Leaf here

Leaf here.

You amerilards are disgusting. I just came down for business today, and this is what one of your restaurants served me for dinner.

Putting aside the revolting amount of grease, and the fact that I don't want to die before I turn 40, how am I supposed to eat this? Can Amerifats unhinge their jaws like snakes? It's massive.

USA, you have a problem.

Other urls found in this thread:


You ordered a fucking burger. What did you expect?

That actually looks pretty good. I dont know what the fuck your problem is

You're not Canadian.

Well maybe you should have ordered something else champ.

I'm investigating the barbarians

>You russilards are
>Can Russifats
>Russia, you

Good thread

that """""""""cheese"""""""""" looks grim

>Orders a burger
>Gets a burger
>Complains about getting a burger
Yeah that's Canada.

you leafy fucks eat poutine yet criticize burger and fries?

kys dumb leaf



*pic = true sandwich

As I read.


>when canada unhinges his jaw to take the big american burger


you compress the burger before you bite into it fucktard

And Ausfats say they're less American than us yet they have techniques to cram more food in their gaping maws like Yanks.


oh ho oh vladimir..........


You're really stupid if you think Americans use techniques to eat burgers

We can unhinge our jaws to consume any matter, so long as it is not a vegetable

It's not even huge and looks tasty. How much does it cost, though?

All of your food is bland as fuck. It made my year there about 1/6 miserable.

>I'm John Smith

what a weak bait
but made me hungry
the burger looks really good

>mfw i ordered double bacon and a fried egg on my burger but get lettuce and tomato instead


Please refrain from posting our 1 nigger. You have like 30 million of them, post one of them instead of ours.

Looks tasty

>tfw intermittent fasting and cannot eat anything until tomorrow

Fuck you, OP.

you HAVE to go on a diet

as a canadian-american with dual citizenship from bith born in texas, i hope every shitposting leaafnigger on this god forsaken board dies.

> i hope every shitposting leaafnigger on this god forsaken board dies.


I'd gladly sacrifice myself for the greater good of the internet

>i have to bitch about my neighbors so everyone else can differentiate me from them despite having way to much in common with each other

Don't tease Canada!
Canada is the most qt cunt :3

This, kek.

that looks really fucking good desu

too bad i'm literally broke ROFL




I have Mcdonalds, Burger King, KFC and Papa Johns where I live.
What should I go for?
What should I get over there?


just grab a knife and fork just like with pizza


That does look like a heart attack yeah. I get you OP.



>b-but it's not healthy!!!!
What kind of pussy you are. You have only one life.

I don't have KFC or Papa John's. Go to PJ and report back how it went?



Are you allergic to gluten aswell?






Those fries look good

Also eat it like a man and not a feminine fruit loop.
Grab it like a burger and open yer mouth big.

Aussie knows what's up.

I wonder how much money does it take to create a Fast food chain



Don't know.

The minimum for setting up a franchise is $20,000 for a Subway




Aussie just possess a pair of testicles unlike cucknadians







Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:


Their diet consists exclusively of salad, quinoa, and soy-based drinks, and eschew the food of their burger-eating countrymen outside the major cities, such as can found in OP. They consider it the food of racist, oppressors, and bigots, unhealthy and artery clogging.

Every American aged 20-35 in a major urban area, can be considered a progressive.

If I hang some vegetables over my door and windows, will that ward murricans away?

You can order titties in america?

>I just came down for business today
Where? what city?
lying ass liar, who lies out of your lying hole.

>replying to someone from 22:30 the previous night

That deserves the old SHIG

>Leaf here.

Prove it

why did you order a burger then you fucking leaf

He's not a leaf he's just another American trying to get people to hate us

>>orders massive burger
>>complains they got a big burger

fuck the leaf


P.S. leave tomatoes, asparagus and onion

asparagus is awesome

nothing more satisfying than asparagus pee

looks dry but would eat/10
burnt but would still eat/10
the fuk is even that sauce/10
9/11 would gladly have a heart attack
feed the hooker some eggs/10
how are we even supposed to eat that/10

It's only that you are so used to eating processed shit that can't taste natural flavors anymore.



burger with douchey hipster filter





That burger looks legit good doe

not even once

No, you don't understand what salt is. You guys have no idea about properly seasoning stuff.

he is just jelly because Canadian food is disgusting

It is french fries, turds, and maple syrup. Gross

I approve of this thread

Great now I'm hungry.

You have to go back.

One wall was not enough.