Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1814

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Special Sup Forums FAQ:
>What's the point of this thread?
For learners of Japanese to come and ask questions and shitpost with other learners. Japanese people learning English can come too I guess.
>Why is it here?
The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.
>Why not use the pre-existing Japanese thread?
The cultures are completely different.
>Go back to Sup Forums
There's the door

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chicken katsudon is better than pork katsudon

How slangy, if at all, is 半端ない?

>tfw take Japanese class but not sure if should move on ahead or just take it easy
I'm worried that I might forget the current lessons, but I desperately want to learn more.

>I'm worried that I might forget the current lessons
I doubt that's how the brain works. If you really have a solid understanding of what's going on in class then cramming more stuff into your head won't override what you've learned. Just go for it.

>I desperately want to learn more
you have the makings of a できる
just do it, learn ALL the grammar and start reading stuff

Thanks for the reply! I will then.

>ALL the grammar
I-I'll try my best, senpai.

>not Bi-Daily Japanese Thread
One job, OP.

Someone posted this on another thread, any idea on the lyrics of the song so I can look for it?

This is what I think I hear:
Akogareta yugu sora omoi wa ki_ _ _ranai
(here I used 優 for yuu, since yugu is not a word)


Is it worth deciphering random readings I find even if I don't understand the kanji or grammar? I like to follow idol blogs, but using rikaikun might be a crutch. Will I remember them later or is it just a waste of time? Perhaps if I took notes for future notice...but there's so much grammar and kanji to keep track of. Maybe if I looked at them daily?

any of my fellow burgers live or go to nyc daily? Trying to find a decent place to get stuff like katsudon. Also really curious to try takoyaki, ever since kanann I have wanted it.

I'm right there with you f a m, I had hiragana done by the second class and they were only up to と. What makes it worse is my professor flew out to Japan last Sunday and wont be back till next monday. -.-
Should I just start reading Tae Kim in order to understand grammar? In the idle time of my professor being away I have just been memorizing words he posted online. Is memorizing just words sorta in a vacuum useless?

If you want to learn the /djt/ way and leave all those pathetic humans in your "class" behind, you should start by reading the guide. I would indeed personally reccommend Tae Kim for grammar, though.

If you're in a Japanese class you might as well use whatever grammar textbook you're using there and just work ahead.

Using Rikaikun instead of learning can easily become a crutch, my friend is able to read most stuff in Japanese, but only if he can hover over and get a definition, since he hasn't learned kanji.
But if you're doing some kind of vocabulary deck on the side, daily, there's no problem with cheating your way to extract information from specific texts that seem important to you. Just don't consider it practice time.

You need to leave.

Yeah I just started Tae Kim today actually. My college uses the genki textbooks, does this have the same issue that Kim mentions about "teaching jap from an english perspective or w.e"
make me nigger



From the context that 羽織る seems like it should be 無理 instead or something, since she says right after she'll only wear it during sex basically. Does it have another meaning I'm missing?

Can anyone make out what the crossed out lines are?

羽織る is to put on a coat or some kind of outerwear. She's saying she'd wear it out in public but "of course, with something on over it (like a coat)".

Oh, right, that makes sense.

I assume the first line is なんて聞けないけど.
The second looks like it starts with から, but the rest hurts my eyes to try to read. Sorry.

yeah, I figured the last line starts with からといって or something like that. But the rest is pretty much impossible. I was hoping someone could at least recognize a Kanji or two, but I guess not.

I think the tae kim guide could maybe revise the section about -てしまう
it concentrates too much on the unintentional and regretting aspects, eventhough it often just means action that you can't take back which can be positive actions as well

I did TTBJ 漢字診断中級 (Intermediate Kanji Diagnostic Test). It wasn't that hard and I think it was a good practice.

>make me nigger
You are already nigger, there is no need for that.



Just woke up, was about to!


On the off-chance you are trying to fix that translation or replace it with a better one, I salute you.

Done! Now some Duolingo, then after I take care of real life, reading.


That did confuse me a bit when Jambo kept saying "しちゃう" in the flower shop in yotsubato.


It's always better to get a second or third opinion.

>ちょっと! そんな事までいいわよ
I can't understand, what いいわよ mean in this phrase?

I am guessing it means "It's fine (just) going that far!" i.e. The person does not need to do more / go any farther, what has been done so far is sufficient / all that is needed.

Does that make sense in your context?

