What race are Americans?

What race are Americans?


The Human Race


I'm pretty pale, have brown hair, green eyes, and my beard grows in red

so yes mutts


We're multiracial.

>blonde with a reddish brown beard
Why must we suffer the fate of the mutant?

Post photo

Pig or gorilla, or both


Castilatto (3/4 white 1/8 native and 1/8 black).

Most of us are yuro-mutts.

Anyone who has their ancestry all from one country here is very unlikely to be European (and likely to be latino, asian, or muslim), since our mass european immigration has tapered off almost entirely in recent generations.

So almost all of the children of irish, german, polish, italian, etc immigrants who were "pure bred" immigrations of that one nationality, have mixed with other europeans.

well you are like fish people

The yankee race

>1/8 native
That's generous.


has it right

I'm 1/4 black and 3/4 white with light eyes.

We Americans are really are a mix of everything

>tfw bloodline has been kept almost entirely anglo since the 1700s
>tfw a filthy swiss polluted my mom's side and a disgusting german mongrelized my dad's side
The krauts ruin everything.

Same here, but mom is all Anglo. Dad is Slovene and German.

Our country is essentially a Eugenics experiment to combine the best traits of people everywhere in the world. Since the US is all about personal independence and individualism, its mostly been a success seeing as how we rule the world and all.

People in the South live around Niggers constantly but rarely actually breed with them since we've already conditioned ourselves properly, while native Swedes and Germans immediately open up their assholes to refugees because they don't actually know how to deal with them.

Im half asian half anglo

o t e w
l a r e
i l m d
s i a i
h a n s
n h

+ more (it's an old term)

fuck Sup Forums

Homo diarrheaus

Tell that to the rednecks.

Canada is the only non latino nation now in the americas.

Rednecks are still technically pure like their immigrant ancestors. Inbreeding does have some benefit.

None. We aren't a race or ethnicity and according to Sup Forums we have no culture and have contributed nothing positive to the world.

interracial is becoming increasingly more common in the US and most blacks in the US are like 20% white

oh and if maury is any example, there are plenty of interracial relationships in the south :^)


That's a racist word tbqhwy famalama.

Black hair and red beard :^(