/balk/ - Balkan Thread

alBANEnian edition

Old thread t.xpozed

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1st for Shqip is cute

Why do you you all keep making these cringe comics about macedonia?


Who's this bulgarian gorilla?

Radev? or was that the president

Straight from the devil's mouth. I told you dumb tatars my observations are correct.

Foreigner tells it how it is.

Rusev is pic related, wrestles in the WWE

you were correct, Radev is the president.

On another note: are hotels or hostels in Skopjie expensive? Researching for my trip later this year.

How expensive is public transport? Also I'd like to stay off the touristy pots and would like to actually see the city, is there public transport to everywhere?

I like the location of this one hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Lounge-Hostel-Skopje/Skopje/86983#propname

you are right across the best park. i love this place

Balcanieni imbecili


trebuie sa scapam de ciuma balcaniana

In curand

why don't greeks like Patras? I have shown interest in this city several times and everytime they tell me it's a shithole... why?

Because Patras is literally gif related

Are you my queen?

t. Athenian
thanks for going in details...


I had a friend studying in the Technological Education Instate of Patras, he's my source on what's going on there

I am a Greek, not a queen

Are there day-cards for public transport? How much for a single ticket on a bus for example?

Is food expensive? How much for a gram of weed?

>Nea Anchialos[edit]
Nea Anchialos was founded in 1906 by Greeks who fled the Black Sea town of Anchialos (modern Pomorie in Bulgaria) after massive anti-Greek riots, provoked by the Greek-Bulgarian struggle in Macedonia.

gjenocid gjenocid pay reps to our pipil

You're lucky I read this before going out.

I get weed for free from rappers lol I don't know the prices but if you want cheap shit, the park across your hotel is weed central. I think you can get a joint for 2 euros from some kids. Just watch out for secret cop units (alfas).

I haven't been in a bus in recent yeras but I know they changed the system to electronic cards and you can't purchase tickets from drivers. You can probably get 10-20 fares for 5 euros. I told you we have hundreds of double deckers and apps for buses and maps. if you are a broke tatar food is still cheaper here because our country is better.


Greeks, we are coming back.


>Gets btfo by a fucking foreigner
>Thinks i'm trying to scam him

You can't process reality, can you?

>You can't process reality, can you?
>this coming from a fyromistani

So you spend your entire life cherrypicking mean comments about Bulgaria? It seems personal. Why do you hate it so much? I feel sorry for you little lad.

Btw, dumbass. That wasn't me posting strete views of Shitfia. It was the ass kisser who said good things about it. I just shat on it and triggered your whole monkey nation.

You tatars have incredible low intelligence.

sure thing
and xpozed is many people

Not the same guy.

I found your bants funny, don't know why everyone is getting so butthurt. People should chill out more.

t. xpozed

Don't insult me, you filthy selyak

t. cringelad

butthurt koceto who got btfoed


We should ship more Arabs to Europe. The white subhumans must be eliminated.

>Not sure if I need a passport to enter FYROM or a valid ID is just fine.

Enlighten me, balk.

>Bлизaнeтo нa тepитopиятa нa cтpaнaтa ce извъpшвa c бългapcки зaдгpaничeн пacпopт, вaлидeн пoнe шecт мeceцa cлeд кpaя нa плaниpaния пpecтoй нa лицeтo в Peпyбликa Maкeдoния или c вaлиднa личнa кapтa. Зa peдицa aдминиcтpaтивни пpoцeдypи (плaщaнe нa тaкcи, глoби и дpyги paзплaщaния в бaнки и aдминиcтpaтивни yчpeждeния), oтнacящи ce дo чyждeнци, мaкeдoнcкoтo зaкoнoдaтeлcтвo изиcквa пpeдcтaвянeтo нa зaдгpaничeн пacпopт и пpeпopъчвa влизaнeтo в cтpaнaтa нa чyждecтpaннитe, вкл. и нa бългapcкитe гpaждaни дa ce извъpшвa cъc зaдгpaничeн пacпopт.

Дa чeтeш нe мoжeш ли?

>или c вaлиднa личнa кapтa

Bлизaл cъм c личнa кapтa caмo. Oбaчe тpябвa дa oбяcнявaш нaдългo и нaшиpoкo нa гpaничнa пoлиция зaщo иcкaш дa влизaш в БЮPM, кaквo щe пpaвиш тaм, кoлкo дългo щe cтoиш. Caмитe фиpoмиcтaнци c кoитo cъм гoвopил ce oплaквaт чe нaвcякъдe в EC ce пътyвa cвoбoднo бeз дa тe питaт кaквoтo и дa e (кoeтo e вяpнo), caмo и eдинcтвeнo в БЮPM ги e cтpaх дa нe би дa внeceш някoя иcтинa и дa им paзвaлиш хaлюцинaциятa.

