Nordic Union

1. your cunt
2. do you support a nordic union?

1. denmark
2. yes

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This flag is awful. It is Lithuania-tier.

Yes without Sweden and Finland.


yes...if only the flag is this

Kys american scum



You first have to describe what a "Nordic union" entails.

>A defense alliance?
I would support it, but only if there's no half way overlap with other defense alliances. For example, either Finland and Sweden has to join NATO, or Norway, Denmark and Iceland has to leave it.

Also, Sweden, Denmark and Finland NEED to leave the Union for this to even be considered. Can't have a common defense policy when some members are under EU legislation. Norway and Iceland would need to leave EFTA. And we would all need to scrap the Schengen agreement.

Preferably no other alliances at all. But since NATO is bretty good, no need for a defense union.

>a trade/monetary union sort of like how the EU was supposed to be?
No. But I support an advisory council, where the Nordic countries try to at least help each other, before they help any other. But we already have this;

>A political union?
I'd rather see the world engulfed in fire.

Absolutely not.

As a Pan-Finnicist I'm violently hostile to the idea of Nordicism.


Only if we let Balts in


This, fuck Scandinavia and their Nordicist lies.

More lke Danish empire

I would support this if we got Jämtland in trade for ceding Finnmark to you.


also, we'd need Greenland, since ceding Finnmark would decrease our fishing opportunities.

East Sweden and West Finland should unite, would make le epic borders :DDD


I think we could increase cooperation on minor issues like drug laws (prescription/medicine), further academic exchange and sharing of socialogical data as our societies have similar basic values.

As for any danish imperial aspirations e.i. One government, I think they should do with those notions they should have done a long time ago and blow it out of their asses. It will save us all a heap of trouble

Don't you have snus problems or is my government memeing on that part too?

Danes are the good guys except OP who is a Swedish rapefugee in Denmark.

Swedish snus is preferred to the local horror
The danes are the source of almost every war that has been fought by the nordics, I'll support any and all independence factions on greenland and the faroe islands, Dismantle the kingdom. Burn the Dannebrog.

Yes, as long as there is a decent amount of autonomy for each sub-state.

A political and economical union with the Danes might be possible and could even work to both our benefit.
The Norwegians would never agree to anything of the sort because they would have to start spending their oil money on the rest of Scandinavia.
For them it's an objectively bad deal.


>Dismantle the kingdom. Burn the Dannebrog.

Technically there is a nordic union already, there are almost no borders between nordic countries (for nordic people). I mean i can just walk to sweden and announce to local authorities that I'm here and start to live there without any bullshit byrocracy, our police can patrol in sweden and other way around and I dont think theres any border control between norway and finland either

that's true of almost all eu countries and citizens tho

Its not that easy, you cant be over 3 months in other eu country without filling papers etc and getting some licences to stay there

Police have to speak Swedish in Finland.

Fuck this shit man. Fuck Nordicness. Nordicness only cucks Finnishness.

It doent make any sense. It should be required only in bilingual counties. I dont think its cucking, its just idiotic byrocracy that we cant get rid of some hundreds of years old relic law because it goes to Sup Forums tier autism in our politics if you even mention it