Serious question here: why do some Italians look so brown...

Serious question here: why do some Italians look so brown? A lot of them could pass as middle easterners and they have semetic facial features(particularly their nose) like Arabs and Jews

Other urls found in this thread: genetics

So modern Italians are just rape babies then

Italians are barely white. Spanish are whiter.

Southern europeans are not white, it is what it is


Jews and Italians are genetically closely related to each other

because we are brown ppl xd

Someone's mad

SHITalians are really brown I don't know why you're acting all offended Luigi, there's nothing wrong with being moor rapebabies.

>Tfw I'm a year older than this guy

t. pablo "O' zuzzarellone" esposito
Not mad, we are brown with superior med genes. No wonder white women come here to get their vags filled with superior Med Cum.

You guys are factually brown. When I was younger and took a trip to Italy, I was actually baffled at first because I thought Italians were supposed to be white from what I'd seen in movies, and my parents had to explain to me that they were considered white even though they looked like Mexicans.

>all this damage control
Italians are Arab manlets with ugly ass noses

White Europeans
>northern France
>northern Spain
>northern Portugal
>northern Italy
>parts of Greece
>Czech republic

Non white Europeans
>southern Italy
>southern Spain
>southern Portugal
>most of Greece

You wish it were true, but deep down you know italian men go around europe and the us fucking thousands of girls.
Also let that sink in, a "manlet" fucked more then you will ever will in your life, you obese lard ball ;')

also, non white Europeans:

I actually don't know why neapolitans are so brown, sicilians have the excuse of having been conquered

I am Sicilian and have white skin

Romania can be white (but the people who post here aren't) The whole balkan area is very hit/miss in terms of whiteness. Good list though burger

Good for you

> sicilians= italians

Mom has blue eyes as well

why yes that's completely true, we are brown people.


>yfw these are the people who make these threads



could you post a smaller version of these? I can read them a bit too well like that

Because they got SPAIN'D for many centuries.

>tfw we got SPAIN'D but Spain never got ITALI'D

the shame, THE SHAME

Italy is like Brazil in terms of 'race'. You have white ones(northern Italy) and you have dark mixed ones(southern Italy and Sicily). Italy is pretty diverse, you're gonna find lots of different people. The reason why some Italians are so dark and have semetic facial features is due to years of evolution, genetics, sun exposure, and race mixing with moors and Jews

Italy was heavily colonized by greeks in the South in antiquity, with greek presence through the Byzantine empire continuing for much of the middle ages. And it was many times invaded by Celts and Germans in the north, with Germanic Kingdoms like the Ostrogoths and Lombards establishing there.
Apart from that, Phoenicians, Arabs and Normans were also in the south.

they arent really very homogenous in looks. It is a vertical country that goes from the Alps to Sicily close to North Africa.

>but Spain never got ITALI'D
This is true, though, I hope this isn't irony.

>tfw too smart to be American

Can you dispute anything I said

If you live closer to the equator, you're gonna become darker over a long period of time. It's just that simple. look at Sephardic Jews vs Ashkenazi Jews. They didn't split off from each other that long ago, but the ones that went north are much whiter now than the ones that settled around the Mediterranean.

north italy
>ostrogoth rape babbies
south italy
>moor rape babbies

What explains their facial features looking so similar to Jews and Arabs

t. virginal NEET living with his mom

>What are the Romans?

it is funny cause the moorlusian are basically south shititalians speaking Spanish with an arabic culture kek

Italy is literally the best country on Earth you can say whatever reddit shit you want about them, still the facts don't change

i hope someone beat you to death

Same reason Jews and Arabs look that way. They all live in the same general climate, and their physical features reflect that of what best survives in that climate.

There hasn't been a whole lot of race-mixing between them though as they've all managed to stay mostly isolated from one another.

Wut? Croatians are as brown as Bosnians/Serbians and yet whiter than Finns?


They didn't change the genetic make up of the peninsula, just like the Visigoths and the Berbers, they were just the ruling class.
Modern day Spaniards are 90% native to Iberia.

Giannluigi probably has Arab ancestry. He's not white, he's mostly likely mixed

My parents come from Syria and people think I'm Italian. According to 23andMe I am 15% Italian.

Thanks SPQR.

Side note, Syria is pronounced Sooria and in Latin "Y" was pronounced like Upsilon in Greek (among the high classes). So "Syria" in Latin would have been pronounced like its ancient name, Sooria.

