Finland hate thread

How would you kill a Finnshit? Would you rape him/her first? Would torture him/her?

Here's what I would do:

First, I would gouge the Finnfucks eyes out. Then I would fuck the other eye socket with my huge dick and cum in there. After that, I would piss on another eye socket. Then I would slice his/her throat and watch him/her slowly dying, gargling blood, suffocating and crying mixture of blood, tears, sperm and piss. The more fragile the Finnroach the better (child, female) with lots of dreams and plans for the future. They would all shatter in that moment.

Good post. Finns belong in bins.

Why do you hate them?

Wtf I love leaf now


It's this thread again.
I bet you fat fuck couldn't kill a kitten from your mobility scooter.


I so sorry about OP. I love Finland, and would move there if I had a popcicle's chance in hell of ever learning your autistic language. No offense, of course

I celebrate this event every year.

Smelly Dumb American Scum

I can't say I hate them, but I don't like Finland either. I hate their fake patriotism, their stupid lakes and mosquitoes and their ugly Sami-Swedish mutt women.

I see Finns as harmless calm people. We should trade more.

Do you have teacher's unions there?

They are fucking us royally here. You can't even fire bad teachers... only pass them around from school to school...

i'm off to bed

Been here for the last 4 years, witnessing hatred towards us on a daily basis. Sometimes to a degree where people wish to kill us

Still waiting for the day though. You're all just big talk!

Isn't a master's degree mandatory everywhere?


>creates measure of toughness
>it's killing kittens
the felines of the world are now woke to the finn menace

What's there not to hate?


So not a single thing?

Your country is fucked up because you spend all your government money on overpriced for-profit private schools and subsidising universities that have billions in endowment funds already.

In Finland private schools and home schooling are banned.

>fake patriotism
It may be hard to understand for a sand nigger, but our grandparents fought for our independence and this country is still worth fighting unlike your desert caliphat.

The first internet web browser was invented in Finland.

You can suck our cocks

If you want to post meme charts, why not post this instead of bashing us

Also sorry for OP, I don't know what's wrong with him...

>55% prepared to fight for country
>implementing conscription again

Lopeta nyt jo :DD

I said it in a sense that you wouldn't be physiologically capable of killing a kitten.
Obviously nobody wants to kill a kitten, but you wouldn't even be able to even if you wanted.

Come over here and try me edgyboy.

I'm posting from the bin and there's nothing you can do about it

The university stuff is completely true, they conspire with the federal government basically so that they can grab as much money as they can, and make students pay as much as possible.

However there is nothing wrong with taking your kids' education out of the government's hands if they end up college-ready and knowledgeable in all of the useful fields.

Yet you never actually met a Finn or been to Finland ? :D

>le free market will fix it

You take this too seriously

>In Finland private schools and home schooling are banned.
What is Elias school? What is Steiner school? Do you really not know anyone who has been homeschooled?
I can assure you, they are not banned in Finland