Bonus tracks

>ATDI - Catacombs, Extracurricular
>ETID - Goddamn Kids These Days, Business Casualty, Saturnalia, Nothing Visible


>Hidden tracks

>bonus track
>at the start of the album

I don't get the hate against bonus tracks. Some of them are good, some of them are dull or even plain bad. You don't have to listen to them, just stop the album at the end of it, if you don't want to.

>B-side is better than anything on the album
>its not included on the album

i think of bonus tracks as excess baggage and religiously avoid them

>album reissue
>bonus tracks are the b-sides of the singles

>reissue replaces one of the tracks with an alternate version without indication

>the music video version of the single is better and it's not included in the album