310 posts and 32 counties edition.
FOY sub-edition.
310 posts and 32 counties edition.
FOY sub-edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
The other thread is really fucking awful, but I'm not sure there are enough smart lads around tonight to save this thread.
Just voted for United Ireland desu, taigs out WHEN plastic paddies takin over
So how long until Northern Ireland returns to the country it belongs to?
i'm glad you're to intelligint too post in the non-weebscum thread
Swissyank pls.
dont you have some cringy anime "OC" to post
fun fact: everyone here thinks you're chris-chan tier
People are free to think what they wish. Although how you know what everybody else is thinking is beyond me.
Wasn't Chris-chan a bit before you time though?
true he was. his legend lives on however.
just come to the non-dead thread.
>just come to the non-dead thread.
Why bother if your ilk is going to continue to kill it?
who is "my ilk"?
/éire/ has never been flooded by my alleged countrymen.
i'm the only regular US flag
would you rather a billion americans in /éire/
only times actual yanks come here is when /brit/queers say "bloody nora lets raid them bloody toigs eh m8" and all their yank cocksuckers follow them
>one Irish poster
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know
M-make that two.
So lads, did you do anything interesting today?
Now we can fit in
Also why the fuck are you posting in both threads, spamming useless shit.
studied Italian and cleared the room of any traces of alcohol , how about you?
>today and tomorrow
I had a pretty good wank
frogweeb, read this. i'm concerned for you.
Watched a few matches with the lads
Visited Bath
>posting the same image in the 2 threads at the same time
>black and white
the americans have a term for people who make things black and white for no reason. they're called "basic".
pic related, lux" lad".
Absolutely pathetic. He probably has homework to do.
Is that your OC?
how was it?
it's an old one ye
I put notes up with blu-tack in front of my computer desk. Hopefully it'll help me keep organised in future so things don't pile up and becoming daunting/rushed and stressful.
Sorry to hear that lad.
It's not really something to be held against you though, especially up north, people down here will understand the difference between Unionist-controlled "social policy" and Dublin-controlled "social policy". And subtleties in social status in the accent that would be noticed up north might be written off as just "northern" down here.
As long as you're not like Dubs doing the same shenanigans that ghetto blacks in America do against blacks who aren't "real niggas", it's fine.
Really enjoying your OC, Luxembro.
Very cool, lots of Roman stuff
You're welcome
always wanted to go for a tour through Britain but I wasn't sure whether it would be worth it to include Bath , your oppinion on the matter?
>always wanted to go for a tour through Britain
No thanks to you Rumeno
>wanting to travel to create your own oppinion on things without being restricted to what the media etc tell you
>a bad thing
If you're interested in history and the Roman era, then yes
What is the best place in Ireland to visit Celtic ruins?
>Celtic ruins?
if by ruins you mean castles, theres no such thing. theyre all either gaelic norman or english in origin.
The Boyne Valley is full of Celtic sites - or at least I think they are Celtic.
ok thank you
didn't know Derry was an important site
much of our prehistoric stuff is pre-celtic
the celts first came to ireland in like 500 BC after all
>he hasn't heard of derry's walls
>much of our prehistoric stuff is pre-celtic
That said, after doing some research, you're correct in saying that the Boyne Valley sites predate Celtic Ireland.
well i remembered that newgrange was there and thats all pre-celtic.
>accidentally selected the English option on a self-service till today
>the till read out the instructions and price of everything I scanned in English
>people stared
I can never go back
Stephen Nolan (loudmouth 'journalist', broke the RHI story originally sort of) has said on his twitter that he was contacted privately by a 'senior' DUP source saying they are blaming Foster for misjudging the unionist electorate's opinion
Another big DUP man has openly said they as a party will not put impediments in the way of devolution (the impediment here is Foster...) - they said they still support her and "it's her decision" on whether she wants to stand down
Do we read between the lines? That seems like a massive shift in tone. They went from 'no surrender' earlier to 'if she wants to stand down thats ok'.
if it's prehistoric then by definition it is pre celtic.