Croatians are much more mediterranean than the relatively lowland Serbians (especially Vojvodina)

pic related explains it quite well
nothing to do with any recent movement, more with ancient post neolithic near eastern movements

POOtalians just keep embarrassing themselves every time there's a thread exposing them for what they are.

Keep on crying spaghetti gremlins

All mena get a bit of italian on 23andme. It's not real, it's the east mediterranean affinity.

You're fairly correct. I also imagine some degree of sexual selection, as well as founder effects led to ashkenazi having lighter features in certain communities. But still there are plenty of ashkenazi that are swarthy as hell. Aaron Swartz and David Baddiel come to mind.

This is true too. Population genetic studies show this autosomally, as well as haplogroup markers.

t. Emilio "scugnizz" Russo

Naples isn't even that close to the equator

They made real changes in the Iberian DNA. Dont lie yourself, user.

So is the guy in the picture an Arab or is he mixed

Yes yes, keep spamming unfunny burned out memes which make no sense. I don't care, your insults don't touch me.

On the other hand your country is the laughing stock of the world, both on the internet and IRL.
Consider fitting your small Italian head inside a hanging rope.

>bit of italian on 23andme.
3% vs. 15%

My ancestry is not Arab. I have one copy of the blue eye gene and my Y haplotype is Greek (my last name is a Greek cognate)

>Spanish are whiter.

t. pierre lopez

t. Carmine "u' sole mio" Annunziata

You have never seen an Andalusian.....

cont. I'm awfully close to you in European PCA space ;)

Sorry for all the replies but are you a scientist? I'm a PhD student in Genetics.

Here's my ADMIXTURE results too

italians in general look a LOT like ashkenazi jews
the genetic data is there


No, I study computer science. But I'm interested in genetics.

Is that from gedmatch?

Your balkan is very high. That's pretty interesting.

I think what's interesting is that the Palestinians do not have recent (underline recent) Greek ancestry.

If they came during the late Bronze age to the Canaan area, a lot (not all) of their ancestry would have disappeared assuming they bred with the locals.

ASH (Ashkenazim) is what you expect. Semetic but closer to Europe since there is some admixture going on there

They didn't. We'd be much closer to them if that were the case, they are only similar because Aragón and the Tercios SPAIN'D them.

>Your balkan is very high. That's pretty interesting.
My grandmother is Albanian (not the Mud-shit though)

There's a big demand for computer scientists in genetics (at least in the US). I'm a biologist by training but learned to program in college, so my career has been very fortunate with my skills.

The biggest problem I notice with comp sci people getting into genetics is that they do not understand the biology well. If you get a good grasp on the biology then finding a job that ties in computer science and genetics would be easy for you.

Personally I study the genetics of Autism and I focus on mutations known as structural variation. My area is specifically looking at deletions or duplications of the genome that would confer risk to autism.

I also work with 1000 Genomes, which provides a lot of the genetic samples for population genetics.

Ashkenazim are part Roman, so it's you that looks Italian

>I study the genetics of Autism

You should study fingolians

Why is "iranian"always so distinct from the others? I once saw a haplomeme map were it said 23% unknown. The fuck happened with us.

Do you know any good resources for learning biology? I study it when I get the chance, but obviously I oscillate between studying and procrastinating. Really, I should be working right now.

Thanks for the link.


>Your balkan is very high. That's pretty interesting.
To add my father does not have any known recent European ancestry (like my mother who is half Albanian)

But his European ancestry is close to mine. This makes sense because he's effectively Greek paternally (last name and E haplogroup, same as Der Fuehrer. Also Christian background.

There are "genetic enclaves" in the middle east as well as anywhere in the world. The barriers that define these enclaves are geographic (Sardinia for one see how it clusters by itself ) and cultural (usually religious). Arabs didn't mix in large numbers until 100s of years after conquests. They enjoyed their status as overlords and kept property within Muslim Arab families. This went away, but religious minorities stuck together.

Also dialect is extremely varied in MENA. I went to Morocco and had to resort to French and Spanish because they did not understand my Syrian dialect, which I imagine must be derived from a local Semitic language like Aramean.

Example although it just says "other"

Fingolians are already well studied because they are a unique population in Europe.

Genetic diversity in Europe can be thought of a spectrum with two poles, one is Finland and the other is Italy. The Alps provided a great geographic barrier for gene flow for Italians stopping right before the modern era.

kinda, but not really.

