ITT We simulate how Sup Forums would react to a Russian invasion of Finland in 2017
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RIP finlan
American neckbeards would be praising it and justifying it with muh degeneracy arguments.
>20 drunken finns under russian control
>major crisis
I know Sup Forums is edgy and all, but i think everybody would strongly condemn an russian invasion of finland, if it really happend
>no more mandatory s*edish classes
hahahah serves them right
we were never your allies just like you said
it would be bad because then we would only have one bordering country away from north korea
There is no invasion
i'm worried now
even magic putin trips
Kremlin shills would somehow spin it into a completely justified attack and spend thousands of hours on Sup Forums defending it.
That is if ryssä ever admit it. They'll most likely claim dey dindu nuffin.
Trumptards and Sup Forums will celebrate it as a crusade against degeneracy and lesser races.
That's a funny way to say 'NATO invasion of Russia'.
We march on Canada and share the world with Russia again
What invasion? Everyone knows that Finland should always have been part of Russia.
Me and my fellow Finns are very excited that this is finally happening.
Hmm I guess they'd be happy if they are allowed to kill the Swedes and immigrants no questions asked?
Not gonna happen, our countries are bros
This desu
We're just protecting our people u no
Finland is a rightful region of Russian Federation.
>Not gonna happen, our countries are bros
praise tengri, the will of khan shall succeed through finland.
Finnish flag become rare on Sup Forums as everyone is too busy fighting against little green men to shitpost on Sup Forums. Not that there would be any internet infrastructure that wasn't hacked or bombed into rubble.
Russians in much larger numbers file inbetween lakes and trees. Disorganized Finns attack with advanced guerilla memetic warfare. Using short but frequent memeings, along with subtle but ultimately destablizing shitposting the russians surrender mass amounts of land leading up to the borders of korea. In fear of a more prominent mongel border country, Korea is forced to use its starcraft 2 time warp defensive spell cast by the mothership core in an attempt to send the Finns back to the stone age, a time they believed when memes did not exist. They fail as memes are not bound by spacetime and ultimately set stage for the Finno-Korean hyperwar of 8254 BC.
You mean when Finns oppressed by evil pro-EU regime overthrow their evil overlords and rejoin the Russian Empire with the help of Russian arms and Karelian volunteers?
No such thing
do not worry my tengri brother. i shall ride with you, we shall ride together with a thousand horses and we shall blacken the sky with arrows
I'd enlist, immediately.
Have you heard about what happened to ukraine?
Me neither. You would have same fate.
Or it would be similiar to how we were sold to n*zi g*rmans by guys like
these. Only what we dont know if you would surrender peacefully or get the poland's fate.
This man knows.
>Finns can seek asylum as refugees in Sweden without being treated like shit and having to learn the language.
*welcomes new overlords*
My body is ready
Im a weak faggot but I must join the army now.
I wouldn't support it
I love Russia and all, but
a) it wasn't part of the Soviet Union
b) it has no geopolitical importance
nah. Finns already have basic knowledge of the language and most finnish ww2 refugees integrated fairly quickly
Why would I ever want to live in Russia? Pretty much all the russian people I've met during my entire life have been incredibly rude, violent and dumb.
I'd rather hang myself than live around such subhumans. Why you're even allowed on the board is beyond me, I seriously wish I'd never have to have anything to do with you, your shitty alphabets or your pigshit poor slav country.
There's nothing exotic or cool about a country full of thieves, assholes, corruption and poverty. Fucking bomb yourselves.
>mandatory bottle sitting exercises
It'll make Chechnya look like a fun day at the amusement park.
Kremlin shills would claim it was a justified invasion and that there was no invasion at the same time, like they did with Ukraine. Edgelords would go one way or the other
The usa is ready to protect its strategy meme resources in fingolia at whatever cost.
I am pretty much sure you only met Pederburgers.
Pederburgers are all drugwhores and hipsters and not russian at all.
I would be quite sad for the Finns, they don't need to go through that horse hockey again
Its would be disasterous to you guys if you couldnt hide behind finland anymore like always
Posting from the frontlines.
War is truly hell
It's pasta
It would be chechenya 2: electric boogaloo for the following 2000 years
Tfw we started sweden's refugee cucking by flooding there 80 years ago
>all the cute finnish bois have been conscripted
>all the cute russian bois have been conscripted
we're living in the worst time line.