>The person does not need to do more
This true, thank

I've been using HelloTalk because an user on Sup Forums suggested it. I'm not sure if I just counter corrected a japanese guy correcting my post (that's a feature).
I posted a photo of my galko chan nendoroid with the caption "私は主体的大人。”
I got correction which made it "私は責任ある大人。” Isn't 責任 the noun form and 主体的 the verb form though? What's the relevance of 'ある"? I do know I forgot to include "な" though.
>inb4 blog

What kind of British name that even is?

>What's the relevance of 'ある"?
He changed your text to say that you are a responsible adult (lit. "an adult who has responsiblity(ies)")

I'm curious: how much time do you do anki every day?

Around 1 hour, 20 new cards and 250 reviews.

Ah I see. Had I not forgotten my na would my sentence have been correct?

Crossed over into 2023 on core 6k today, guess I should probably start a custom deck like everyone else seems to do. Noticed a huge jump in my listening comprehension these past weeks as well.


That's a lot of time
Do you have time to read?

My mind gets fried after 2-2.30h ours of reading.

1:30 hours here (and growing, I think). All the (30 for now) cards I add are from reading earlier in the day. I stop reading when I reach 30 words, and for now that's just 3 pages or so of light novel.

good luck man

The sooner you start mining, the better. It's a slog at first, but will quickly become the most enjoyable part of learning.

Friendo, you seem to have accidentally filled the "Name" field, which is a totally understandable mistake.
Try manually emptying it before your next post and the field will become empty by default again.

Good luck on your Anonymous surfing of the web!

I'm a namefag buddy.

>Good luck on your Anonymous surfing of the web!

I am still Anonymus, Brasil-kun

Nonono, you see, that's a common mistake from people who don't understand all the features of the website.
See that green name to the left side of your flag? That's where "Anonymous" goes.

It's a bit confusing at first, but I trust you can do it if you read the instructions carefully once more!

Like this?


主体的 does mean "independent", but it doesn't really have the right nuance.

When in doubt, look at the Japanese definition.


Is 通ん read as とおん? I take the whole thing to mean, 'It's good enough just to see you occasionally passing by.'

I'm just a beginner so I don't exactly get that. I've just been using Jisho.

Translation: The state of acting based on one's own will or judgement. "An independent action"






So is jisho generally unreliable then?



I hope this is nothing too gay, despite what the art implies.

なぜみんなはそんなに日本語が流暢なんだ? それかあなたたちは日本人?



No, you just have to be more careful when using Japanese to English dictionaries. What they give you as a definition is usually more of a list of possible English translations, which is not the same thing.



>gentle, quiet, subdued

Lets all have a fun time studying the Japanese language!


I love how Japanese is full of those opinionated words, makes understanding the world way more simpler.

>Is 通ん read as とおん?
Yes, that's right.

[Beginner Level]
I just learned that saying ~なければいけません is to indicate you have to do something. How about if you don't need to do anything? My guess would be 何もしなければいけません。

Literally, "Even if you don't do anything, it's fine."

There is a Tae Kim lesson about this soon, if that's where you're learning.

You mean 何もしなくても良い.

Shit, fuck. Thanks.

I was about to explain he can reverse the "ikemasen" form to express he must NOT DO something, but I don't trust myself anymore.

What do you mean by "learn Japanese"?
You are forever learning, kid.
If you mean become N1 in a year, oh yeah, that's possible.
Every person here uses an app.

I know you're eager to take advantage of this "happening" to get your "funposting" fill, but please choose another outlet.

>I'm just a 15 y/o
Might want to read the site rules

Is it possible to become fluent in about a year I mean, sorry for not clarifying. I've started learning today cause I've wanted to be able to speak in the language for a while

Uhhh what do you mean by "funposting"?


W-what happening? Something to do with being unable to post pictures?

Yeah, images and new threads.

Is there some sort of way to have anki never scroll down when a card is shown? It ends up obscuring the kanji and I find that's harming my remembrance.

I don't think so. I'm not seeing any add-ons that would do that either. Is your card so big that it still has a scroll bar when you make the window as tall as possible?

Adjust your fields/text size. Sounds like the information on the back of your card is bigger than your anki window, which means some changes will need to be made.


Is the negative used here for the same reason shika uses the negative form?

It's the same way we say "doesn't get mad very often" in English, rather than "gets mad not very often."

Ah this makes sense. I had a hard time going from "she rarely gets angry" (my english interpretation of the sentence) to "doesn't get angry very often".


I am planning on buying a portable cd player to listen to the audio CDs that come with the language books I bought. Any recommendations ??

Rip the tracks onto your computer and then transfer them over to your phone. This is a lot easier than dealing with a portable CD player.

If you don't have a phone capable of playing mp3s disregard what I said, and sorry can't recommend any it's a pretty dead market.
