wow, this graph itself looks like the US.
Unemployed Americans can't even fill skilled jobs because they're either on welfare or they're on drugs ( or both). Sad!
"That data is interesting, because it describes the labor market before any immigrant workers are recruited. That, as Clemens says, "allows us to assess the willingness of native workers to take farm jobs before they can even be offered to foreign workers, meaning that this study does not miss any impact caused by people who self-select out of an area or occupation because of competition with foreign workers."
Good post
>If wages were doubled, raising the hourly wage for collecting cucumbers from $9.70 to $19.40, it would be impossible for farmers to grow cucumbers profitably
Maybe food is simply too cheap then and you need to start raising the prices and throwing away less of it.
That willingness, he finds, is basically nonexistent. Every year from 1998 to 2012, at least 130,000 North Carolinians were unemployed. Of those, the number who asked to be referred to NCGA was never above 268 (and that number was only reached in 2011, when 489,095 North Carolinians were unemployed). The share of unemployed asking for referrals never breached 0.09 percent.
You mean they dont want to work for under minimal wage?
Yeah, I guess is much better have no income at all and live off your parents basically forever.
Why are mexicans working so hard for low pay instead of budgeting for better opportunities?
>look at me i'm so proud to do slave labour, fucking white people getting proper degrees and asking for good working conditions, i can look down on you for not doing menial work like me the proud slave labourer
>wow fucking white people making me into their slave while they live in their rich gated communities, do you have no shame ?? this is literally neo-colonialism !!!
brown people should really choose one narrative and stick with it
Nowhere near as good as schrodinger's immigrant, the man who steals my job and lays around on welfare at the same time.
The chink is coming, white boys. Europe will barely matter in 50 years. Which is good since I'm sick of hearing about it.
>The chink is coming
The chink will demographically collapse due to One child policy
Excuse me? You've been gone for a long time yet we're still standing strong against their high IQ and slanty eyes
except unlike you here we or at least i clearly stick with the they lay around on welfare one not they are stealing jobs
25% youth unemployment there is hardly any jobs to steal anyways
i don't even remotely care about chinks btw, if they invaded this country like they did canada it would actually get better but i don't think even chinks would want to come live in a 3rd world shithole like france
There are no jobs we are post labor the only options are Ubi or the collapse of consimerism
got a real news link?
Do they sponsor seasonal job visas? I will come, I make $6/hour as a Java programmer here, $9 is good money for me and I like real work more than office plankton one.
Min wage in the USA is a great wage in Mexico, you can buy like 7 times as much with that money in Mexico than in the USA.
But since the borders closed, they can't get back as often as they used, so instead of coming back and forth now they stay there and plan to get enough in one stay before getting back, but at the end they stay there for the rest or most of their lives.
That money pays for housing and studies back in Mexico, so in fact, they are accumulation physical and human capital for their family members.