Is it illegal in your country to have a bow for self defence?

And if you kill a gypsy or a nigger in your house with the bow because he was trying to steal, can you be guilty for the law?

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We have no laws regarding bows.

It is assumed you aren't allowed to have your bow ready to fire on you. But you can carry it around.
The only thing that isn't allowed is to use cutting arrows.

In the Netherlands you aren't allowed to carry anything for self-defence. But you are allowed to defend yourself with everything that seems proportional.

So for example: if you have a gun in your home, then you can get fined for owning an illegal gun. But if someone comes into your house with a bat, then you are allowed to shoot him.


Dutch law states you should flee if you can.

But if you are very upset (angry or scared), then under Dutch law your defense does not have to be proportional.
So, if some burglar scares you very much and you shit your pants, then you are allowed to step into a tank and drive him over.

>In the Netherlands you aren't allowed to carry anything for self-defence

Bows are completely legal here, I recal.
Probably not full-auto assault bows though.

Well, there is case law from a year or two ago where some shop owner kept a gun.
Then one time three Moroccan robbers came into his shop. The wife of the shop keeper got scared, grabbed the gun and shot all three Moroccans.

The judge sentenced the shop keeper for 100 hours community service for illegal possession of a gun.

>robber enters your store in america
>you shoot him dead
>everyone in the store claps
>you get off without any charges whatsoever
>judge tips you

>robber enters your store in america
>get shot
>hear the clapping of BLM as your fade into the abyss

Crossbows and bows are legal and don't require any special permits.

Which is why drug addicts and other assorted nutjobs sometimes get them to rob banks and convenience stores since there's no way for them to get their hands on a real gun.

Crossbows are also legal here yeah. But there are laws that they shouldn't be ready to fire.

but I was told gun control laws don't work and criminals will get things regardless because they don't obey the law

>robber enters your store in australia
>nobody bats an eye, he's simply there because he's a criminal and so are the rest of you

Firearm incidents are seldom heard of in the proper Western civilisations (id est: America is faux developed).

>Firearm incidents are seldom heard of in the proper Western civilisations (id est: America is faux developed).

>mMmm, shall I use a firearm and get shot by the police. Or use something else and sit 6 months in prison


>he doesn't know cops encourage you to shoot the bad guys

I referred to the criminals reasoning. If your gun is too big in the Netherlands they even pass it on to the military.



>If your gun is too big in the Netherlands they even pass it on to the military.

this is a great idea. Why haven't I ever thought of this? Brb ordering a crossbow online

Our police are only allowed to handle a certain threat level that fits within their training.

Thats the most stupid thing i ever read
Kek, dog bless

It's funny because Americans hate oppressive governments but defend their militarised police.

no I don't, fuck the police son my scattergat will take care of any fuckbois that try to burglarize me

say it with me bruce: CASTLE DOCTRINE

Meanwhile in America

Meanwhile in the Netherlands

>In the Netherlands you aren't allowed to carry anything for self-defence

That terror's bound to spread over from Belgium :^)

The terrorist are French speaking Belgians anyway. They just go north to Paris.

You can own one.
Shooting someone... well, technically it is forbidden to shot someone unless he attacks you with a weapon. If you just put a knife in his dead heand... well, who knows it's not his?

>but I was told gun control laws don't work and criminals will get things regardless because they don't obey the law
well to be fair in a smaller and more controlled society that isn't already swimming in handguns and other assorted weapons it's a lot easier to control access to them. a single missing assault rifle is a huge deal and can lead to years of police investigation and probably costs an obscene amount of money on the black market.

>robber enters your store in australia
>you want a sip, m8?

i have a pistol crossbow of around 40lbs, i think it could do some damage but it's probably not suited for self defense