Just be yourself bro
not cara
any tips for /gf2017/
Speaking as a painter bricklayers have to be the most mentally handicapped people I've meet
david blowie? never heard of him.
Just watched Manchester By The Sea
Really broke my heart
But quite enjoyed it x
>Just go to the gym bro
oh yeh, dean bovis. love his music. great stuff.
but he sure knows about giving me the blowie jobby
cheerleader effect
bottom 2 aren't good looking
top 2 are obscuring their features
rubbish edition desu
cheerleader effect is for girls
the women at work keep spoiling corrie for me but I can't tell them to stop because I don't want to admit I watch it
Danny bovril was an outstanding musician, his twiggy moondust era was the best hands down
>cheerleader effect
>bottom 2 aren't good looking
>top 2 are obscuring their features
off to do a sleep or a 'cide now
dubs say the latter
>tfw girls at school used to spoil 90210 for me
This is the Coriolis Effect in action.
now thats the mandela effect
*mandela necklaces you*
No it isn't
New Tatarka lads
Not sure if it's good, but I love Ira cmelaya :)
hey the alt-right
FUCK you
watch it lad or I'll alt-right you
>gay marriage is a thing
>A heterosexual couple have lost their Court of Appeal battle for the right to enter into a civil partnership instead of a marriage.
We officially live in a world where straight people have less rights than gays
Fucking gays
finally, I am oppressed
more like alt-white smdh
is there even a difference between them other than name?
looks like Milo 'gets his joys from little boys' Yiannopolous has ruined his career
free speech is fine up until you're a paedo it seems
>that victim complex
and people say that Sup Forums isn't just an anonymous right wing tumblr
Civil partnership doesn't have all those icky religious connotations.
As academics living in West London (how they're described in the article), this statement of secular unity is VERY important to them
As an academic living in West London, I can absolutely verify this
Just edged for probably over 5 and a half hours
My balls are in terrible pain, even slightly touching them hurts
My abdomen has cramps
Was the nut worth it? I'd say so
Speech is free, as long as you agree with me
what'd he do
made some jokes about noncing five years ago
>‘We get hung up on this sort of child abuse stuff to the point where we are heavily policing consensual adults …
and some more stuff, nambla tier
could care less about bent refs, nonces and free willies
It's your world, squirrel! I'm just trying to get a nut.
tbf i got married and all the religious stuff they spout at you about it being a holy union and staying together for all eternity in the eyes of the lord freaked me out a little bit.
doopin' hell
imo the biggest argument for gay marriage is that marriage is just a word, you can only associate religious or traditional values if you choose to
ofc these people have to destroy that idea
This seems to be a theme with people like him and pewdiepie
They're entering phase 3 of The Plan
Bottom right is the best looking though
good, with how much of a joke of an institution marriage has become it's good that they drive that point home when they do them.
3 years later and i'm getting a divorce aha
This is fake, right?
Alt-right 'supervillain'
He calls Trump 'daddy' but who exactly is Milos Yiannopoulos?
what's wrong with doopin?
did a foof to this song lads
Just an average bender attention-whore, who realised that an outspoken gay bigot on the left was being a drop in the ocean
But an outspoken gay bigot on the fringe right, now there was a hero people could rally around and say "look we're not homophobic, we love this particular poofter"
just another nonce in ponce clothing
it's almost, dare I say it, as if they're not the fringe right at all!
yeah thanks for that geoff
>who exactly is Milos Yiannopoulos?
paedo, bender & sex offender
Just ate a full bag of kettle chips myself
Feel fat and regretful now
just waiting for a leftist to say the entire "alt-right" is just like milo
surprised i haven't read such a comment already
i just copied the article title from bbc news you doopin asshats
have a couple of gammy looking toenails
>paedo, bender & sex offender
Namibia is one of the best of countries in Africa
English Literature & Politics student • Hardy, Ginsberg, Camus, Kierkegaard & Kerouac
my money says Aisha
>just waiting for a leftist to say the entire "alt-right" is just like milo
what did he mean by this?
when they're putting you under, do they do the 'count backwards from 10' bullshit
the alt right eh? whole lot of the festering bigoted cockroaches are the same shade of detestable as that identity traitor milo yiannopoulos if you ask me
i bet a lot of them have peado tendencies
he's a nonce now
if you're visibly nervous
I don't remember, I was being sedated while it was happening
Are Lay's crisps the same thing as Walkers?
like all alt wronguns as ive taken to calling them
walked up to a girl at a rave and said she has the most beautiful gurn ive ever seen. we've been together ever since.
alt-rightist here and NOT a nonce
what i am is an alpha redpiller who BTFOs cucks in the name of Kek
sounds like projection to me
fair point
what's waking up like?
also, is it instant? no dreams?
alt-right? just a bunch of doopin nazis if you ask me
homosexuals are mentally ill perverts
>when you go to bed at night and after about 25 minutes you're still not asleep
>know by this point it ain't gonna happen anytime soon
>toss and turn for hours
>know you're gonna be tired and short tempered as fuck tomorrow with no energy to do anything
when I had my wisdom teeth taken out it was pretty much just like closing your eyes and then opening again, it doesn't actually feel like you were sleeping or that any amount of time has passed. So no, no dreams.
representative of the sounders firm here
we would destroy any english firm
we're proper hardmen not like you soft cunts
read a book or listen to a podcast to relax
you sound like my missus
What a bunch of mad cunts!
sounds like counter-projection to me
if you cant fall asleep after 15 minutes get up and do something for half an hour.
basic sleep hygiene.
that seems to be the consensus
I hate being around other people when I'm helpless
I hope my pulse stays under control
any theory that can be used to either explain or explain away events is not logically sound because it is unfalsifiable
Could slap the sleep hygiene autist into low earth orbit with a spatula I reckon
doubt it, pipsqueak.
>Hillary Clinton popularises broad, pejorative term for anybody that is against her campaign on the internet in attempt to paint Trump supporters as deplorable people
>months and months later and we're still using it for some reason because of how many layers of irony the 'chon is on now
*camera pans over to a massive spatula the size of a skyscraper, with rockets attached and you strapped onto it, squealing hysterically*
*presses the launch button*
read a thread on wizardchan made by some lad who deliberately set about becoming obese before a planned suicide by snorting fentanyl powder
the mad man bought 10 grams of the stuff online