Hitler was wrong to assume that there is a pure Aryan race. Everywhere the Proto-Indo-Europeans went they mixed with local peoples. The proof is in the languages and religions that differ among the Proto-IEs. For example, many names of the Greek god do not have IE roots (like Apollo). The Aryans which lead to the modern Iranians mixed with local people in the area.

What you see on PCA plots is essentially geography. A lot of the standing genetic variation was laid down 1000s of years before all the migrations historians know about, such as the Aryan invasions.

Y haplotypes provide a more recent look into genetic populations but the Y chromosome is 1% of your entire genome.

So that's why is far away, geography

Your post reminds me of this study -

Religion does seem to be a really strong genetic barrier.

I should be working too.

I wanted to study genetics when I read this book a long time ago. It's dated but will give you a good foundation in genetics.

I can also refer some textbooks if you like but Watson's book is a good foundation.

DNA: The Secret of Life by James Watson

Here it says 27 "other". And ARAB'D would be J1 which is pretty rare outside the arab peninsula. Iran is J2 which means MESOPOTAM'D

interesting. You can see that there is a strong barrier between south Semites (green) and North Semites (blue) which is probably the Arabian desert. Also the South Semites came more recently so you might not be able to see that with the technology the authors had at the time

Italy is a sunny place and that through thousands of years gave us tan
I dont get why its so hard to understand

>Iran is J2 which means MESOPOTAM'D
Which was the predominate culture within the region before the Aryans came.

It's not MESOPOTAM'D since that happened 1000s of years after the indigenous people came there.

Who were living in Iraq/Iran 15,000 years ago? The ancestors to Mesopotamian cultures no doubt. So that genetic substrata still exists.

>More 3RAB'D than Not

Also J2 is not soley Mesopotamia. You can find J2 in Europe which is thought to have arrived in during the Bronze age as a wave of farmers from Anatolia/Levant into mostly the south balkan.

J also arrived with E-V13 and other E haplogroups which is otherwise rare in Europe.

There other evidence for this most of it coming from Greek culture.

Pretty much, All Southern Europeans were olive skinned with dark hair and dark eyes. You guys act as if they were originally Nordics then "mixing" with the moors changed the gene pool. In fact blue eyes are simply a recent genetic mutation in Europeans.

Thanks for the recommendation. What other textbooks to then move on to after? I actually own a textbook on human genetics, I've read about roughly 20% of it. This is the textbook:

Any more recommendations is welcome.

I don't know what others could be but you have to admit Iran is very diverse with Semitic, Indo-Ayran, Turkic, and other smaller minorities in there.

This whole thread is a bit cringy laddies.

well what are you interested in. That textbook seems interesting.

I used this one which has a lot of case-studies. If your text book has those then probably not worth it unless you download it online for free ( don't get a virus though) genetics

If you have access to journals a pubmed or google scholar search of "X review" will bring up review articles about the subject.

Yes, I have access. Thanks. Population genetics. But also biology in general. Anything that betters my grasp of the subject.


What programming languages do you know?

I think epigenetics is pretty awesome, specifically the 3D structure of chromatin

Here's something to get the noggin joggin

Java, C and some C++ and Python. I'm getting to grips with assembly. I read online books when I have the chance.

Way over my head, but thanks for the link. Not going to derail the thread any more.

Why do white people always need to remind us we're not white european masterrace? We know, it's fucking difficult to deal with it, I mostly try to not thinking about my dark skin and my moor ancestors.

Python and C/C++ are great

In other words, white is a barbarian?

The migration of J2 interests me very much because my paternal ancestry as far as we know goes back to a Border Reiver clan in Scotland yet that came back in my test rather than the more common R1B in Britain.

What do you think of the theory that J2 was spread by the Trojans? I'm aware of the Bronze Age collapse, so is that a reasonable theory, that my ancestor came to Britain during that wave of migration? Just seems unusual that they would have bothered going that far north.

>t J2 was spread by the Trojans? I
It wouldn't be the Trojans per-say but the Trojans represents the collapse of the Bronze-Age. So yeah if you look at it like that, the collapse of the Bronze Age caused a lot of populations to migrate, many from the East went West.

3/4th french 1/4th italian
conversano is white

I guess that's how I should have phrased the question: "could they have arrived because of the Bronze Age collapse?"

How much money is there really in this genetics field? I'm also studying CS like the bong and have a passing interest in the field. Would you really make anymore money in the field than any other software job in California?