No Finns allowed edition
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Let's be friend, I will stop bully ;_;
Its too late
are you manchild, go BURN RÖÖKIÄ
Come home mongoloid.
i love this community :D
/cum/ now offically property of binland ok?
*dumps ur tea in the harbor*
F*ck off
Was this your plan all along?
Why are Finns so autistic
i dont knov
you are assburgeristic because you don't burn röökiä fucking trendy manchild
Hey my fellow fingols. My parents are both from finland (both immigrated in the 1990s). Do i still have have finnish citizenship? And if yes what are my chances of being detained and forced to go into conscription when visiting finland?
Why are americans so obese
I walk around with my hand on my crotch looking like I got a bad attitude
I bet you dont smoke cigarettes, manchild.
Yes, you must go to INSSI and serve
>not even dumping coffee
You know nothing of Binland REEEEE
>conscription when visiting finland?
If you visit only nothing happens
Ask your parents, you should have a citizenship. Also you will be literally arrested the moment you step on finnish soil, but you will be offered a chance to be liberated from conscript since you live aboard
Wow rude
heh nothing personel kid
Race traitor, you need to come home for the conscript, yellow man
Cum to New Finland
The Greadd Hibemind gombels me do bosd in dhis dhreadd :D :DD
I unironically masturbate to american and canadian cartoons
Im lazy as fuck and not /fit/ tho.
>kurr kurr :D
>Finland mentioned
Doesn't matter, in 1 month anyone can do 2500m in cooper test
If you were born in Finland, you have citizenship. If you weren't, you don't. In the case that you were born abroad but your mother didn't have Canadian citizenship AND Canada denies citizenship to children born in Canada to parents without citizenship, there's a chance you might have Finnish citizenship.
Chances of detention and conscription while visiting are nonexistent either way.
Im a fuck up and have serious ADHD/Autism tho. You sure you want a fuck up like me in your platoon?
these are pictures from a womans facebook photo album
Why are autistic people so Finnish :-D
If you are over 18, the military police is probably already in Canada searching for you. Not being a citizen is not a valid excuse to not do your duties, son.
is she a grandmother?
>this thread
All the other fuckups are put in platoons too. When your army consists of conscripts instead of professionals who voluntarily chose to be there, the standards and expectations aren't exactly United MI6 States Spetsnaz Marine Corps.
lel you sound like you'd fit perfectly in. adhd and autism are cured with 24/7 socialising, 4000 calorie daily consumption physical excercise and strict discipline. it's the sociopaths and alcohol induced psychotics you have to look out for
wow autismshaming
and i thought american tsa couldn't be more shitty
I have ADHD too but served 6 months anyways. It's not a serious problem, you just get a lot of shit for not paying attention. It was a great time, best time of my life despite it being so shit. It's abstract.
''Autism'' is just medicalising finnishness. You'd find out you're not so different, it's just the oppressive Westerners calling rational mindedness ''autism''.
Бyт тхиc иc oyp лэнд
It looks like that you are the cat.
>tfw fennophile
hello is this the finland thread :DDD
Where are the paleolithic and indoeuropeans at?
Who will i be fighting? Please dont say russians. I like russians ;___; a majority of my friends are russians.
cool thread
Heh, the more Slavic a country is, it respects copyright less
Deliciously savage
Bad news my fellow mongol, entire finnish army is based on dodging russians
After being in this thread for a while
i can tell now that Finland is a bad country
There was way worse fuck ups when I was in there
btw many northen Russians have a Finnish (Finno-Ugric) blood. Actually these Finno-Ugorics-Russian and won in WWII when ALL SL*VSHIT countries like Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Belarus, Ukraine and all /balts are sucking a German dicks.
helnlo, gib finnish qt plz
If the Russians were to attack Finland, you'd naturally fight Russians. Bretty simple, isn't it :-D
Russia will not attack Finland in this timeline though. They'd never be so mad that they would get in war with one of the strongest armies in Europe, for what, forests and barren wastelands?
Watch this
hmmm yes
Oispa ______
not available in america
Karl Fazer Maitosuklaa™
it's available in Canada
Canada > Am*rica
Are youth in Finland redpilled?
millennials are 30 year old libtards
>voted against the nationalist president
>saviors of anything but jewish interests
This thread was linked on Ylilauta and is being raided. Sorry you had to see this.
Really have no respect for anyone left of center these days.
>5:47 AM: out for delivery
>universal healthcare
Can i bring my own gun at least? Your rifles look like a cheap ak knockoff.
are they gone yet
Moi kaikki
how comfy are you right now?
what the fuck finland!?!?!?!
stop that!!
i said stop it
>wanting it to be cold
its 55 degrees here and im cold as shit
Going to be in the mid 70s today. Spring is here.
>living in s*cal
>it doesn't snow on christmas where he lives
>>voted against the nationalist president
>>saviors of anything but jewish interests
American capitalism and foreign policy is the jewish heart of globalism though
Also since the internet brought true right wing ideology to the USA almost all rightists in the US are under 40
free Greenland you racist fucking danepig
how DARE you insinuate I live there
Americans should go to sleep at this point.
it's 1 pm
but it's better than any ak variant