Why doesn't Russia just take all of Ukraine?

Why doesn't Russia just take all of Ukraine?

Very good quesion, but it's all up to you!

hard to fake elections for 46 million people


lol that's the plan

because poles/commies convinced ukries that they are a real country and nationality instead of being a subregion of russia.

Why though?

you just need to have media controlled

What's the point? They are as lazy as russians and have even lower quality of life. Moreover they can start guerilla welfare if they have russian passports. We don't want chechnya 2.0

Chechnya would be absolutely nothing compared to the terrorism you would get from a passive aggressive populace of 40 million

Putin is a crypto-Bolshevik cuckold so I would rather this not happen.

Because Hohols are with Germans the niggers of the white race.

Nah, it would be better. Chechens are monkey tier people so the only good solution for the problem is basically kill them. The problem is west ukraine. They can hide in poland and basically try to kill Putin everywhere in europe.
He is classic imperialist

can they do that when 90% of population hates them?

Chehens are muslims and terrorist from birth
Basically animals tho

>muslims and terrorist
You don't have to be redundant

>Hard to take elections
>For Russia
That's where you're wrong kiddo

good reason to grow pair of balls and join army

Why would Russia want a 3rd world shithole like Ukraine?

rocket artillery

Russia doesn't want to annex Ukraine anyways. They just want to keep them in their sphere of influence.

That's what they do every election

cuz it's a containment zone

to hide 1st world russian province from the federal news

Because last thing Russia needs is more shitholes. Ukraine is the 2nd poorest country in Europe.

That's the easy part. The hard part is not going bankrupt. Ukraine is very poor, even for Russian standards.

Russia already got what it wanted, namely Crimea. They couldn't give less of a shit about those LARPing wankers in Donetsk and Lugansk.

Soviet wanted buffer states around them and Russia somehow took over the policy.

>just take all of Ukraine?
becouse our government - wea k pu ssy ba llsless siss yes fagg ots. and theyr money fulls in west banks.