>having your own setit
hmmm yes very nice
Is that ham?
Autistic Finnish snipers v. Drunkard Russian rapists. Close call.
I like pasta. Smooth and silky, lots of carbohydrates too.
I am sure he was referring to all Russians
Potato > pasta
>tfw no qt finn boi to rape
This is what would happen
1) Russian invades memeland
2) Memeland act tough and don't ask for help
3) Memeland requires back up and ask Sweden for help
4) Nordic countries stays neutral
5) RIP Memeland
This sadly
I might unironically go over to fight for you guys though. Serving alongside Finns against a despotic invader would be as meaningful a life as I'm likely to have.
you're a joke going along with that meme
get thee to a canada
In order to win Russia would pretty much need to bomb all the infrastructure and important things in Finland to rubble, which wouldn't happen because A) that kind of shit would get the World Police ™® involved, and B) would kind of defeat any reason to want to invade us
>mandatory bottle sitting exercises
W-w-what does that entail?
But Chechnya was "a fun day at the amusement park" compared to actual wars. For all 15 years of two Chechen wars we had less casualties than for one day of Stalingrad battle.
No that is tuna. There is a ham variant tho
Also war is still hell. Heres some fresh memes from the frontlines
*invades Finland with no survivors*
well Trump is our friend now, we helped him to win.
Finland here - I got a sweet new flag!
>Russia would pretty much need to bomb all the infrastructure and important things in Finland to rubble
Like how they have in syria and in chechnya in the past?
>A) that kind of shit would get the World Police ™® involved
Good joke.
>B) would kind of defeat any reason to want to invade us
Didn't seem to stop them in chechnya or syria.
You bitter sunuvabitch. You think even Russians want to live in Russia?
I mean, yeah, there's 86% of jingo-like hysterical turbopatriots with ambitions of an empire, but the rest 14% can understand shit ya know.
Yeah, and all the Russians itt except for me are pro-government trolls, therefore shitheads, because I'm ethnically non-Slavic and have no reason to pretend I like Great Russian Propaganda.
Finns literally are Siberians, and all of the traits you mentioned.
We are brothers
Finnish denial is hillarious.
Yes, brothers in that you are Cain
>tfw no sissy russian conscript pow's to brutally torture and maim leaving them nothing but hunks of suffering flesh indistinguishable from their former life
You're talking to a copypaste, Ahmed. Relax.
>that kind of shit would get the World Police
Whatever. We were preparing to an american invasion and total war with them for the last 70 years, it's bound to happen sooner or later
that's a pasta too, Ivan.
That's what I am saying they are our brothers just like Ukrainians.
Damn it! they took east Sweden again
Only because r*ssians keep attacking other countries.
I don't care and I'm not nearly from Russian Caucasus you moron
id rather be russian than swede tbqh famalam
Why do you think, that it should to be? It never will. Nobody cares here about finland. Even Ukraine is not interesting. Stop to think about us bad things. Really, we always on right side. There was a referendum in Crimea without shoots and any agression.
You don't need to be from Caucasus to be Ahmed, you dummy
>keep attacking
We are doing that for a reason. The USA and western powers are threatening the existence of our nation, we are only defending ourselves.
Oни пpocтo идиoты вce, нe cтoит дaжe c ними гoвopить.
This winning is too much
Agree, they'll never understand.
Thank the gods based Russia please do Sweden next, I'll flee into the forest with my family and friends and then you can genocide the rest in all the cities. Thanks a lot.
Ecли мы бyдeм мoлчaть - никoгдa нe дoнeceм дo них пpaвдy. A тaк мoжeт хoть мaлый пpoцeнт ycлышит и зaдyмaeтcя, либo нaчнeт coмнeвaтьcя, иcкaть дoпoлнитeльнyю инфopмaцию.
Why should i even listen to a some like you?
кoгo eбeт, чтo дyмaют paндoмныe инocтpaнцы нa 4чaнe?
Teм нe мeнee.
Because you like it.
finnland is rebellion oblast of russia.
gib back rightful clay of Poдинa!!!
>.5 rubles has been deposited in my account for that post!!!