What's your country's 9/11?

What's your country's 9/11?

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What did the filthy estees do.

Most idiots would probably say Beslan (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege) but in reality Russians don't care about dead churkas' kids.

Pearl Harbor

they flew a cruise into the swedish parliament

Do you mean a terrorist attack or a national disgrace in general?

I can't think in one important terrorist attack that made suck an impact, except those done by the government.


did they get a lawyer?






I'm Czechflag btw

Not 2004?

Jokela school shootings

Battle of Mohács, 29 August, 1526 - the exact date when everything went to shit for the next 500 years for Hungary

7/7. Some sandnigger fucks blew up three underground trains and a bus (it was meant to be four underground trains, one of them missed his train or something, so went to blow up a bus instead)

It's called 7/7 because it happened on the 7th of July, back in 2005.

Also, I used to live in Tavistock Square where this bus bombing happened (I lived in a university hall of residence there). This was just a couple years ago though, long after 7/7.

The Cheonan sinking. We even have conspiracy nuts who say that the sinking was an inside job by the South Korean government. I'm Worst korean btw

It happen like 3 times!

So it's at least 3 timers as bad as 9/11




It is, he is just memeing about Francos death

Here we mostly call it "11m"

>muh 9/11

Americans are such whiny babies.


>more British people died in actual 9/11 than in British 9/11
why can't the Yanks let us have anything

How old are you?
When this happens I was so young I refused to go on any public transport as I was too scared

Also I just googled the significance of 22.11.2005

Hearty kek Hans. :^)

Merkel muss weg.

air india bombing
>A total of 329 people were killed, including 268 Canadian citizens, 27 British citizens and 24 Indian citizens. The incident was the largest mass murder in Canadian history.
but all of the dead canadians were of indian background so nobody cares, it's not brought up to keep the sikhs are bro tier meme

ecole polytechnique shooting
>killed fourteen women and injured ten other women and four men in just under 20 minutes before turning the gun on himself
is brought up every year with violence against womens day, is considered worse

Might be the MH17 in eastern Ukraine, somewhere in july or something couple of years ago.

I know it very well and it has been regarded as a tragedy all over.

Didn't know that

I'm 25, so I was 14 when that happened. And I was 20/21 when I lived in Tavistock Square.

I wasn't scared of public transport when it happened, I guess I took that "it'll never happen to me" approach. Also at the time London seemed like a completely different world to where I'm from (south coast).

Have you literally just turned 18 or something.

Probably this. Not the biggest tragedy of Belarus (since 1991), but the most talked about. Older historical horrible events are Stalin repressions, Nazi German occupation (1/3 of the population died during the WW2), war against Russia in 1654-1667 (almost half of the population died or were captured)




It makes me kek that the 9/11 bombers were Saudi for all intents and purposes, yet we killed like 3 million afghans and Iraqis.



We finally got our own 9/11 last year.

The sea is our terrorist


Not only that, you bombed them back to the stoneage.

Wait, didn't Afghanistan just happen to have terrorists hiding in their country? never mind they probably deserved it.


>Target: Civilians (possibly Americans and Jews),[1] transport hubs

Really? they targeted literally everyone, why do Americans and Jews have to be honored?

One of the dudes was next to a group of teens going on a schooltrip when he noticed some orthodox jews and tried to kill those instead. He couldn't get to them so he decided to blow himself up at the check in counter of an American company instead.




nevr 4get


Autumn of 1977

Government of national unity even though the opposition suspects part of the government to support the terrorists
Estimates are up to 10% or 6 Million people supported them initially
Police raiding homes of everybody who falls into a statistical group that might support and shelter the terrorists
Entire police force mobilized at the same day checking all traffic on roadblocks on all major roads
No contact for the imprisoned terrorists to anyone, not even lawyers
Police shoots to kill on any contact with possible terrorists
Landshut raid in Mogadishu falls into this period, too
Nothing those incompetent Islamists threw at us was even close to the impact the RAF had.
Even though they killed nearly the entire first generation, the survivors were able to rebuilt. The RAF didn't surrender until 1998. The last 3 members are on the run and we nearly caught when they robbed a Cash-in-transit car with an RPG.


It happened in Finland you dump fuck


this one or


literally wtf


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