Fuck you mexicans

Fuck you mexicunts, you guys are not Spanish, we are, so stop calling yourselves that everywhere you go, it's disrespectful to us.

If you don't like it, thank your ancestors for independence.

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My parents are from Spain and I get called Mexican all the time. I don't even bother to correct anyone anymore and my friends purposely call me a mexican to tease me

Why did you even create Mexico in the first place, were your people drinking paint thinner back then, Spain? Did it ever occur to your country that a shitty desert colony would ever succeed?

This is so short sighted man.

First off, the discoverers of America were probably total chads that couldn't give less of a shit about maybe their countrymen of 500 years later being taken for mestizos. What they did was fucking amazing, probably the equivalent of colonizing Mars or even a further away planet in the current days, if you put it into perspective as it was 500 years ago and no one knew the continent was there or even that earth was round.

Spain was the world's superpower back then, and the plan was to make South America part of it, so Spain and Latin America would be the most developed areas of the world, mainly Spain and Mexico. No one would've thought the empire would go to shit, kind of like with the USA today I guess.

>fuck you mexicans!!!
>WE hate you and hate Spain too

>why did you created Mexico
But we didn't, m8, we created Nueva España. Mexico is an amerindian aberration created by neo-progressive politics.

How do you view sudacas?

Ostia puta tio

Fuck you Spain. We are proud Indians and we are going to send back your retarded criollos back to their home.

I mean they are half you half something after all.
Are they like retarded children you secretly wish to get rid off or are they "part of the family"

Memes aside, I have many "sudaca" friends. I'm so used to them that I kind of don't even realize that they aren't from here, if that makes sense. So obviously I'm not racist.

Some look down to them but that's mostly hicks that don't realize they have more in common with us than most of the world.

Also. Isn´t it awkward as fuck when you see a south american?

people how somehow look like you but have strong indina/ negro influence

We really dont give a shit about spain


Most people here doen't realize they're half us half something. They're foreigners and that's it, as most people isn't so aware of foreign cultures, like in every country I guess.

You'll never be spanish deal with it m8

>We are proud Indians and we are going to send back your retarded criollos back to their home.
If only you ACTUALLY did, you cunt., Give us our citizens BACK.

>You'll never be spanish deal with it m8
>implying i want to be

Mexicans are so ridiculous.

The most foreign thing about someone is the accent.
I have known and currently know sudacas with perfect Madrilean accents, making me completely forget they are foreigns. On the other hand, when I see and hear Del Toro, I can ONLY see him as a foreigner, since he speaks like one.
>half you half something else
Most mestizos aren't actually 50/50, having 80% at least.
>look like you with negro influence
They look nothing like us. Had you said gypsies, I would have at least short of believed you knew what you were saying.

>Memes aside
Sudacas are hated. You are just a poor autistic fuck and have been forced to have autistic sudaca virgin friends.

We will and we will confiscate their ill-gotten wealth. They will return only with the clothes on their back.

if you live in a 500 inhabitants village in the middle of castille i guess

>french fag
>calling anyone ridiculous
Is this real life?

ffs, the gold the empire could extract back then is less than a mining company takes with current day technology in only a year

>no-one knew the continent was there
The Vikangs did, ever heard of Vinland?

>Or even that the earth was round
That's wrong, there were scholars even before Columbus' time that knew the Earth was indeed, round. More specifically, an ancient Greek named Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's circumference using the measure of stadia.

So please stop with this idiotic "no one knew the continent was there or even the Earth was round" meme. Because it's not true, and for a European I would've expected better of you to understand this.

And during the age of colonization, which was around the Renaissance era, I would actually put a bet and say that the Italian citystates were the most developed areas in the world during that time period not Spain and her colonies.

Your knowledge of history is so shit, it's even worse then my country's standard of living.

You're not even worth having a conversation with.

>if you live in a 500 inhabitants village in the middle of castille i guess
I live in Madrid. Sudacas are just waiters and big nerds. r9k canon like yourself.

I feel for my Mexican and South American counterparts. We have a common existential quarrel. Our families have been in the New World for so long and mixed with so many ethnicities that sometimes lack a sense of belonging. For example I'm 25% Menominee and the rest is a mixture of German, English, French, Polish, Swedish, Austrian, and Italian.

>Renaissance era
>>>>R/eddit is that way you autistic fuck fat


i admittedly dont know much about history, but being from spain i have a kind of a grasp on what the discovery was like

by the way being european doesnt mean i have to know more about anything

Sudacas, Moroccans and Romanians

Kill, marry, fuck.


Kill kill kill

What a stupid thread, manolos are the worst posters

Bad goy! Listen to your government!


t. """""""""""""spanish""""""""""""""


>being European doesn't mean I have to know more about anything
With your country's education ranking being higher than my country, yes I would expect you to know more about history than me.

I'll classify it anyway I want.