Newgrange is worth seeing, ruined with graffiti from 19th-century tourists though.
Tara is fantastic, even though most of it's underground, you can see underground in parts of it, and the location is fantastic, you can clearly see why they chose it.
Another place I've been is the Aran Islands, they have a lot of very ancient churches and monasteries as well as Dún Aengus, which is worth the visit alone.
I hear there's a place called Aileach up north, but I don't know anything about it.
>no Gaelic castles
Even if we define "castle" to mean the specific style and not "ruins" in general (as was being discussed), there are Gaelic castles.
I'd be more embarrassed if it read it out in French.
>Northern Irish
Why do they call themselves this? They're English.
Not necessarily.
in both cases you can hear the Auchan-moroccans snickering in your back
aight , thanks
they're scots actually
scots who are hanging onto the idea of a pre WW1 Britain
>look around sligo town in google maps
>literally dozens or hundreds of ringforts visible from the aerial photos in the surrounding area, not including the land built on to make the town
just pick a place that you know was important historically to the Irish and it will be like this
Why? I'm in France.
Of a pre-Napoleonic Britain actually.
Arguably a pre-Hannoverian Britain.
UKIP are the sort who hang onto a pre-WW1 Britain.
I thought you were embarrassed about having your groceries announced to the world.
Do they seriously read out the name of each item in France, or do you just mean "please take your items" was in English rather than French?
prehistory from the definitions I've seen doesn't go past the 4th millennium BC. Celts didn't exist then, especially not in Ireland. That was still the stone age and before the migrations of celts to Ireland
>nobody cares that the DUP just said they don't mind if their leader resigns but """"it's her choice"""" (hint hint)
fine I'm going to bed
no, definitely not be definition (pre-historic means before writing, not before celts) but also because there were a thousand years during which celts existed in ireland but writing did not, from 500 bc till St. Patrick's arrival in ireland.
there werent castles in ireland before the normans lad.
>I thought you were embarrassed about having your groceries announced to the world.
It only reads out the prices. Also, people in the queue behind me have eyes anyway.
I would have liked to post a witty comment but I don't feel qualified to do so
UKIP hangs on to 1950s england.
he's embarrassed them machine was speaking english.
i drove past gerry adams' house last week
i don't think he was home though
did you ejaculate into his mailbox?
no still working on my aim, still managed to accidentally spunk into a ballot box
>prehistory from the definitions I've seen doesn't go past the 4th millennium BC
Depends where you're talking about.
Prehistory is history before there was written records, which isn't as long for Ireland as it is for Egypt or the like.
>there werent castles in ireland before the normans lad.
No, but Luxembro said "ruins", not "castles", and Gaelic rulers post-Norman times did build castles. The most famous one, Bunratty, also changed hands and was rebuilt a few times, most recently by the McNamaras, and the last independent rulers of it were the O'Briens.
well i specifically said "if by ruins you mean castles"
i'm sure some Gaels™ built castles after the normans although i doubt there's many.
i went to bunratty castle for a school tour once. was great fun
>well i specifically said "if by ruins you mean castles"
For no good reason.
>i'm sure some Gaels™ built castles after the normans although i doubt there's many.
The absolute cheek of (You) putting that ™ on the word "Gael".
>@posting™ at me
go back to /brit/
/brit/ didn't invent that you absolute idiot
>no comfy late night Saturday thread
but /brit/quares love using it.
why not go back there, shoneen?
>shite comments
why do you always fucking post there then you spastic
christ you are insufferable
Is a country really sovereign if it can't defend itself?
i havent posted there in months.
how would you know i've ever posted there if you weren't in bed with the saxons?
just fuck off.
what a retard.
>trump supporters
define sovrin
Nukes are the only real power there is.
Might makes right?
So there are only 9 sovereign states in the world today?
According to the mighty, sure.
True. But almost every nation in the world today has been born of violence. Maybe not overwhelming might for most, but enough to create problems for those who dared to rule over them.
But even within those 9, some are more sovereign than others - not all have MAD capability.
>tfw listening to the Wolf Tones' version of Come Out Ye Black and Tans