Do women in your country have short hair, Sup Forums?

do women in your country have short hair, Sup Forums?

Only fat girls really

I never noticed it before but you're right

fatties need something short me thinks its to balance their pudgy looks with at least something small, it would be their pride or dignity but those aren't tangible and if they were well what fat fuck wouldn't eat them?

No, thankfully...

this pic kind of style is sex goddess tier.
proven by math and vsauce

the hair in that pic is not short

Many cut their hair short when they get old.

Septum oiercing is disgusting

>Literally the mark of the bull

I don't know
they always wear hijab or burka

oh wait didn't see the cattle piercing

fuck everyone
short hair thread now!!!




Yes and I love it.
Pixie cuts are my shit.

Adding to my list of identifiable Sup Forums posters:
>#25. That one Canadian lesbian posting girls with short hair

>that one autist who has a list of identifiable posters


Sup Forums=reddit

>are there lesbians in your country
Yes, there are lesbians in every country.

Not in Southern Europe pal. They can't resist us.

According to an extensive research of mine: some do, some don't. Data inconclusive, further inquiry is needed.

bit gay

I see a few girls around campus and at gigs with short hair but I wish it were more popular.

I wish they did

>tfw they broke up

bit gay

A little more than a bit gay, senpai

This hairstyle on girls is so fucking hot oh my god. There is this clonde girl in my school with this exact style, similar piercing and glasses too and I just get a boner everytime I see her.

>a fucking booger
She looked so cute in the thumbnail in the catalog, too.

too few do, sadly

All the middle aged women's hair suddenly curls and grows short into an afro.

provide example


Especially if they have to play the role of a girl with cancer in a TV series

onlyy lesbians, such as this, and they paint it with pink colours.

I prefer long hair on girls

a few do

short haired girls are nice

i love girls with short hair.


Topknots are very popular now, but avoid such women like the plague. It screams "Nigger dick ingesting white trash".



only feminists

Once they get fat and old their hairdresser tells them to get that soccer mum haircut with colorful highlights and they all do.

Looks pretty disgusting.

Only feminazis or very weird ones.