

They are truly the heirs of Archimedes

Athens is an ugly city, I was disappointed, but the rest of Greece was wonderful.

>Athens is an ugly city,
What did you expected? The Turks dynamited anything that was worth preserving. The best part of Greece are usually the comfy islands in my opinion. Big cities tend to be ugly there

Thats probably just a special snowflake picture. I'm sure Greece looks awesome in pictures

>special snowflake picture

>t. has never been to a major greece city

Some of those ugly buildings are actually kind of nice on the inside. People upgrade their flats and make them comfy.

Archimedes was Italian

Rhodes is beyond comfy

Oh yeah? And I guess Socrates was Azerbaijan too right?

>ατσο δεν έχω δεί ποτέ την ροτόντα από αυτήν την οπτιkή

all cities look ugly with a telephoto lens at that angle.

Here's the exact same place ass seen from the ground, you dumb kraut.

Snownigger, go play in the mud.

Archimedes was born in sicily, thus he was sicilian, hence italian

Oh yeah? And I suppose Plato came from the Faroe Islands did he?

Is this a joke?
You zoomed in on the only based building?

Also be careful who you call dumb.

I assume you're memeing, but just for the record Sicily was a Greek colony back then.
Even today some people still speak Greek dialects in some parts of Sicily.


I liek Greece and greeks.

Come home italian man. I will never forget Troy though

I am Greek.

It is not even Athens, all Greek cities are equally ugly.

Went once to Athens. Felt like in a third world country. Ugly and dirty.


I've been to Corfu this summer, and my god is it poor. Even if 90% of their income is tourism.

>Going to Greece
What a fucking normie. The only thing Greece deserve is being a memestock.

Wasn't my idea really. At least I regret it enough to never go there again.

looks better than buenos aires

Few sights depress me as much as your average mideastern city of whom the greek ones have a bit of an influence concerning the looks. This is in egypt.
I hope they someday are able to afford the luxury of aesthethic livingblocs and raze it all down, no wonder this enviroment produces a culture in which taharrush is a thing.
Here they planted a lot of trees in a bad immigrant quarter and painted the multistory blocs, that alone is said to have made people there less agressive.

If I didn't know any better that could be a pic from a brazilian favela
Don't they have any city planning in Greece?

do you live in a village or havent you seen your own country?

Im a greek

well isn't it like 5000 years old?

Looks like Bucharest


Present day Athens is nothing but concrete buildings scattered everywhere with no order.
Pretty much only older than 50 year old builings there are the ruins

The commie blocks in Bucharest are better than that shit

you romanian subhuman

I doubt it

It's still better than Poland, tho

Greece will always be tourist country in the center of the world.

you must lie
corfu seems to be one of the best islands in greece

They look like shit, but at least they're not as messy

>inb4 I am a Greek


looks better than anything in SHITaly by far.

probably because didnt copy paste the same commie blocks like in rumania

keep in mind that greeks are better than romanians
and the weather is much better too
and 99% sure that they are much better inside than in romania

Greeks are like present day Egyptians. Think they have anything to do with their former glory, but in reality, no

what do you mean?

yes, he did.



But the heirs of Archimedes are Sicilians.

sicilians are shitalians

No one here says that Archimedes was Sicilian even though we do believe that we descend from ancient Greeks

Will Greece ever recover?

Highly doubt that, with a non existent industry, rapidly aging population and the worst educational system in Europe.

Greece is done for the next 50years

Why is this a meme? They literally considered Europe a place to the west if im not mistaken.

>Will Greece ever recover?
this year

germany does well
because it has so many immigrants

stupid ching chang

Do not be so butthurt mahmut.

Europe was anything west of Asia and north of Africa according to the Greeks

wrong picture

All the former west slavic udssr colonies are in better shape than this joke of a country.

Take away feta cheese and tourism from Greece and you get a north african tier shithole full of poverty and corruption.

500years of ottoman occupation did leave their mark

Kek zingaraccio bastardo

How did it come to this?

They weren't under communist control where they?

How long has it been since Ottoman control? Was it ottomans that made it that way or was it Greeks that made it that way after the Ottomans left?

pretty sure greece will catch up very soon

aegean will always be a tourist region
humans will visit greece in the future too

keep in mind that greece is surrounded by subhuman shitholes
turkey is actually the only real country in the region

>500years of ottoman occupation did leave their mark
turks left nothing
literally nothing
scum like slavs

a greek wrote
that the turks kicked out all greeks from anatolia
guess how buildings will look like after a rapid populatin growth

but its a good thing
before that athens looked like an average european kraut town


I think it's a recent thing.
Throughout Greek history, Greeks have been much more involved and invested in the near east than in europe.
I think the only reason they are considered western europe at all was because of the muh democracy memes. Before that, Greeece was never considered western in any form of the word.

one head for europe
the other for asia

You are assuming wrong that ancient Greeks have anything to do with these modern crypto Turks.

modern greeks are more related to ancient greeks
than krauts to the monkeys who lived in the same area 1000 years ago

Germany was a mistake


the monkeys that captured all of Europe and didn´t allow a single Roman boot on their territory?

What baffles me the most is that Greece recognizes Sharia law, and Turkey doesn't.

It's always snowniggers who write shit like this, I wonder why

>all of Europe
in their dreams

That looks like latin america lmao

the first time, not the last


the arabs of the ancient world

> Nobel laureates by country

very poor banter. but what do I expect

meme prices

>but what do I expect
You brought the lube?

see even Pisa scores indicate that you are part of Turkey.


Remember that Obama has a Nobel Prize. Also, many of your discoveries or whatever wouldn't have been possible without Italians or Greeks inventions. Moreover, many of your winners are Jews, not Germans.

if you only look at science prizes, the picture looks even grimmer for Italy and Greece

>meme prices

running out of arguments again?

At least they're ours, not Jewish. And the fact that most of your prizes are scientific is not a good thing, it shows how barbaric you are.

you post literally shit you boring kraut
look now i post shit too

>And the fact that most of your prizes are scientific is not a good thing, it shows how barbaric you are.
my teacher said the same

pls why are you even living in Germany?
Is hartz 4 higher than the wagecuck salary they pay you in your """country"""?

>And the fact that most of your prizes are scientific is not a good thing, it shows how barbaric you are.

Are you a retard? We didn't even build a mosque in Athens because it was mainly Christian. If you're talking about the Parthenon. It was Venetians fault.

t. urk
Your cities are a mix of muh medieval roofing with shit window panes and other assorted modern concrete slabs. Boring and bland just like all northern Europe. Not impressed. Try harder.

in the real world
shitmany had/has to import immigrants to grow

Looks like some shithole like Argentina

türks fault too
what civilized human uses the parthenon as a storage for gun powder
like arabs
have no respect for history

is that real?


What civilized human bombard the Parthenon?
If you want to learn about our respect to history visit Turkey. It's full with Ancient Anatolian and Roman cities...

Not your post, the picture.

Even people in Athens think it looks ugly as shit. Greece is a beautiful country but Athens is an abomination