How does your cuntry deal with losers like me?

how does your cuntry deal with losers like me?

>university dropout
>still living with mudda
>working at a super market
>30 years old.

at what point is suicide a rational decision?

Dude you life in Australia. Why would you wanna do that. Just go to the beach and enjoy your time. I wish I was there :(


I wasn't socialised properly growing up so I don't really know what it's like to enjoy neurotypical activities.

It doesn't

So why would you want to kill yourself again? Go back to Uni, nigger.

Also we don't deal with loser, this country is pretty much finished at this point.

Do you have welfare in Australia?

>tfw you never get a coloring book at restaurants

if you dont have any life work on your own you cant have any option other than to kill yourself.

for outsiders having a "personal skill" is very important. not to mention browsing the shitternet playing gaems watching animay thinking about Sup Forumsitics blogging and shitposting make nothing.


but I would be very old compared to every one around me. I would make no friends, would not fit in and become depressed again. and if they find out my past; like never travelled or have had any life experience at my age, I would be publicly humiliated on social media. it all sounds rather intimidating.

Wow you sound like average Finnish dude

Do you mind telling why you dropped out of uni in the first place?

>at what point is suicide a rational decision

If you are a complete failure at age 50-60

Would be average here, except people with degrees and masters/phd and whatnot would be working at the supermarket instead of you

>300k starting

spent all my time on the internet, couldn't focus on school work. My days were basically going to class and going home, couldn't make any friends. It felt like prison, like I was back highschool all over again, so I just stopped going one day.

At least they have something to be proud of. If I had a masters I would scatter gun every bullshit white collar job on the internet.

You didn't have hopes of earning a degree and doing something? Going abroad? What were you studying?

Electronics eng. I had hopes, but sadness consumed me. Most people went on road trips after they finish highschool as rite of passage but I never had friends, so I gave up on those ideas because I was poor and friendless loner. So I thought it would better to try and finish university, maybe even make friends there before I can live like a normie. But as it turns out I never got around to either.

Go to asia and be an english teacher

start a uni and finish it if you dont want to learn a trade
move out when you can afford it

you gotto be retarded killing yourself if you are in a 1st world country

I hated all of my teachers, didn't like school, gave my teachers ptsd. Can't fathom being a teacher, would rather scrub toilets.

jesus christ just kys already loser

just do it faggot. you don't have to understand anything. it's about the feels

The rest of the world really has a fucking strange view of Australia.

the grills kinda cute :3

How did you give your teachers ptsd? If you're not bullshitting, you're my hero.



I almost blew up the chemistry lab. My econ teacher had cop cars parked outside his house for 3 weeks straight because I spread rumour to some junkies that his house was a marijuana grow house/meth lab.

Econ teach absolutely rekt. You're really awesome, not gonna lie.

isn't you the american west with beaches and shittiest fauna ?