Fuck the european "union", come with us spain!

Fuck the european "union", come with us spain!

Currency: Peso Hispano
Language: Spanish
Territory: 12.005.443km

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>t.cuck that wants his former colonial overlord back

United States should be red as well

i want a union like the european, but without eurodicks (except for spain).

the sudacas are more than the spaniarda and they have the same militar power or more

let's work togethers sempai :3


Maybe combined. To be fair Spain isn't a really powerful country.

Think about how much better those colonies would be had they been settled by anyone else in Europe but an Iberian nation.

It would be to perfect.

sorry but i don't want Wilson Toledo Tezozómoc and his family coming here but maybe we can do some trades with the Cono Sur

Yes, because Belize is a great country
And how can we forget the wonders of Guyana and Surinam
Haiti is wonderful as well
Truly remarkable

He thinks I'll give him (You)s
Truly makes one ponder

He was obviously refering to the comments made by the German and American flag posters on how wonderful would have been if Latin America was settled by the Brits or any other than an Iberian nation.

hmm excuse me sweety

Just look at Gibraltar as compare it to Spain.


Belize is Anglo

as is Guyana. Suriname is Dutch, Haiti is French. was responding to

Belize is Anglo

What we should have done long ago is a Hispanic Commonwealth, with military/intelligence cooperation, special programs for students, special visas and special trade deals and agreements. Problem with Hispanic America is that since the Cold War the continent is filled with marxist agitators and that rhetoric refuses to die, add to that the now growing indigenista rhetoric and this creates big political instability for such things. Not to mention the amount of poverty and crime which makes things like free movement of people a complete insanity.

I am Basque and independentist, independence when?

How's it going on in the land of shadow?

Soon: Great Iberian Union Electric Bogaloo

You will leave us out of this, right?

But we need the Asian guy or the movie feels lacking

Perú refuses

You are P O W E R F U L L so why not?

From left to right
Ecuatorial Guinea

Death to traitors.

All independents should be killed.


You are P O W E R F U L so why not?

Basque Country/Population
2.189 million (2014)
Native speakers
basque native speakers (550,000 cited 1991–2012)
fucking abos should have long been exterminated, Navarre should rape them all to extinction.
to 720,000 (2012)


aunque yo creo que lo mejor es que los latinos os junteis entre vosotros y nosotros vayamos con portugal, grecia, italia y a lo mejor francia
tanto como por distancias como por historia y practicidad

>Wanting niggers

said the French

yo no quiero nada que ver con chile
que clase de imbecil le pone nombre de condimento a su pais? eeh? eeh?

>que clase de imbecil le pone nombre de condimiento a su pais

I would preffer 10000 nukes over my beautiful country than that

I would preffer Trump to nuke us instead of sharing an union with a bunch of niggers and arrow throwers

never ever

Why would Spain come in that shithole continent ?

Because they are family. I know you don't understand that, being all "celto-germanic 0% latin", but we actually hold our cousins dear.

Family ? C'mon bro cut the crap.

Same with how some of our past presidents would try to reconnect with La Hispanidad by going to either Latin America or Spain. It was the past but we couldn't exactly ignore the cultural impact either.

>they are family
t. Indio tiraflechas
Vuelve a tu jaula. MONO

He is a sudaca monkey. Just ignore him. No one likes sudacas other than sudacas. Not even their women like those poor bastards

It's the truth, they ARE family, not the closest, but family still.
I'm sorry, Filipinas, but you weren't in my idea of family.
Soy español.

No. Que tengas pasaporte no te hace español simio.

anyone else would have properly wiped out the indians

Argentina is literally the most developed latin country

Soy hijos de Castellanos que a su vez son hijos de Castellanos, Catalanes y Vascos.
Los iberoamericanos son familia, por mucho que te joda.

You aren't either, honestly. Your Queen and our previous president seems to think otherwise, though.

