Im overseas korean and i dont understand why my race/nationality even exists. We are literally indistinguishable and exactly the same as chinks and i really wish my home cunt would disappear to get annexed into the mighty prc. Korea was a mistake.
Im overseas korean and i dont understand why my race/nationality even exists...
Stay the fuck in there and keep worshipping your white fatty lords in there.
>protip- No matter how you try, you are mere chinks in their society
>a non-chinese calling the PRC mighty
yeah okay
>even fucking Korean Canadians are slaves to Chinese influence and money
Ching chong
Im overseas Vietnamese and i dont understand why my race/nationality even exists. We are literally indistinguishable and exactly the same as chinks and i really wish my home cunt would disappear to get annexed into the mighty prc. Vietnam was a mistake.
kek gook
t. Zhao Li Fong
>protip- No matter how you try, you are mere chinks in their society
lol na koreans and japanese are welcome for the most part.
chinks can fuck off with all the muzzies
nice try ping ling nobody likes your shit commie country
t. Zhao Ping
Shitty troll.
mainland chinese should be exterminated
I based the Asian immigrants off the quality of their takeaways
Koreans and Japs are equal because they do similar stuff and the Koreans even do sushi too. So they both get put into the 'pretty good' tier
Thai food is in that area where it's not a full on takeaway food but nor is it proper restaurant food so they get put into the alright tier. Indians are slightly above thais because curry is slightly better and they have the same takeaway dynamics.
Chinese gets put in at the bottom tier the 'not bad' tier they usually run Chinese food combined with fish and chips, burgers and other greasy deep fried things.
All other Asians sort of fade into the background because they don't make food.
>Vietnam was a mistake.
still are a mistake tbf
Tell us how you passed through the Great Firewall, chink
t. kim
honestly the japanese and koreans are WAY less likely to be corrupt
K. Korea should be an automous province of the mighty prc.
노무현 운지 섹스 응디 응디 기분좋다 이기야
딱딱 한글로 좆같이 적힌 코멘트가 있길래 이 MC 무현도 확! 적어봤다 이기
Born in Canada? If so good, you have the love for Korea but you haven't been brainwashed by the Western controlled Korean media. You want what you truly think is best for Korea and the world.
both koreans and chinese refer to themselves as the han ethinicity
Conclusion, korean = chinese
>how to spot a Japanese/Chinese poster
Haha, you wish that's how Westerners thought. They all think of you as the same. And all chinks for the most part are welcome in the West i.e. no one pays them any attention except white supremacists who like Asian women.
Don't hurry back.