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International #718
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Japanese princess is ok r-right?
If race-mixing is so great
Kurva anyátok
Are japanese still real japanese or they are evolved in werternized japanese ?
What do you think about British tourists?
Oh, cmon, American cuisine isn't that terrib-
So this country is basically Brazil, right?
This confuses and enrages the CHIs
Ancestry thread
Are southern europeans socially retarded??
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Finland hate thread
Latinos: If you could get a gf from any Latin American country except your own...
Why do we not have any culture?
ITT post songs which are sung in your language and other anons rate them
Brazil has 21 of the 50 most violent cities in the world
ITT : post the languages of your country
Parliament thread
Why is Bavaria so superior to the rest of Germany?
What do regular Russians think if Putin...
Let's have one of these
ITT: Be as Polish as possible
Post your city, and some interesting facts about it
I hate myself
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
What is your cunts favorite 2ho? Since we germans have superior taste its obviously Tewi
Puke on a Japanese person
!. Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Why are mexicans so tiny? they don't grow past 1.40m
What is the best place in European Union for a white male cis gendered with european citizenship that only speaks...
Brazil or Mexico
Lets have a screencap thread
42% of Americans believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old
Why are western people so racist? why don't you want to help those poor syrians?
Why don't Americans travel? Many Americans have never been to Canada and Mexico
I want to be roman citizen
How does it feel posting on an American board posting in our language?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What is his fucking secret Sup Forums? Is it weed?
How can I learn Russian when the alphabet is completely different from the rest of Europe?
You wake up in Oulu Finland
What are your most sincere thoughts about this country?
How else is learning Japanese here?
Sverigetråden - För fet för en upplaga
1: you cunt
This is picture of the BRITISH isles, you notice anything?
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
/balk/ Balkan Thread
I love France. Do you love France?
Stop making fun of America
/fr/ - le fil des francophones
I come from a small village in the south-east of France, AMA
1: your cunt
Can you explayn dat shit?
Kurva anyátok
ITT: We summon Iran
This is Germany
Couple anons called me a mongol man
What happens in scotland? anything interesting?
I like the USA and the UK
Finnish men
What do Italians think of Mussolini?
ITT: we show our love for underappreciated denmark
/brit/ - The Sexy Ladies Edition
Which is the best arab country? Turkey is much poorer but they have a better army
ITT : we shitpost in our language
Dear Europeans
Germany-Russia Friendship Thread
/hamburg/ - auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Why are Northern africans so pathetic?
The population of Ireland is less than half that of Moscow
These are average Asian males
Do you like liver and onions?
The latest scandal in Israel: The minister of social equality sends her daughter to a $1000/mo private school...
What am I in for?
Anyone from Denmark here? I need some help
Britain is leaving the EU and making the EU pay for it
222 people has been killed by the police in USA this year
Do you international shit posters know about the /nederdraad/ ?? Do you sometimes creep in it??
What happens here?
Red vs Blue
So what culture do white people have?
He lives on a island
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
We get less tourists than frikin kyrgyzstan. We truly are irrelevant and forgotten nation
Sverigetråden - Lördagsmys upplagan
Give me one fucking reason i should like the USA
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
How shit is this cunt right now?
I hear European men have weird alien dicks with extra skin on them. Is this true?
/luso/ fio lusofono
Average Finnish man
Without looking anything up, name 5 cities in Chile
Why are Indonesian man so autistic? Seriously...
Tfw your country is now officially third world
/ita/ - il filo
Amandla Stenberg was born in Los Angeles County, California, the child of Karen Brailsford and Tom Stenberg...
Post your life in one pic
Post your cunt's Pepe
Daily reminder that in Rural Russia, women get married and have children between ages 16 and 18
Can someone explain what do eastern Europeans do wrong...
Presidential elections in France
1. You are a cunt
Why does Finland deserve to exist?
Uruguvay is first world confirmed
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Free Catalonia
What method for killing yourself do people from your country use the most
Miranda Lawson is genetically perfect
Why doesn't most of europe just give up on their native language and adopt english as their mother tongue? French...
Post your face when Poland notices you
1. Your cunt
Why can't Asian girls into THICK?
Why is Russia the cutest country?
Why do Americans hate education?
Do Europeans really do this ?
Are Carthaginians white?
The European Union will never have an army within your life time
Why have 60s hippies with all their good intentions failed and world is owned by neoliberal corporations now...
