
울릉도 동남쪽 뱃길따라 이백리 외로운 섬하나 새들의 고향
그누가 아무리 자기네 땅이라고 우겨도 독도는 우리땅

경상북도 울릉군 울릉읍 독도리 동경백삼십이 북위 삼심칠
평균기온 십이도 강수량은 천삼백 독도는 우리땅

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지증왕 십삼년 섬나라 우산국 세종실록지리지 오십쪽에 셋째줄
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울릉도 동남쪽 뱃길따라 이백리 외로운 섬하나 새들의 고향
그누가 아무리 자기네 땅이라고 우겨도 독도는 우리땅

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조선민주주의인민공화국(朝鮮民主主義人民共和國, 영어: Democratic People's Republic of Korea, DPRK, 대한민국의 언어:북한), 약칭 조선(朝鮮), 북조선(北朝鮮)은 동아시아의 한반도 북부에 위치한 국가이며 수도는 평양직할시다. 수도는 1972년 12월 27일 조선민주주의인민공화국 사회주의헌법이 공포되며 명목상 수도 서울시에서 '혁명의 수도' 평양으로 공식 변경되었다. 남쪽으로는 대한민국과, 북쪽으로는 중화인민공화국 및 러시아와 접하고 있다. 공용어는 조선어이며, 경기 방언에 기초한 문화어를 표준어로 삼고 있다.

1945년 제2차 세계 대전이 끝나고, 한반도는 북위 38도를 경계로 이북 지역을 소련군이 맡아 군정을 실시했으며, 1946년 2월 북조선림시인민위원회를 수립해 건국의 기틀을 마련했다. 그로부터 2년 뒤인 1948년에는 조선반도 총선거에 기초하여 김일성을 수상, 박헌영·홍명희 등을 부수상으로 하여 1948년 9월 9일 조선민주주의인민공화국이 공식적으로 출범했다.[2]

조선로동당, 천도교청우당, 조선사회민주당이 있는 형식상의 다당제 체제이지만, 사실상 조선로동당의 1당 체제며, 특히 국가주석 김일성의 아들 김정일, 그리고 김일성의 손자이자 김정일의 아들인 김정은이 차례로 집권하여 김씨 왕조다.[3] 현재 내세우는 정치이념은 주체사상과 선군정치(先軍政治·군이 앞장서는 정치)다. 주체사상은 1972년 사회주의헌법 개정에서 최초로 등장하였고,

u wot m8?

Дoкдo je Cpбja

But South Korea is a nation of free-speech suppression, right?
They could be busted, even if they say a bit of anti-South-Korean thing online, right?
13-years-old South Korean boy was even busted for pro-Jap, right?

That boy was a pity sacrifice.
In South Korea, the government are censoring online.
Anyone else can be a snitch.
not easy to use 太極旗


every body introducing some web site,

why kaikai is prohibited?


good riddance. its like introducing stormfront. nobody needs that shit.

No, just they afraid truth.

>shit english

piss off shill

nobody clicks your shit site

Well done Private user.
You got a guck VANKer.



kill yourself

oh, sorry not to you

You fucking gook must back to your country

You are complete subhuman. Everything in korea is just meme. Even your leader is a meme and doing bad thing to her country, while our leader is improving Japan. Koreans and Chineses will eventually be gassed. Like jews who always disgrace germany(ofc they pretend to be european). I swaer.

Also, There were no nanking nor comfort women. Do not make fake news. You filthy chinks and gooks.

calm down, bro. there's no reason to be mad at this shitposting


but he is not a jap, but Zapanese

Browsing Sup Forums and find out Japaneses are quite autistic.

Prob you Korean's brain are well washed.

Is there MRI-like shits to examine it desuka?
or some kind of 답정너?
(The answer is already set. You just answer my question)


what is this?
You know? I don't understand korean.
You don't intend to talk to me , right?

>answer is already set

tired of "gooks brain washed" reply following dispraise of Japan.

I have no idea about what you said.

What's wrong with japanese? This nation is sick.


Prob Japs became aware of Korean bloody horrible social system.

Probably Sup Forums has come to aware of Japanese crippling mental disability.

zitto animale

That is because of the existence of Korean Jap like you who even bash US base.

seriously just go see a doctor.

good thread

다케시마는 일본 땅입니다.


다케시마는 일본 땅입니다.

Takeshima is Japanese territory.