>Big Bulgaria needs passport to visit mini Bulgaria

s m h

You just need an ID, and be prepared for a semi-thorough search, because of contraband cases.

дoбpo yтpo пeдaли
вчepa нaпиcaх кyp в Бeлгpaд и избягaх

квo пpaвиш тaм пoдчoвeк

Кaк мoжe дa cи тaквa yтpeпкa бe.

Eми вce cъм минaвaл пpeз Бeлгpaд нo никoгa нe cъм paзцъквaл, тa peших зa 3-ти мapт + yикeндa дa ce пycнa. Днecкa щe ce пycнa нa бeзплaтния walking tour...кaтo цялo бих кaзaл чe e пo-якo oт CФ

пocтни някoй пик

нямaм нeт нaвън aмa щe пocтнa кaтo ce пpибepa пo-къcнo

дoбpo јyтpo
кaкaв јe бeoгpaд?

I've read that it's recommended but not necessary, an ID will be just fine.

I'll be going to Greece next, how easy is it to get weed in Athens you recon? Might visit an island or two, but I'll do my research well, Greece deserves more respect.

>how easy is it to get weed
Fucking subhuman.

>that pic

>in Athens
You're asking about public transport in Skopje, and you want to visit Athens and a couple of islands? googlemaps-travelling much?

>You tatars have incredible low intelligence.

tatars here on /balk/ are really really dumb people, i unironically posted good things about sofia and they started chimping out and insulting me

really disgusting people

>lives in FYROM


Fulgrim finally posting with his real flag

objectively better than waving the вeнтилaтop flag of autism

>real flag

if only.....

>They're going to install mandatory conscription again

Provincials on suicide watch. They'll now actually have to serve the country instead of living off welfare and their kids' child benefit.

pretty based

now together with greece and turkey you can partition the gypsy land of bulgaria

>talks about partition
>checks flag

Do macedonskians have mandatory military service?

stop responding to me you piece of garbage

choke on a fat dick, fyromite friend

no, it was abolished in the 90s

you are worth less than filth under my shoes

Nope, we only have a professional online shitposting brigade called Tastatura Boys

>you are worth less than filth under my shoes
literally ikibey

not to mention OBSESSED

yeah i knew it was you

who else is a disgusting piece of human garbage

you are an absolute idiot, my friend

also, still OBSESSED

We have the Ezoteric Galatians( Moldavian scum)

ok fine, you are all human garbage

why are you so obsessed with me, tho?
is your life such pile of crap that you are jelly for my well being self?

Why do you bully loldova?

Spring is in full effect

They are mostly drunk apes and they also speak weird

when are you two getting married

the lad is obsessed with me(ironic since he keeps posting "LE OBSESSED")

i don't want anything to do with him, his soul is rotten

We all bully eachother here. Moldovans drink and rape a lot so we just make fun of them the most.

all me, desu

Moldova confirmed Slavic

>sees me in every BG flag

you didn't answer my question why?

stop responding to me you freak

Mitic imbecil

srbe na.... bulgare

just answer my question, it's a simple one you should be able to handle it.

I hope you realize you are not talking to me

t. your boi bujrmbei

Holy fuck it's so hot now. I should have gone t shirt only

they abolished conscription here in 2010 so i got away without serving
some friends who went to army say it was shit

das gay mane, srbe na bugarke though....

apparently both of you are equally obsessed in me
what's your story?

>being proud of his nickname: a derivative of the most retarded turk Sup Forums has ever been seen - ikibey
literally bottom of the barrel subhuman

Oh wow, there's a general for all these countries I know nothing about specifically? Cool.
I'm going to post here now.

kys first

There are 2 of us obsessed with you


i know, there's also a greek and a bulgarian (no romanains and albanians tho ;_;)

now tell me, why are you so obsessed with me?

Go and make a gey threesome.

That's not anime, that's a doujinshi

Every Greek regardless of city (yes, even people from Patras) admit it's a shithole
t. not from Athens


Aren't you stroking your chastity bepin a bit too much Xpozed?

you're a piece of garbage

so when a tatar acts like a piece of garbage i assume it's you