Fall into slavic meme
Stop believing in Christianity
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone et blanc:
/mena/- WE WUZ TOM N JERRY NIKKKA edition
Why is Switzerland the only European country without draconian gun laws?
WTF is this USA??
Why don't Americans eat horse meat?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
/deutsch/ Schokoelfen Ausgabe
Everytime I see an american man, both irl and in media, he has sunglasses regardless of weather and an unkempt beard
Melons cost $100 in japan
'dad, i want to study abroad in Japan or Korea after i graduated from highschool'
Why are Shitalian race courses so shit? Two F1 drivers died in a weekend thanks to Giuseppe infastructure being so poor
Alaska is the most beautiful on Earth
It's another episode of user losing hundreds of dollars as a result of his stupidity
/Balt + Ausnz/
White """""""" people""""""""
Do you like Japanese cuisine?
/v4/ + friends
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - >falla avupplagan
Spicshits BTFO
Visit an Iranian friend's house
America in one image
Hilo del chicano deportado
You're country
Do you take issue with Korea's heavy use of plastic surgery?
Daily reminder that protestants are superior and if you're not protestant you might as well submit to us
How do people react in your country when two men are kissing in public?
Having watched a lot of foreign WWII movies...
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Leaf here
1. you're country
Father, why are there no birds living on the european subcontinent?
You're country
1. Your country
What words are used in your country to describe really cheap, low-end alcohol? In English, we'd use words like "rotgut...
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Are white men out of control in your country?
Best Anthems
There's no such thing as cute German girls
Let's have a comfy food thread and post your favourite local dish(es)
Which country were your grandparents from?
Ancestry thread
ITT: We summon rare flags
What is the best way to kill a cat in your country?
Why do americans call this thing a cheese?
Argentina is very friendly
Is Southeast Asia the future?
Hey Sup Forums post your rooms or where you spend most of your time
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1819
Why is it that the more americans there is on a board the worse it is?
First day doing something productive instead of wasting time on Sup Forums
Toronto's most wanted list
A landmass literally cut in half
Poland closes the borders
1. nation
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
I want to live and die in the UK
"son, say hi to your new step mom"
How humiliating is it that you have to speak our language on a daily basis while we don't speak any of your irrelevant...
Americans eat fried butter
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Memes aside
Why are the japanese so amazingly autistic any time they see anyone mention a korean?
TFW applied to a bunch of jobs today
What happened when Koreans or Japanese in 17th-18th century saw for the first time an european with blue eyes ?
1. Your country
Which road trip is better?
Feels good
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Europe General - /euro/
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things...
Summer is coming gentlementos can't wait for the obligatory
What's a more important language to learn G*rman or Fr*nch?
Kurva anyátok
Post your favorite white countries
ITT we say nice things about America
/Ronnystunde/ ehemals /deutsch/
What are some things tourists get surprised of when they visit your country?
Do nordics really freeze up when you try to make small talk with them or is it just memes
Seriously, Americans, you are a rich country, why don't your citizens demand universal public healthcare?
/catholic thread/
How is the war against obesity going in your country?
Do you love Poland? What do you love the most about Poland? :3
TFW have to pay $1500 in income tax this year for the first time
Why do South/Central Americans get so butthurt when Mexicans post pictures of actual average Mexicans but Mexicans...
God DAMN IT Chinamen, you ARE smarter than us!
Do you see slavs as Europeans?
Why are Europeans so racist?
POLEXIT? Poland may 'NO LONGER' be EU member state, leading Europhile warns
What are common names in your country?
ITT we say nice things about America
Hilo /lat/ino
You're Looking at the Next Chancellor of Germany
Do you like Norway?
Go do a school exchange year in Mexico
Signs of a third world country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do they want to live like insects?
/ita/ - il filo
Is it easy for a brazilian to learn italian?
Sverigetråden - Valhallaupplagan
You're a country
Is the man bun popular in your country, Sup Forums ?
Por que le molesta tanto a los mexicanos?
I still don't get why we are seperate countries
Reminder: this is what Japanese people actually look like
What would happen if the whole of Sup Forums moved to Poland?
Is there any difference between these words in your language?
Foreign politicians you respect
Why do people from others countries don't like France ?
There are countries in this world that have never had a civil war
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone et blanc:
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Why don't you fucking europeans brush your fucking teeths...
What crimes has the Eternal Anglo committed against your people?
Google "superpowers"
Beware guys, I heard that there is sniper nearb-
Who are better conquerors, Western Europeans or Turkic people?
Are we real?
Hyperloop Helsinki to Stockholm in under 20 minutes
Is this correct?
