What do people in your country think of reddit?

what do people in your country think of reddit?

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by far the best online community for serious discussion

Day of the rake can't come any sooner.

>twitter nation

Most of people didn't even know it is a "thing"

By the way I tried to use it but I can find it atractive! Do you know guys a goat page in Reddit where members are red-pilled?


it's how half your country gets its news :^)

The smaller subreddits are unironically GOAT.

I don't really get the whole "Let's hate reddit" meme, it's a lot better than Sup Forums and the small niche subreddits are fantastic. Sup Forums can't really compete



Here on Sup Forums I actually shitpost saying reddit is a piece of shit, so the cancer of this image board think reddit a bad place and don't go there.
Only newfags fall for the reddit is a bad place meme.

People don't generally know about Reddit, but the ones here who do use it tend to use the mongolian throat singing board to some extent as well.

>virtual contact

why are russians so based?

depends on what subject

/r/metacanada is far better than Sup Forums or Sup Forums for canadian conservatives to talk about politics, it's the only subreddit i go on


this is NOT a coincidence

Reddit is fucking garbage and it's been getting even worse lately. I visit it for general news, but it is cancer for discussion and you should go back there or kys.

Try r/debatefascism for politics

It's better than just for discussion of right-wing only politics too actually, lots of smart posters and good discussion both ways. Unironically best place I've found to discuss politics of any site. Good diversity of ideas and no retards.

Most people don't know what reddit is exactly, the people who already heard of reddit don't know the purpose of the site

Reddit is really a cool community, only the autistic edgelords of Sup Forums say it is shit, because this ain't a place for them


Not really my dude. Depends what boards I guess.

Reddit is just a platform and you can make any subreddit you wish RIGHT NOW. Your "beef" might be with the major subreddits which indeed are a hivemind and can be pretty awful.

>Our President publicly admits to hating sharks

In what timeline are we living in

That's what I'm talking about, friend.
Keep doing it and reddit will only improve.

Compare Sup Forums catalog to this for example


Oh god its started. The Redditors actually take pride in announcing that they visit Reddit on Sup Forums.

No wonder Sup Forums is such a fucking shithole full of the most pathetic role playing losers on Sup Forums. This board should be purged.

this board is shit specifically because of the "LE Sup Forums CULTURE TO POST BRAAAAAAP, ANIME AND TFW NO GF"


oddly still better than everything else displayed, though

politics, geo-political discussion and staff related

it's ok friend, you can talk with others autistics just like you here in Sup Forums

Sup Forums has been /r/The_Donald's colony since January 2016, newcuck

t. Basement dwelling ubermensch

Sup Forums needs to gtfo is the solution

Not sure about Argentine politics, but /r/NeutralPolitics is absolutely glorious for American politics. You might find that many of the questions and arguments there apply to other countries as well (e.g. recently there was a thread about the benefits vs. drawbacks of private prisons).

/r/Geopolitics is alright.

/r/ChangeMyView is also breddy gud for these topics. The entire point of that subreddit is to play devil's advocate against whatever position OP takes.

v doesn't stand for vitrual my fellow white friend

But first, lemme take selfie.


Reddit? More like cancer place for retards, gays, traitors, chink and gommies .

Might want to not use the term 'redpilled' for these topics where it's very dynamic and lots of theory.

literally everyone i know uses it.

don't fucking know why. even i use it lmfao.

>More like cancer place for retards, gays, traitors, chink and gommies .

sounds like Sup Forums to be honest

I always reported gommies and gay threads and they'll be pruned in less than 30 minutes. :DDDDDD So don't worry. Also, you have to go , like seriously.

We need to make reddit great again and not be shamed for using reddit from 4channers.

Guy today i am no longer apologetic about being a reddit user.

Top post

Shared and liked

>Also, you have to go , like seriously.

Why can't I use both websites?

Look on the bright side, what if it said SnapChat instead of Twitter?

See? Feels better don't it

twitter is great

Not many of them know that it exists.

OPs map shows 2nd most popular

learn you read you fucking id- oh wait

I know that feel, friend.

It was only years ago when >le redditards were saged to oblivion for casually mentioning the site or sharing a link, but now they're openly praising it as superior to Sup Forums

The more Sup Forums just becomes awash in normal, slightly-awkward "nerds", the more Sup Forums loses its distinctive raison d'etre and becomes just another 'nerdy' site for 'geeky dorks' rather than being a beacon of unfettered free expression, no matter how shitty or undignified

>the more Sup Forums loses its distinctive raison d'etre



Norway? Denmark?

