So... this what Finns truly look like

So... this what Finns truly look like...

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I wish Russia would annex my country.

Prove that the blood of temujin does not flow through their veins.


>uglier than me


Nice mustache Joao Bruno.


Amazing the Black Hitler.

>blääckdölf hïïtlër

They all look better than Miss Helsinki.


>fedora faggot.png

hehe le edgy filename Jack! xD
you coming to soccer practice later? xDD

I'd fuck both of them


Well hello my literal mongol cousin

why always when someone posts anything about finns, its cherrypicking uglies ones out here. Leave us alone whito piggus

This you reminder why you should mix with other races and not your sister. t i fucked my sister multiple times and made her pregnant once.

We look like Slavs

very sexy

Implying thats a good thing

At least our women look cute

>implying it is a bad thing

Slav girls must have looked more attractive than old, chink eyed Magyar women to my ancestors. We racemixed ourselves to a higher evolutionary level


Of course it doesn't go other way around.

>black hitler
>tip fedorrington

>implying thats a bad thing

We racemixed to germanic level, those people being posted here are litera cherrypicked retards
I'm sure people like that could be found from yours too if someone wanted to post them

Why do you post someone who isnt finnish?

She's clearly ethnically Finnish.


>Germanic level
More like pre-Germanic, considering how the component we share with Swedes predates IE arrival and admixture and is derived from I1 people.

>doesnt look finnish
Hello swegol

>white version of aids Skrillex and a fat version of that Danish actor who always seems angry

>We racemixed to germanic level

That was the next phase of our plan with Austria-Hungary... but sadly, there has been a setback

Soon. One day we'll reach genetic perfection.

Almost 10% of our population have Finnish ancestors so it's not at all an unusual sight, particularity not in and around Stockholm.

She still isnt finnish

Well she certainly isn't ethnically Swedish either.

Neither is an ethnic finn.

They look worse than Russians, wow.

we are too sexy for this world


Have you ever heard of Saami people?

>implying you won't blanda upp with gypsies to become romania tier


Great thread.

Our presentation regarding running for our national politics is unmatched, peerless. We are Pure.

>João Putulukeso



Das rite.

>Nobody is called Jarpi, Jukka, HP or Jarno
wtf Finland ? Why is nobody named after these heroes ?

how is this cherry picking it's an entire political party of people who represent "true finns".

She kind of looks like a saami

>Black Hitler

you can go to sweden and drink aryan semen non-stop right now

They were already named after heroes.
>Jarno = Jarno Saarinen, ask any Italian petrol head.
>Jukka = Yucca, what a plant with taste for desert.
>HP = What a Sauce!
>Jarppi = Almost like they are biting your bait, in the depths, stormy seas, rain, sea sickness, a Ray of Hope because I swear it felt like they are biting my bait, in the depths, stormy seas...

what the fuck happened to finnish people? why don't they look pretty like us and hungarians?

>Joao Bruno
How does an Angolan enter Finland? Was he a refugee?

>João Bruno Putulukeso

Probably an exchange student who stays for work. Usually an engineer.
Believe me, they have those and they are very good people. I know a few.

t.marcos josé iläälinën