Mongolian 20yo over here
Are Asian men who lift the most attractive men in the world?
Yfw southern and northern europeans look exactly the same except for eye and hair color
Japanese man who amassed a SIX-TON pile of dirty magazines died when it collapsed on top of him
Kurva anyátok
His language isn't spoken in more than 10 countries
German guy is doing a party. What time should I show up? It says 9pm on Facebook...
Why are Sup Forumsacks so ugly?
What is the most normie country?
This is how the Russian language would be looking on the latin alphabet with a phonetical way in orthography...
Wtf I LOVE poland now
Which European countries have the ugliest people?
How can white girls compete with this ?
Tfw you will never meet another American again
This THICC girl only dates Asian boys due to her love of East Asian - mainly Korean - mass entertainment media
Is your country lucky?
The word "Slav" comes from Slave
Would you throw away your white genes and heritage, to date and racemix with an Italian girl?
/IBE/ - España & Portugal
Who has better food? Jap or Chink?
120 romanians fled a spanish restaurant without paying
/deutsch/ Ruhrgebietsausgabe
This is a Polish-German friendship thread
Who are your country's ever underpriviliged shitskin minority? Here they're called the Mizrachim, who are Arab Jews...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Do Serbian women have the best boobs in Europe?
In your opinion, which nationalities are the most evil?
What did he meam by this
Having Chinese name
NATO should be disbanded
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
What does Sup Forums think of Schulz?
Be american
Which one of those two is the rightful successor of Roman Empire?
Are there any nice sounding languages outside Indo-European and Uralo-Altaic families?
ITT school pics from your cunt
Do you like Shinzo Abe?
Why are Europeans still digging up bombs from WWII and sometimes even WWI inside of their cities?
Stop dating asian women
Sverigetråden - Min födelsedag upplagan
OMG, we will no longer be able to held EU hostage in us demanding gas discounts and not paying bills, it's so unfair!!!
/brit/ - The Make Me A Fucking Sammich, Johnny Foreigner Edition
Post antique buildings from your cunt
Police move to shut down neo-Nazi Finnish Resistance Movement
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
A gang of Mexicans with guns and machetes attacked Russian tourists on a toll road. They were robbed but nobody harmed
/balk/ Balkan Thread
1. you're country
"Finns are practical people. They have their feet on the ground
Why are eastern europeans usually much nicer and more polite than western europeans?
1. country you hate most
Is there any country other than Australia that gets this right?
What did he mean by this?
Japs refuse to learn English
Do you appreciate superior real Finnish humour?
Need a (You) now more than ever, lads
Americans are now licking their monitors
Go to Netflix
Why do white women find black people more attractive?
Are firecrackers legal in your country?
That one sri lankan poster
Wtf i love japan now!
TFW you wasted thousands of hours on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Cultural practices in your country that stupid dumb foreigners will never EVER understand
1. Cunt
Rank the country above you 1-10
I'm sorry, Australia, who is it that doesn't celebrate Easter?
This is a thread for countries that were at some point the most powerful in the world
It's Friday edition
So tell me Sup Forums, your age, cunt, sex, and the boards you visit:
What do people in your country think of reddit?
1. your country
Take the redpill: Humans are not native to Earth
Ok seriously, something needs to be done about these two countries...
Do I pass as a local in your country?
Kurva anyátok
Russia or Europe?
Would you let a Canadian marry your daughter?
>just had to pay $300 to replace a tire because >>someone stuck a nail in sidewall 3 months ago
Tfw your gf has a bigger dick than you
1. You're cunt
/ita/ il filo
Poll on alt-right faggotry
Do you like socialism?
Which is master race of white?
Language Difficulty Ranking
Log on Sup Forums expecting to discussion international culture
Why doesn't America allow Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania to enter its visa waiver program?
Portuguese language option
How is this man even real? He's done aboslutely nothing. The Canadian economy continues to tank under him
Japanese posters of Sup Forums what is the culture of 2chan like? is it as bitter and cynical as 4chin?
18C in antarctica
Australia in before holland, Portugal, Austria, and Sweden
Does this even exist?
Post your eye
Roll thread
Spurdo meme thread
Lets have a memri tv thread
ITT: Post the ugliest human being from your country
1. Your country of origin
Which do you like better, sailor uniform or blazer uniform?
TFW the nordic countries are fighting again
Which latin language is the most beautiful?
Well Sup Forums?
