Anaheim reporting in. Fuck the rain.
California Thread
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central coast reporting in. agreed fuck the rain. i want the sun back already.
I'm liking the rain here in OC. It's comfy.
L.A. reporting. Don't care about the drought. Make it stop raining. It's been like living in Seattle since new year.
What the fuck?
Was I being lied to my whole life?
IE reporting in. No rain today, boys. Miss the sun though.
Santa Barbara. Mild rain :^)
pick one
is it really true most californians would rather have independence?
Redpill me on northern Cali.
it sucks here, everything is expensive and the people manage to be both assholes and pussies at the same time. nice weather though
But is it better than southern california? I'm not keen on living near LA, and i hear most of central cali is a shithole filled with metheads.
Uh, yeah, ho, this the finale
My pep talk turn into a pep rally
Say she from the hood, but she live inside in the valley, now
Vaca'd in Atlanta, then she goin' back to Cali, mmm
Got your girl on my line, world on my line
The irony, I fuck 'em at the same damn time
She eyein' me like a nigga don't exist
Girl, I know you want this dick
Girl, I'm Kendrick Lamar
A.K.A. Benz is to me just a car
That mean your friends-es need be up to par
See, my standards are pampered by threesomes tomorrow
Mmm, kill 'em all, dead bodies in the hallway
Don't get involved, listen what the crystal ball say
Halle Berry, hallelujah
Holla back, I'll do ya; beast
the methheads are mostly in bakersfield, salinas, and other places far inland. the coast is safe.
maybe. depends where you are, sf is hipster and stupid expensive, south bay is boring and full of tech assholes and still stupid expensive, east bay is cheaper but only a little and full of dumb hippies. sacramento is supposed to be boring and will be underwater soon. why do you want to live in cali anyway?
as somebody who lives in central california on the coast, i prefer northern california solely because it's not a concrete jungle in the middle of the desert. though, if you don't mind the climate/environment, you might like it more down there.
what are your preferences people-wise, climate-wise, job opportunity-wise, and so on?
Got family who live out there, mostly in Monterey but in other parts as well, figured i'd check Cali out if i ever got job opportunities over there.
Ok Californians of Sup Forums. Just because we've had some rain doesn't mean were in any way sustainable and we are still hemorrhaging groundwater supplies. So I ask you.
What have you done lately to conserve water?
Far Northern Californians and Sierra Nevadans are excused.
Taking shorter showers, drinking less water, and eating dry food. I think I'm going to die. Will look natty, though.
It's a fad. Like all fads, it will fade and become unpopular and probably hated in the future. Just like the Beegees.
why will sacramento be under water???
grabs popcorn
My uni charges me out the ass for on campus room and board so I wake up at 7 am just to turn on the showers until someone realizes there's no one in there so I get my money's worth out of this fucking place.
South bay, reporting in. Hope it gets sunny for my birthday tomorrow.
Tourist reporting in
Where did the rain go?
San Diego tuning in. I love my state, senpai. All the way from the Eggo to Eureka. I never want to live anywhere else but here. Sad all my friends have left for Texas and Washington. Too sad.
San Diego and SF Chinatown
There has been a drought, so actually it rarely does rain, my Bohemian Grove friend.
thank god, I arrived on thursday so at least the rest of my holidays aren't ruined
Californians have to conserve water
San Jose here. It's bad lads, don't know how long I'll last. Been raining hard for 5 days, with the wind reaching speeds of up to 25mph. It's making scary noises that keep me up at night. There was a power outage for 5 HOURS on Friday. I though I was going to die. I miss the sun. If I don't make it, please tell San Francisco that I hope it gets nuked.
>moving away from SD
Why would abandon abandon that paradise?
Well, it does cost a lot to live here. You need to be smart to earn enough money to live here and, frankly, my friends weren't very smart.
Am I allowed?
t. Tahoe Nevadan
I had a nice vacation at a casino up there with the senpai once. Come on in, famalam.
How do Californians feel about John Steinbeck?
He represents an era of California we'll never really have again. It makes me very sad, reading him. Other times he annoys me because he is so heavy-handed with the morals.
I was surprised to learn how popular he is in schools outside of California. Some British friends told me they read him for their GCSEs. I've personally used his books for tutoring foreign children in English.
Personally I prefer Hemingway as far as that generation goes. There are better writers from California. Personally, I get more of a kick out of Bukowski but obviously there are more technically accomplished writers from here.
gonna rain towards the end of the weekend again
hope you're out by then
Anyone ever feel kind of trapped here?
Fellow whites tend to be either surfer bros or valley girls. Asians are boring. Mexicans are crude and uneducated. Blacks are, well, let's not even bother.
California, I love living here, but the people depress me.
i really really hope you don't live in the valley..
