
Northern England edition

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just had sex

that pic was taken in london though

do NOT like pakis

>Sorry user, what were you saying about Muslims?

>the only muslim in /brit/ lives in the North


the gf five along from the left

The Mayor of London is a Pakistani Muslim called Sadiq Khan.

*slaps it down her throat*

What's the current state of English footbqll hooliganism?

Hope they don't embarass us at world cup 2018 in Russia.

can't be true i've seen plenty of london flags on here

She really was a 10 for a while there

Quite gaunt nowadays tho

Northern towns/cities are vast majority Muslim

Is their countryside too? Not too sure

spent a month in iran

saw more niqab's (OP's pic) in london in one day than in all of iran over a whole month

why is this?

*declares a famine*

why would muslims live in the North?
a lot of people are racist as fuck up here
also my town is literally 99.8% white

*taps go-pro*


I was saying that while theoretically the Quran is no worse than the Bible, the very real acts and beliefs of the practitioners of the former are much worse, m'lady.

me on the right

islam is okay

>Tfw you are too intelligent for a skull to suppress your brain

you were just watching that show on the bbc too?

someone post the Sup Forums collage of english fans from the yoyos

seems lije a good lad though for the most part. less of a twat than boris and ken.

rate the missus

shias are good lads
muslims in the uk are predominantly sunni

In the Pakistani language "Sadiq" means warrior, and "Khan" means king.

London is ruled by a Islamic warrior-king; AKA: a Sultan.

London is officially a Sultanate.

colbert and oliver are unfunny but they seem like good hearted tbf

couldn't make it up

Statistically this poster is not white.

lot lizard/10

Yeah those Russians seems to take it a bit seriously don't they? Don't even get pissed

not true at all

muslims in the north are resigned to bradford, bolton, manchester and rotherham
you would be hard pressed to find huge amounts of them in any other town/city

>london has an ex-muslim, agnostic mayor

>the average northern inhabitant is muslim


Well lads?

>tfw to intelligent to drink milk


Nah m8, his head is still attached to his body.

*teleports behind your (You)*

>english education system

>Dewsbury is 50% Muslim

so THIS... is the true power of the north

15 I do believe

>multiple recent pictures of him praying in a mosque

Forgot to pay my jizya to the Sultan this month and he sent around the Sharia Patrol to abduct my 12-year-old daughter for his harem. Should have known better tbf but I'm still annoyed.



>southerners try desperately to paint the north as muslim
>despite the fact that 2.6m of the 3m muslims in the uk live in a single city located in the south
really gets the synapses singing


there is quite literally nothing wrong with being muslim

I actually broadly agree with them (being the left-wing muppet that I am), but John Oliver is legitimately annoying.

Colbert is and has always been cool. Fuck me. Best satirist of our generation.

*Smashes you in the bollocks*

lets settle this once and for all
The North or the South?

*pees in the sink to save time*

Just admit already that London and England is lost

You fucked up by letting them in

love the north desu

Anyone else cringe when Yanks and Leafs try to be funny?

This is essentially saying, "It's ok if the North is 80% Muslim, London has the majority anyway"

16 me thinks

>there is quite literally nothing wrong with being muslim

Why does it matter? what are you, a racist?

nah lad. mayors of london are generally twats. khan seems like less of one than the last 2 is all.


the actual ELECTED mayor of london

The one man rock and roll band.

the uk looks like absolute shite desu

admit it lads, most countries have MUCH nicer cities, towns and countryside

there's very nice parts of the UK but most of it is still shit

isn't there a census on this

i live there

oh yeah yeah baby cum for me come on

>a site i've never heard of

ah yes

real news

>nah lad. mayors of london are generally twats. khan seems like less of one than the last 2 is all.

They're a bit more spread out in the North, particularly along the M62 corridor.

In the South, they're mostly in London, although Slough, Luton and High Wycombe have significant populations.

if he hadn't been so brave to come out early he probably would have been noncing little boys

London is absolutely full of wogs.

those headresses are qt

how is it saying that?

it's saying 2.6m of the 3m pakis in the uk live in london, which is in the south
that leaves a maximum of 0.4m pakis that could live in the north (which we know isn't the true as a large amount live in birmingham, but for arguments sake let's say it's true)

if you think there's only 0.6m people living in the north, 0.4m of which being pakis, then you're a spastic
the south has more pakis because you have london, deal with it

Literally nothing wrong with muslims

>Oh its okay if my town of 150,000 people is 90% Muslim, London has the majority anyway

islam is the only true red pill

on the prowl for some new gimmicks

birmingham is in the north

anything north of oxford is the north desu

ah yes, typical day in britannia

Thread soundtrack: youtu.be/ytelzMeIt9o

>those headresses are qt

fuck off milo

I'm angry all the time. I can't take watching news anymore. I don't want to go outside but I'm going insane.

Apart from contributing absolutely fuck all to British culture, identity and society.

jfc every night with the same arguments

give it a rest


:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: oh I hate those kikes !


Show us your gold medals then lad?

>Oh it's okay that my city is home to 2.6m of the 3m muslims in the UK, and is only 46% white british, because there's a town up north that has a lot of pakis in it

London is one of the largest cities in the Muslim world.

birmingham is not and never will be the north

the midlands are their own entity

>Rezzas Abdulla spat into a nine-month-old baby's face and shouted "white people
shouldn't breed" in a sickening race-hate assault

Ah yes the North.

FUCK white people

>2.6m Muslims live in London
ah yes

ah yes

the south


There is quite literally nothing wrong with being Muslim

>making homemade shotty for the ol' 'cide
>pipes have weld seam that needs extensive filing


my mate used to live next door to a Muslim and every time I went on a anti-islam rant, he'd defend Islam by bringing up his muslim neighbour.

Imagine my fucking surprise when his Muslim neighbour beat his wife and kids and then fled back to Pakistan lmao