Finland has always been a part of Sweden, East Sweden

Finland has always been a part of Sweden, East Sweden.

Before the russians took Finland most people spoke swedish, and there was no larger cultural difference than it was in other regions of Sweden.

The finnish "culture" came as a consequence of us losing them and them feeling betrayed by us.

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what's up with the rise of hostilities between finland and sweden?

Not hostilities at all friend, i'm just redpilling all finnish kangs about their "culture" and "country"

They have realized finnish kangs raid any thread like sigstuna if finland is mentioned by sweden, so they keep baiting

By Allah's will, so be it


Ladogan Karelia was under Swedish occupation for only 104 years.

And? Your country is still East Sweden

We'll take the Finn's side

Finland was a pale and raped corpse in the 19th century with all the life sucked out of it by Swedes.
Karelianists found the real Finland in Karelia.


I agree.

Sigtuna raid was pretty badass tho

We got viking'd by the fucking karelians and that's hilarious.

>most people spoke swedish
Nope, Swedish-speakers peaked at a mere 20% of the population.

The people WHO meant anything to society spoke swedish, the rest were uneducated peasants

>Another Kunningaz vs Kangz thread

for helvete Sven

hell seger

so is norway west sweden and denmark south sweden?

norway is indeed west sweden
denmark is hell though

Norway has no different national identity or culture than us more than being more conservative, they steal much from us because they never got to develop their own culture in the first place

The danes are slightly different, their culture have obvious similarities with northern Germany and the netherlands

don't they have those bus thing during graduation? that seems pretty fun

>t. Stockholmer mad about Danish racism

>Culture cant have similar roots
Fuck off lad. Norwegian and Swedish culture stems from the same roots, it's not like we forced them to accept our ways unlike you with the Finns.

We have that too. Albeit slightly different.


We have those too

it is true that finns owe their civilization's development to sweden, after all, they are responsible for the building of finland's first cities, and of course they supplied them with a written language to use for the very first time

Sweden and Denmark are both older countries, the mountain wasteland that is Norway has Done Nothing more than talong culture from both of us

yes we also built their first university and created the institutions that started running their country after russia took them.

And converted them from their pagan beliefs,

Everything you stated is true,

It was good that we forced away their barbaric culture btw, what we did there was a way of building more successfull nations and lives for both people

What is the definition of a city here?
There were large towns here since the iron age.

Finland-Swedes owe their inherited wealth to Swedish colonialism, Finns owe their current living standards to their ancestors who worked hard.


Fenno-swedes have inherited Wealth from their ancestors that let loose of your shitty culture, they deserve their modern privileges in society

>tfw Sweden failed to wipe out the filthy Asiatic Finno-Ugcuck languages from Europe
Fucking pathetic, kys please.

Fenno-swede wealth was built on the exploitation of Finnish peoples. Apologize for your centuries of transgressions. I don't think I have to remind you that our president is an avowed Fennophile and his words are backed up with nuclear weapons.

We managed to assimilate Scania though

Just barely. And then you filled it with shitskins and mudshits.

This isn't wrong but the thing is, Fenno-Swedes are lazy so they can't generate more wealth than they lose.

This is why the gap gradually closed. Richest Finns are wealthier than the richest Finland-Swedes, who had a much better headstart with their inherited wealth.

>i'm just redpilling all finnish kangs about their "culture" and "country"
Good, i made both of this shit to be real, not you.