Don't worry he's not even Californian. He probably only knows what hes been fed in pop culture.
Inland Empire (Moreno Valley) reporting in.
BTW. Is anybody else in this thread a little tired of everybody in the other states blaming Californians for everything under the sun, including things that are their own damned fault?
Like, Portland Oregon put strict height limits on their buildings which kneecapped commercial and housing development. And now that no Portlander can buy a house they are blaming it on some deluge of rich Californians coming in at night and snatching their houses like property goblins.
>Muh drought
>It's raining too much make it stop
this thread is nice and comfy. will be sad when it goes away :(
Rancho Cordova here. Storm's kinda comfy weather over here. Gives me an excuse to cover up in a blanket and play some JRPGs cozily while in bed. Shit's great.
Anyone know any good spots to pick up /vr/ shit in the area? Dimple Records on Sunrise is hit and miss and kinda overpriced.
I live in San Diego.
I'm actually the fifth generation to live here... but you're right, I'm not even Californian considering everyone here is from somewhere else. They're more entitled to that than me by their majority. *cries*
OC reporting in. Getting tired of everyone hating us and blaming us for everything also.
Nice man. I live in Vegas.
Why are kids from Costa Mesa so weird?
they cant decide whether they want to be more like santa ana or irvine peeps
No idea how that relates but whatever. I love the rain, the last couple of months have been great, it being so rare makes it extra sweet.
Agreed, I miss normal winters like this. The rain cleans away the scum makes everything smell nice for a change.
>Want In n' Out
>It's late
Nevada is always welcome here.
I've lived in the SFV all my life and the best thing about Cali is when I'm going to see it from the airplane when I get the fuck out of this communist shithole and move to Utah
Anaheim reporting back, it's not even raining m8
You're pretty damn close to me. I'm in Citrus Heights
I, for one, enjoy the rain we've been having.
sad I moved from 562 up to seattle in January. At least I have not missed anything.
I enjoy it immensely as well. Friday wasn't even that bad. SoCal is full of pussies coddled by constant warm and dry weather, no one even bothers to properly irrigate the freeways leading to shitty floods that occur from small drizzles, and everyone goes crazy when they see rain. 60 degrees is cold, you say? Gimme a fucking break
Anyone been to the Redwood Forest? I want to go there some day.
the wind storm a few years back was way more eventful and fun
>SoCal is full of pussies coddled by constant warm and dry weather
It used to rain like this every winter, and would be considered normal amount not even a bad flood.
>SoCal is full of pussies coddled by constant warm and dry weather,
Our state as a whole has gotten used to not really having a winter to speak of; this is the first time we've had an honest-to-god rainy season in a good while, as opposed to the occasional drizzle or nothing at all. Saying that the weather "coddles" them is a bit unfair; you can't really blame a natural phenomenon for the way it treats people as if it were an individual with free will.
TL;DR many fellow Californians have gotten used to rainlessness, so yes, people will "go crazy" when they see rain.
Chicano thread? Chicano thread.
cholula > tapitio
>Liking whore sauce
aint nothing wrong with that
True. TapatÃo has such a one-dimensional flavor. It's just spicy, nothing else. It'll do in a pinch, but it's not my first choice.
irvine here, sup nerds
Santa ana, tustin, lake forrest. these cities are my jam.
lol, Irvine cops keep rounding up the homeless people than dump them in Santa Ana so they don't have to pay for or deal with them.
california is a shithole
just die already
someone besides myself used this pic? this is the proudest day of my life
i was going to include both but the desk got too cluttered
Newport Beach reporting in
Feels good being the best of the best
t. drugged out son of Real House Wives star.
t. bitter 909er
meant for
you should feel proud
I moved to Washington for school and I'm about to move to LA after graduation
I'm excited to be close to my family and true friends again. I'll take the California heat over the Seattle freeze any day.
kek saved
>be me
>go to Seattle for college
>its shit and I wanna go home
Fuck this place, I want to go back to California. It really is the greatest state.
>sierra nevadans are excused
Why is it shit? Too few vending machines?
Probably the 4 months of clouds and drizzle they call winter. That's what you get for living next to a rain forest.
Republic of united California's when? When need to leave those shitholes called America and Mexico
My city almost have the same amount of sunshine hours and rainfall inches that Los angeles, can I be part of this thread ?
It's also full of brown people
who /inland I-80 corridor/ here
San Joaquin Valley is getting the perfect amount of rain right now. SJV is boring, but our weather is pretty consistently pleasant.
This. Costa Mesa is slowly but surely gentrifying and kids have no idea what to do.
Won't be too mad if Asians move in 2bph famalamalam. At least then I'll have more eye candy to look at.
comfily studying for an immunobiology midterm