>We will and we will confiscate their ill-gotten wealth
Not an issue.
>with clothes on their back
And the hope of the mother homeland.

nice fedora

How exactly can I be an atheist fedora edgelord if I'm neither atheist nor wear fedoras nor have an edgy personality?

You do realize you're chatting with the exact opposite of such a person, yes?



Or if you live in a city surrounded by latin gangs parasiting our benefits.

I would say a list of spanish tecgnologies but finally i realiced that you dont need to boucot them because you simply dont have them.

Wow, Zimbawe 2.0, sounds like a great plan.

Do it, please.

Any of you ever been to Majorca?
If so, is it nice or is it filled with drunk teenagers like most Spanish holiday destinations?

Mallorca is a nice tourostic city but tourism there is pretty shitty. Menorca is were rich people with boats go if you are planing on doing beach tourism. Some nice beaches and calmer


la verdad es que es una vergüenza que nos asocien con ese país tercermundista


¿ Por que los hilos echos por Españoles mueren tan rápido ?

Replace nazi invaders with SUDAKAS, AND MOROS!

Thanks friend, I just don't want to see drunk kids when I'm exploring the city at night or early in the morning.

el shitpost siempre muere lmao

All whites in the sudaca world should be repatriated to Spain, with only the clothes on their backs is sufficient, they have the arms and intelligence to work in Spain.


Los mexicanos tenéis el culo muy peludo.

no es nuestra culpa que nuestra cultura sea mas fuerte y atractiva que la de ustedes, por eso todos los que hablan español les dicen mexicanos, igual las corridas toros dicen que son de mexico, basicamente nosotros representamos la hispanidad hacia el mundo, stay mad manolo and wear your sombrero already.

Remember that one time we beat your ass?

Spaniards are 0% population in USA it's all sudaca niggers like you.

Awww that's cute

I'm from Mallorca but I'm from a little-medium city in the center of the island, far from the coastal cities full of drunks British and Germans. Last summer I did not even go to the beach.

>Last summer I did not even go to the beach.
because you are a perma virgin that browsed Sup Forums all day long?

La única razón por la que los amerigordos confunden lo español con lo latino/mexicano es porque su país está lleno de mexicanos y latinos. Eso no ocurre en Europa, Rusia o Asia.

El amerigordo medio ve miles de mexicanos u otros latinos a lo largo de su vida y muere sin ver a un solo español.

lol why are they doing this?
Even the helmets are German


I'm pretty asocial of course, but I'm not virgin and I even had a gf before.

Ew. No thanks. I'd rather call myself jamaican than span*ard.

>todos mapuches neonazis


except has nothing to do with nazism

Cambiaos los apellidos como hacían los seguidores de Malcolm X. Asquerosos, no ensucieis nuestros nobles apellidos visigodos.

sudacas que se llamen Montezuma y pocahontas

Sí, apellidos como Machucochu o Nauticluatec, pero que no nos roben los nuestros.

Pancho Pollacuatec Chochomacu.

La sudacada no esta tan mal siempre que sean sudacas ricos. Compara a Macri con Maradona.


El arquetipo del panchito.


Pues eso macri es blanco no ironicamente y parece un tipo decente, maradona es completamente subnormal, nacio en una villa y solo se hizo rico por el futbol.

> estoy arto de tanta discriminasion

Calla yanqui subnormal

Fuk u im spanish

Vuelve a tu puta selva tiraflechas

tiraflecha de mierda, sudacaca.

Educasion espaniolense seniores

Nah i like it here

>80% Iberian

> I am Spaniard because my Spanish great-grandfather raped my Amerindian great-great-grandmother.

That's not how it works, Jamaicans have British ancestors and British surnames but that does not make them British.

>> European derived chromosomes were detected at commensurate levels in Jamaica (18.9%)


How do u know it wasnt the other way around?

Touched a nerve there?


Mono tira flechas

100% Ibérico: 2/4 Castellano, 1/4 Vasco, 1/4 Catalufo

Yo solo estoy aqui estudiando, de sudaca no tengo nada, el otro si que es medio indio

>100% arquero: 2/4 Apahualpo, 1/4 Quechuculquito, 1/4 Cuzciano

>Yo solo estoy aqui estudiando
*tira flecha*
*reza al dios del sol*
*Recolecta paguita*
*se va con los guatos a robar un chino*

Vuelve a casa, te necesitamos.


Vuelve a casa vuelve, que te esperamos / Vuelve a casa vuelve, necesitamos / Tus risas, tus caricias, tus miradas y tus manos / Vuelve a casa vuelve por Navidad

>2/4 Apahualpo, 1/4 Quechuculquito, 1/4 Cuzciano
¿Qué coño significan estos palabros? ¿Son insultos?

>¿Qué coño significan estos palabros? ¿Son insultos?
Me las he inventado.Pero suenan muy sudaquiles

Qué malos recuerdos me ha traido la canción esa. Me ha recordado a las navidades en casa de la abuela, con su belén de mierda y su sala de estar que olía a vejez, decrepitud y muerte.