Hate Thread
Reddit, man, just fucking Reddit. There are people in this very board unironically calling others racists and telling them to stop that, just because they called someone a nigger in a shitpost. Why? Because of Reddit. I hope they die
This. Also people who obsess over the past (Trumpfucks, Neckbeards, Basic bitches, racists, "90s kids").
Fuck, that makes my mouth hurt just watching
>Delete dindu.exe
Those people have always been here and they've always been the minority unlike leddit
I know that, but they're not so much of a minority anymore as they've been successful at even killing threads because it was against their SJW faggotry. Usually in the afternoon they abound in this shit and manage to censor us a lot of times. It's the worst of Sup Forums, in a history full of dark times
nu-Sup Forums
So sick of the utter shitfest this board has become. Guess I'll try a new chan next year.