/nachtschicht/, Teil des /deutsch/en Reichs
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Well user? Aren't you hungry?!!! Dig in!
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of making money with my brilliant entrepreneurial ideas
"The free market will fix it"
When humans colonize the galaxy will there still be countries? Will Sup Forums still have flags...
Americans actually ask restaurants to pack the leftovers in doggy bags so they can continue eating it at home
EU Requiring Visas for US Citizens Soon?
Mestizos were a mistake. t. Spaniard
Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Who will become the 51st state?
What are your goals in life Sup Forums are you on course to achieve if them?
Stab friend in the back 23 times
Why was I born brown edition
ITT: Beg a reply from a country you like. You lose if you fail to get any
Why do Anglos age so badly?
What's the most overrated language?
1- youre country
Why is Donald Duck so popular in Europe? I hear that his comics sell very well there. Why?
Hilo latino
Sup Forums said the day of the rope would never come
Where do your natives live?
Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
ITT: Post the greatest comedian of your county's history
Why do estonians care so much about others considering them nordic...
1. Your country
In his country it is considered taboo to breastfeed in public
What is the least hated country on Earth?
Be russians
How common are private schools in your country? Why do people choose them over public schools?
/carib/ ACT 16 Universal Edition
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Opinion Live upplagan
Pretend to speak the language of the poster above you
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
ITT: we talk about how much we love the British
Swedish girls in an anti-racism protest
Turkey should invade Saudi-arabia...
Why are MENA men so effeminate? They wear mountains of perfume and makeup and hair product...
Describe your country's humor
Banter the shit out of the poster above you
Paki arguing with eastern europeans
What is the language of the elite in your country?
Your country's contemporary culture in one picture
Its another "everybody circlejerk nordic countries because muh free healthcare, free education, and happiness" thread
ITT: We personify countries
They are being invaded by arabs again? Fucking karma
Why were the finns so retarded? No one else in europe were uncivilised for such a long time...
Last thread >>71803810
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
/deutsch/ normale ausgabe
/polska/ - edycja loszki dla anonka
Korean girls are WELCOMED and APPRECIATED Edition
What general is the most racist? I vote /fr/
Why is California so fucking stupid?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Do you like kebab
This shames the saunaculture
Who was the worst colonizers?
Be Dutch
Did your mother give birth to a bastard?
What are some terms that are used in your country for getting white or western girls?
This is considered normal in some places in the world
TFW you wasted thousands of hours on Sup Forums when that time could have been better spent doing something productive
684 pounds (310kg) isn't a normal weight in his country
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Asians are weird looking hobgoblins. I don't get why people find them attractive
What should the new planets be named Sup Forums?
How can such a continent rich in resources be so worthless and shit?
What would happen to someone wearing this hat in your country?
I hate fr*nce
What's int currently listening?
How can non-white women ever compete ?
You need to have all these qualities to be considered white
Bulgar Babes
Your cunt
Why are these the only 3 countries that can successfully mass produce and export media entertainment around the entire...
Is it pathetic to pretend to be a nationality you arent from ?
Be Swede
A storm came and our commieblocks couldn't handle it. First strom this year. I'm of scared...
Greeks are worse than Arabs
Could I pass as a local in your country?
/deutsch/ oder auch /mgtow/
Offer american boiled potatoes for dinner
What's North Korea?
/ita/ - il filo
How many girls did you fuck on Erasmus?
American "education"
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Is it good idea to study in Japan for undergraduation...
German ""men"" sit down to pee
Who fucked who?
Americans keep their bread in the fridge
Apparently Paraguay fought a war against Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina...
Is Turkish white or Asian?
/iber/ - /esputal/ - /portuña/
Kurva anyátok
/periwinkle/ thread - debut edition
/deutsch/ - Jüdisch-faschistische Ausgabe
What happens here?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hälö? hälö yes, i cn takl to Sup Forums/???
Sverigetråden - Shobonupplagan
Finnish women
What's best ancient civilization in New World? Mayans, Aztecs or Incas? Explain your choice
What's the ugliest buildings in your country?
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
International food thread!
Americans keep their butter in the fridge
It's over
Americans pay ¢72 per liter for premium gas
You wish your country had tons of qt italian immigrants
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Je déteste les belges, encore plus que les arabes
ITT we guess name of above poster's mum
You're a cunt
I have a serious question /int
Do you love Japan?
Why doesn't Russia just take all of Ukraine?
Hey Dutch, can you explain why he dyes his hair blonde and wears blue contact lenses?
1. country
Time for /nordic/
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...