Why is Poland so xenophobic? :o
>tfw poland never accepts me
Why is Poland so xenophobic? :o
Because we can baby
I have a Malaysian friend that moved to Poland. Bloody Poles turned him into an alcoholic and a smoker.
Anyway, there's no reason why you can't live in Poland.
I bet he mastered 'kurwa', 'chuj', 'pizda', 'suka' and rest of our fun words as well
>no reason why you can't live in Poland.
How about the godawful language (czsczsczdsczszscyyczyscy) and people are poor
>'chuj', 'pizda', 'suka'
>implying anyone wants to live in poland
Daily reminder it's a Pole making these types of threads.
>I have a Malaysian friend that moved to Poland.
Is he ded
Actually yes. He's learning Polish, but he already knows like 5 languages so it's not hard for him.
>and people are poor
And? prices of most things are cheaper so it balances out.
It's ours too. You also use our word 'bydło'.
>Is he ded
Nah, he's visited several European countries since he moved. He's also realised that the French are far worse than even mainland Chinese.
Sometimes we even use kurwa lmao
>Japan calling out anyone for being xenophobic.
:D oh guuuuuurwa
btw. we don't mind Asians, you would be safe in Poland too, mr. Fin :D
Really? Nice
because you are zitto animale
Im anti-zittomite
my aren't the threads moving
Why is this Jap obsessed with Poland?
niby Finowie, a chuj w głowie
what about szmata, dziwka, lachociąg, lampucerna, ładacznica, kurwiszon?
>tfw it's not even close to reality
Why are you so cuck?
Also let more immigrants in xenophobic japan.
Japan and Poland are brothers.
PS: is anyone constantly getting "connection error" or "504 Gateway time-out" on Sup Forums trying to post?
Everyone, now it's over I think
Dzięki bogu.
Is there any place we can discus this on Sup Forums like let the admits know there are problems?
Most of the time anyone goes to poland its to occupy clay.