Unfortunately and actually South Korean and Korean Jap like you are bashing US military bases in Japan.


But you also agree with me to some extent, right?
South Korean and Korean Jap are bashing US military bases in Japan.

It's gotta be the North Koreans
I mean, if you were South Korean, you'd have to know the importance of the military bases in Okinawa when attacked by the North Koreans
Or they're too ignorant


Do you know 韓国基地平和ヘットワーク ?
Obviously South Korean
The group is in 済州島

tfw the japanese online are so good at victim complexes that they even blame shitposters on koreans

and it's actually japanese that always pretend to be of other nationality.

>Or they're too ignorant

Yeah, they are actually too ignorant.
South Korean are half commie and half democrat.
Commie have been fanning the flame of SK's anger.
And demorat regime have been using the flame.

well that's probably for that all nationz site

also that's genuinely fucking pathetic, no other country on planet earth has a site like that



>typical Korean schools in Japan
no wonder there are so many anti-Japanese posters under Japanese flags

why do you think i care about either of these at all

especially the one from texas

sorry Kim, my mistake

>japan laughing at mental illness
i don't why i didn't expect that from you

>victim complexes

What do you know ?

every time someone dares to criticize the perfect, excellent country that is known as japan, it's ALWAYS a korean

the possibility that japan might not be perfect is an impossibility to the japanese posters here, it's such an impossibility that they blame their sworn enemy that they tried colonizing a few decades ago


also there's the fact that there's a fucking website that translates only the positive posts about japan here just so the japanese won't feel insecure, it's genuinely pathetic

>japs make obnoxious shitposts
>other says fuck off to japs
>japs get butthurt then claim he is an anti japanese agent and start shitposting
japs are truly autistic

so that is cause of "victim complexes"?
Do you think some weird ?

So you Korean hate Jap , you better go back to your home country.


see? even if that person might just be a japanese person embarrassed by the retardation of the majority of the japanese posters here, it's a korean

Yeah, just you are. lol

might be
Might BE

Well , I think you are rather rude that say retardation .
good upbringing lol

you clearly don't understand enough english to even reply to me

i'm talking about any poster, not just him in particular

>Well , I think you are rather rude that say retardation .
oh please, your people just call anyone you don't like koreans, i guess blaming everything on korea is considered a good upbringing in japan

Only dirty chosenjin would slander grorius Nippon!

> a japanese person embarrassed by other Japanese posters
>somehow go full hatred mode against Japan

>calling the japanese who post here autists means that you have nothing but full hatred for japan
why do the japanese think in such extremes all the time?

So how come you like so Korean?
Korean blood?

I hate South Korean rather than N Korean.
Because they have been teaching their children that they should hate Jap.

Well, he's the notable one who never fails to appear in this kind of thread or the threads whose OP is from Japan.
The issue is not as simple as you think.

i'm possibly the least korean person in the world, i don't want to be all MUH HERITAGE but i'm of french/south american descent

hell i don't even like koreans that much and i even pity them because their country implodes every few decades

wut? you are so paranoic.

Every time I open this kind of thread, I always see your post saying "how xxx japs are!" like and post pics like .

I don't know difficult words.

anyways I assume that they are deliberately teaching their children that they should hate Jap.
Only this thing , I hate them OFC.

MUH HERITAGE is a joke about how some people care too much about their heritage on here, that's all
>anyways I assume that they are deliberately teaching their children that they should hate Jap.
>I assume
so you're just assuming? anyway, i don't know why you act so surprised, it wasn't that long ago that japan tried to colonize korea and even tried to force everyone to speak japanese

the japanese can shit talk korea all day long, but as soon as one of them even jokes about nukes, hell breaks loose

love eradicating shit-nip culture in the morning.

And it is always done before other Japanese poster come.
It's like you're always watch over Sup Forums.

You can stand with them only because it looks one-sided because there are less Koreans compared to Japanese.

>he's so butthurt that he posted a screencap where he's destroying Japan in the game
man, it's beyond pathetic.

Canadian posters gonna Canadian.
It is well said that Canadian posters are like Australians without humor.

>I assume

I don't know that expression is proper.
but It's real that Korean even take it for granted.

You are probably female.
when you fight against enemy with ally , if the ally is a traitor , what do you do?

The traitor is South Korean.

>his cunt keep sending us trash grills

This leaf man is so mad at whore grills of his cunt