Is this the best part of entire Europe?

Is this the best part of entire Europe?

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Only Danemark is more boring

Quick answer.


Could you explain

Is this the best part of Japan?

Well, you could also explain why you'd assume this part of europe is appealing in any possible way.

>Shit weather
>Boring and soulless countryside
>Ugly cities (Amsterdam is decent though)
>Extremely unwelcoming people (parisians are nice compared to them) + biggest jews of Europe (would take a 200km detour to Luxembourg for cheap gas).
>Tax heaven but somehow still manage to go under radar.

>one of the richest countries in Europe
>good education
>relativelt little work pressure
>everything is closeby

actually the worst.
never been there so i can't explain. our media just portrays it to be the best.

The Netherlands is literally the least boring cunt in Europe because it's so densely populated. There are more sports clubs, museums, cultural activities, outdoor activities, qt cities, qt towns and schools/unis per square km than pretty much anywhere else in Yurop

That said if you're into nature than the Netherlands is quite boring, this country is man-made after all

Why is the Netherlands rich? Serious question how did it get so wealthy

>luxembourg accusing us of any of this

Our country is situated on one of the world's busiest trade routes.


The poster with the light Netherlands Flag is right.
Problems are population density and boring flatass countryside for the most parts. It's also expensive compared to Germany.

>Shit weather
True, yet there is a distinctive correlation between shit weather and the quality of life of a country.
>Boring and soulless countryside
I guess you are referring to the polder landscape of the west of the country. Might be boring, but it's still fascinating because it shows centuries of hard work and ingenuity to turn a swamp into a livable country. If you want something different then there are the Wadden Islands, Frisian lakes, Veluwe, South Limburg, Zeeland, etc.
>Ugly cities (Amsterdam is decent though)
lel what? How are Utrecht, Haarlem, Leiden, Delft, Den Bosch, Breda, Groningen, Zwolle, Naarden, Maastricht, etc. ugly?
>Extremely unwelcoming people (parisians are nice compared to them) + biggest jews of Europe (would take a 200km detour to Luxembourg for cheap gas).
>Tax heaven but somehow still manage to go under radar.
Nothing wrong with that


Not going to happen lmao

Make it happen. Europe needs it!

oh shit we saved their arse

He doesn't have an actual programme. His partt program is literally one sheet of A4 with barely finished sentences.

How are Dutch cities ugly?

And our countryside is cozy as fuck. Canals, green fields, cows, flowers.

You weren't even an independent country then, you fucking leaf

Biggest port in Europe. Biggest energy traders in the world, biggest private oil company in the world, second agricultural exporter in the world, large finance sector, biggest investors in the world, biggest gas field in Europe, many holding companies, some large tech companies, lots of datacenters.

We basically control the money, food, oil and gas of a large part of Europe.

i dont really care i was trying to mimic the amerifat, there no merit in fighting 40 year old mans because all german manpower was drained on the other front. plus my family wasnt even in canada atm

If a foreign country needs something we supply the resources to realize it, pretty much.

Are Dutch people unwelcoming?
