have friends, stop listening to Sup Forums

yes, my afro-american. shoot for what you want in life.

>shoot for what you want



A lot of states have banned AA, and it's been so neutered by the courts by now. It's literally illegal to hire a less qualified person on the basis of race, you're only allowed to make race a factor among equally qualified candidates in order to make the demographics of the school/business/etc represent the demographics of the surrounding area

You got something on your flag Peru?

Just become white.

Asians gawk at white people, I'd probably never get a job there

Of course not, pron producers, college sports teams and politicians looking for scapegoats love you.

Il be your friend
Nice dubs btw

Thanks, but I couldn't even get any of the /r9k/ weirdos to get on my steam friends list

What vidya do you play?

Roguelikes mostly, but I'll pick up csgo or overwatch if I'm really bored, I'm not good at shooters though

no where buddy, being a black guy sucks. That is why everybody says you guys got big dicks, cause that's the only thing u got going even if it isn't actually true.

Only if you are black muslim. If not only half of the word hates you

Find a career in athletics, blacks have faster twitch fibers than whites so you already have an advantage


And you think it's because you're black? Did you explicitly state you were black?

No, but I've tried those omegle threads on there, and always get skipped, maybe I'm just ugly

>tfw no black friend

Maybe. Try one of those /soc/ thread where people rate your mug.

Do you at least have the bbc?

There's always an /Africa/ thread going on sometimes
It's mostly Somalis and Ethiopian and African diaspora but you are always welcomed to join.

Just don't be a nigger around me and we're good.

Thank you
People keep skipping me or giving me a 5 or below, I guess I'm really ugly

Have some self confidence man. If this place makes you feel bad about yourself, do yourself a favor and leave

I'm black too btw

Hard to get it at this point, even my dad bullied me over it

at least you had a dad

It's something you grow desu. The first thing you should do is leave those sites like r9k. It really is a circlejerk of anger and sad

I don't know, try to make irl friends who respect you. I don't know anything about you so I can't say much, but I at least know you need to gtfo r9k

Was your dad not black?

Self confidence is difficult to achieve but in order to gain it you need to do things you can be proud of. Make progress in your life, even if it's minor. Make something or improve yourself, lose weight or lift weights or improve your body and you'll feel better about yourself.

Dad was a retired general and motorcyclist, I didn't really expect much else

is your dad colin powell?

>Born Mixed male
>Look like Adam Lanza with an afro
Should I just end it?

Colin Powell is much nicer and not a giant fucking hypocrite

racemixing increases attractiveness meme btfo

lol you've met colin powell?

why not just join the officer corps? military life is easy mode career-wise since its stable and there's not much racism americans tend to have towards men in uniform.

I have a British friend exactly like this. If he wasnt in Spain right now Id think its you.

Nuh uh look at Blake Griffin

Way to old for that shit now, I'm 21, there are officers younger than me, besides I'm in debt because of college loans so I need to finish that first

He looks like mulatto Ron Perlman

Do you love Japan

I legitimately feel sorry for black people that don't want to act like Niggers.

You just gotta do what you think is right for you and not care about other people think. You'll never get anywhere in life unless you focus on what is personally in your own power to accomplish.

>Just hold your head high and shoot

Most people operate on an individual basis for interpersonal contacts, so you act decent and you are, by and large, going to get positive feedback from quality people. I say this as someone who is routinely called a racist nazi by my coworkers. The wishful thinkers that want to blubber shit like "maaan, just be yourself! RACE DOESN'T MATTER STOP TALKING ABOUT AND IT WILL GO AWAY!" aren't really that far off in terms of practical, daily living advice.