>Muh freedom of the speech is the most important thing, who cares about productive discussion or intelligent thought, I want a place to spam porn, gore and BRAAAAAPPPPPTTTTTT or other shitty memes

really makes me think dude. And you say "years ago" like you've been here for quite some time, so you should be at least 20+ by now right?

They don't know about it

most of people that know about it say its a leftist biased site and because poland is mostly rightist they dont go there
we got our own reddit called wykop which is everyday swarmed with news like
so its basically the same thing but it's on the other side of the political barricade

It's an improvement desu

didnt want to link the other post, sorry

internet for people in my country is facebook, messenger, instagram.

Vkontakte™ is far better than any social network
>Free music
>Free films
>Le memes

US and Saudi arabia share twitter!

It is pretty good desu, not gonna lie.

>autistic manchildrem proud of being exclusive Sup Forums shitposters

someone teach me how to use reddit
I want to leave this place
I want to change

literally just make an account then go on some subreddits you like

Leldit is unfunny, unoriginal, most contents stolen from here and faggot. No. There's only one option.
>newfags usually from leldit always, ALWAYS ignorant about the fucking board rules.
Should have been gassed the lots of them.

it is also completely free of censorship

Sup Forums - check

Sup Forums - check (BRAAAPPPPPPTTTTT, BLACKED, wh*teys on suicidewatch, same thread every single day)

>Most content stolen from here
LOL like what content? Which content is stolen? Braaapt posting? Where do you propose that's posted retard

There is nothing to steal from here

>Odnoklassniki (literally "classmates". It is literally facebook for 40+ y.o. people here and is a good source of memes desu but not more than that)
What? Why? How?
Can't be real, there must be some sort of mistake here. Russian diaspora is strong in these cunts for sure, but not that damn strong.

If you dont like it here just fuck off m8

Yea never heard of that here either
Its probably either Facebook, or Twitter or something

don't mind if i do lol

this place fucking sucks

What a Absolute Madman
I love it

>this many people admitting that they use reddit and that they think that it is superior to Sup Forums
Was Sup Forums always this full of plebbitors?

I always knew Aussies were kangaroo fuckers descended from rapists. I didn't know you were illiterate too.

Not always, probably more and more started going on reddit when Sup Forums went downhill.

pakistan and saudi confirmed for western

>January 2016

Kek, more like September 2015
That's when Sup Forums turned absolutely crap
Sup Forums has always been absolute garbage though
Almost every thread is a hate America circlejerk by yurocucks

This man is a gift to comedy.

Hail President Trump!

Sorry, despite your shilling promoting the "goodness" of leldits, I'm not interested, plebbit staff.
You have to go .

But you literally can't even defend Sup Forums. This board is the worst

'V' means 'IN'

explain this website to me

Do only old fags use it?

Shitskins and people without brains use it crap as well.

wtf I love africa now

If you're using ok you're either 50+ years old or work for the company.

>TFW my parents use it

they certainly do have a good time there

irrelevant fake news aggregator that almost no one even knows about

only hipsters here have a reddit acount


>Photoshopping yourself next to Jesus

>Photoshopping yourself as the projection of a lighthouse

how do we stop Russians?


Why shouldn't they? It's full of horny milfs reposting stupid memes and chain mail like "like this message, every like increases some ill kid's chances to survive! if you won't do it you literally need to die!"

we need to stop these people. But how?

You have no power for that, Trudeau


>Someone thought this would make a good picture for their social media profile

Sup Forums turned shit when g*mergate started and all of >LE ANTI-FEMINISTS :DDDDDD flooded this site and havent left since

Jesus was Russian
Poles and Leafs suck

Old Russian people seem nice enough but why are they so fucking weird?

t. Never ventures out of internet comfort zone

Like what?

BRAAAAAAAAP is an excellent meme you cunt

Sup Forums has always been against left wing idpol you absolute faggot

This happens when the older generation comes straight from a different era with completely different values, beliefs, sense of humor, even language and habits. They're just weird to everyone but themselves and only time is going to cure this.

I have nothing against it but I must say that I'm proud that I browse the 'chon! ^_^