>Soy hijos de Castellanos que a su vez son hijos de Castellanos, Catalanes y Vascos.
Si ni sabes hablar español. Estás sacado del puto Amazonas. No mientas

>Your Queen and our previous president seems to think otherwise, though.
Political correctness.
I don't even know why you even replied, I was obviously talking about the OP, in which you don't appear. How am I going to call a country with Spanish blood nor influence "family"? Rizal was Spanish, though.

I would preffer pinoys over your kin arrow thrower

No miento, soy más ibérico que tú. mi familia siempre ha estado aquí. No sé qué es lo que te ha quemado el culo como para que el hecho de que los ibero-americanos sean familia te joda tanto.

>nor influence
you should take that back. after 350 years of fuckery you are not allowed to say that.

>i would prefer people that don't have my blood or language just because
Increíble lógica.

they could just form their own version of the commonwealth

Con ese "español" y esa gramática se nota que eres Pancho. Deja de LARPear

>you should take that back
>never spoke Spanish to begin with
>never mixed
>barely any connections between the territories
Teaching you Christianity is the only thing we "influenced" you in.

Take me with u!

We are catholic, we can learn the language! We are Caucasian-Mongoloid admixture too!

Hungary is rightful Spanish clay too!

The Habsburg Empire protected us from the Ottoturks.

Son las 8 y media de la mañana, no he dormido; si te crees que voy a corregir errores estás que los flipas.
No LARPeo, ni en la vida real oculto mi aprecio por los iberoamericanos. ¿De dónde eres que te crees tan lejano de ellos?

>We are Caucasian-Mongoloid admixture too!
What do you mean "too"? We don't have mongolian admixture.

Eres un mono guachupino. Te he calado. Déjalo y admite tu naturaleza selvática

¿No me quieres decir de dónde eres? ¿Te sientes inferior por saber que soy un ibérico puro? ¿Qué eres, CeutANO?

it wasn't just that, our names, food, culture, and even our fucking country's name is derived from spanish.

And you're also wrong about the blood. Most aren't mestizos but almost all of us has at least 1% Spanish ancestry.

t. 6% Spanish

Soy de Cuenca Wiston. Tú eres un invasor que vive en Madrid. Vuelve a tu jaula anda

>our names
Which makes no sense, since you had your own.
I highly doubt Filipinos have Mediterranean food.
I don't even know what makes you think that, you yourself said earlier "cultural shock" and now you talk about "influenced culture". The only definitively Spanish influenced Filipino I can think of is Rizal, the rest were just his friends and were a small number, and even those wanted to distance themselves from Spain.
>our country's name
Which is fucking stupid too, because it made some sense during the Felipes, but know it's even insulting.

I am a Spaniard

fuck no

>1% Spanish ancestry.
>t. 6% Spanish
Wew, 1% WHOLE percent!
I'm willing to say that even the French have more Spanish blood in them.
Macho, ¿un castellano despreciando a las ex-colonias? ¿Pero qué es esto?

Wiston stop LARPing. You are no Spaniard. He is as Spanish as you are

kek I know. Not proud of it or anything, just saying.

Pero que soy Castellano, cacho paranoico, me cago en Dios.

>Lo dice mientras está "despreciando" al Filipino
Las colonias como Andalucía o Ecuador son abortos y no tengo nada que ver con ellos

>que soy Castellano
*tira flecha*
*reza al dios del sol*
* Vende droga en un instituto*
* Se va con sus guatos a robar un chino*
*Visita un reformatorio*

No lo estoy despreciando, chavalín, le estoy diciendo que él no es familia. Si consideras al filipino familia, vas a tener que considerar a los holandeses familia, que todavía vuela la cuarteada de la corona castellana en sus festividades.

and about the language, better be careful. you might encounter one of these:




mestizos do

>ese acento

>3 million speakers at most, of which not even half have full proficiency
>only 4k are native speakers
What was this trying to prove?

A ver, ¿qué más? ¿te canto el himno del Madrid?

Me cago en Dios, pues anda que no canta mi acento, aver si eres tú el que no es castellano.

Puedo unir? Soy de California

>French colonies
>Dutch colonies

u wot m8?

What would be the Spanish word for our Commonwealth equivalent?

Los Coronaa de Castille y Aragon