arabs only

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Why are you all insane about religion

It's dead Ahmed

it's the new hot thing bro

Do you support Ba'athism?


it's jerry retard


So you agree that the Saudi monarch must be overthrown?

kys remove us from that map



دوم دوم نحن الشرطة السعودية افتح الباب الان و الااااااااااا اشطاااااااف

>arabs only
¡ala! ok

we will never be arab, stay jealous faggot

Good. So how will you bring Ba'athism to the gulf Arab states?

your not a fucking arab


by using the internet my friend


Next thing you'll say is that Iranis are also Arab

You know, like these ignorant cucked faggots:

fine join the niggers club

Tell everyone you know in real life and the internet why Saddam and Gaddafi did nothing wrong.

Both your posts and that video are so cringey

of course

Arabs can't go two seconds without killing each other in their own countries right now, no way in hell they can unite into a pan-arab state.

It's a dead ideology, Soviet Union collapsing ended those kind of movements.

Iranians are Indo Europeans
You guys are Arab in some way

yes they are
btw who are those beta cock sucking ignorant

arabs already worship saddam , gaddafi tho isnt that popular

and you'll be right on both statements

not really
