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International #720
ITT: Your cunts national anthem, in english
Which reggaeton/cumbia listening hellhole should be nuked?
Anyone from an uncommon country online rn?
Mexican anons should mexico kick out the indio infested southern states
Why are Americans so ignorant?
Do you speak the language of your ancestors ?
Post a neighborhood in your city
You can only post ITT if your country is bigger than Europe
Sup Forums is supposed to be _international_
Do east Asians think of themselves as white IRL? Why?
When was the last time you were abroad, Sup Forums?
Latin american popes were a mistake
Guess the name of the poster above you
Post a pic of what the most typical bread looks like in your region. Maybe we'll have a good time
My sister married a white guy and now she's starting to act like them
/luso/ Fio lusofono
ITT Post your country's diaspora
1. country (very Sup Forums related)
Nachschicht ehemals /deutsch/
What country in the world has the least SJW?
There are buildings in New York with higher GDP's than your country
Give me one (ONE) reason to learn a foreign language
Finland: what kind of war you want pham
You wake up in your cunt in 1720
Post yours
Montreal, la citte de miracles noir
/mena/- morroccans on suicide watch edition
Central America
How British are you?
Culture Pals /cp/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
German girls are ug-
What is the most self-hating/cucked country and why is it Italy?
Axe attack in Dusseldorf. Germans are losing yet another war
Are you fond of the idea of a Single World Government?
Copernicus, one of the greatest scientists, was a Slav (more precisely Polish)
How are british men viewed in your country?
Blocks you're path
Do your country have allies?
Why do Baltic states opress their Russian minorities?
This is your average "Mexican"
Dear Amerika jin, how is life in San Francisco...
Sverigetråden - Nattlig upplaga
Alcohol at 40° Top 5
/ita/ + /ro/ - il filo - firul
Where is blond hair, blue eyes most desired?
/Norgetråden/ - Den siste
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
/deutsch/-Ami Go Home Ausgabe
Panamá Threat
LEL African countries are less violent than Spic ones
This is your average ""italian""
What is the saddest day in your country history?
I don't hate any of you, (except finns, Fuck you!) Why do you hate us
Martin Schulz was born in the village of Hehlrath, which is now a part of Eschweiler[1] in western Rhineland...
Next Tuesday isn't a holiday in his country
Shout-out to Kosovo and Albania
Fascinated by the name of the capitals in Central Europe
/Maghreb/ et La france algerienne
Why haven't you Converted to Catholicism yet ?
Does Japan love Portugal?
The birth rates of Poland and Portugal are lower than Japan's
Whats thw difference between Brits and Americans?
What are you feeling?
How is you're cunt preparing for the robit revolution?
Why is he so perfect?
I mixed mate and Sprite...It didn't work very well
Jesus was middle eastern
Russia tries to invade Poland in the 20s
3 months in India
/deutsch/ Haha Ausgeblasen Ausgabe
The value of (You)s
/lat/ - hilo latino
Gg ez
Welcome to the argentinian race
Do people in the southern USA really fuck their relatives?
Post areas of your country you would get rid of
Post words/phrases in your language/dialect that foreigners normally wouldn't learn. I'll start
His ''''''language'''''' has never been spoken in space
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
What are you reading now?
Is this the ultimate white sport ?
ITT: Nationality you wish you had
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
Brazilians are fucking poor, they don't immigrate yet
Kurva anyátok
Which Euro country has the prettiest people?
How has your view of countries on Sup Forums change over time?
Do you have a sharia police in your country too?
My ancestor :)
Why do you think of blond people especially germans blond people ? Pic related
Are the Italo-celto/germanic people the most important that ever existed?
Sverigetråden - Heemupplagan
Your generals most autistic low life
Is there a way to save the North Korean civilians once Kim-Jong Un goes nuclear?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Finland appreciation thread
Hey boooys :* I'm a girl. I love being gangbanged by mediterranean men without a condom I like Turks...
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1822
Do any Irishbros know if I could get a job with some kind of biology degree in Ireland? I want to live a chill life...
I'm moving to the US next year on a scholarship, what should I expect?
Etymology of country names
1.your country
The Slavic Haplogroup
/deutsch/ - latinausgabe
What's the first thing that comes to mind?
What is the rarest flag you ever collected in real life?
Can you speak German?
Top worst countries in the world
How does it feel to speak our language?
Hunger Games
Anyone else mixed race here? I'm half ethiopian and half lebanese, came to Norway with my family when I was 5
/ita/ + /ro/ - il filo - firul
1. you're cunt
Kurva anyátok
WTF japan
Beautiful places form your country that aren't that popular
Europeans who buy American cars
ITT: feels other countries don't get
R u nordic ?
I will kill you all with my bear hands
Can you speak Japanese?
Chinese Bride Allows Guests to Touch Her Breasts
How true is this?
*blocks you're path*
How do we make Spain islamic again?
How damaged are you're generation compared to your parents generation?
Is this true, burgers? Do you not have kettles? Or switches on the powerpoints in the wall? Or dual flush toilets...
Who is this frog and why is he always inquiring cryptic questions?
Sverigetråden - Yukata upplagan
Rank the Balkan countries from your favorite to least favorite:
This is worthless post pls ignore
ITT: Post how's your weather today
What syphilis was called before it was called syphilis
Meet white person
Bost eyes
I fucking hate you cunts
/deutsch/ Herne-Mitte-Ausgabe
What do you think of Acre, the only state in Brazil that borders Peru AND Bolivia?
""""""muh dutch floods"""""""
Why are Trump supporters such obvious failures at life...
Be American
Hello guys. ¢‿¢ New friendly person here °ω° looking to make new international friends on this board. ó‿ó
Why are Japanese girls so strange?
How many languages do you speak?
Why Italian women love Swedish men so much?
Name a worse country then mine
Anyone down for a green card marriage?
Uruguay appreciation thread
Your country
That feel when you're wasting your time on Sup Forums, internet, videogames instead of being productive...
/mena/ او /ar/
When your post kills the thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's life like in South Korea? Is it a normal country?
Islam is a religion of peace
/balk/ Balkan Thread
/v4/ + friends
Russian girls, memes and music thread
Japan in 2020 :)
/rus/ and also /bel/ and /ukr/
Why do Russians wait in line for good?
Hate being obese
Americans aren't allowed to refuel their own car
What the fuck is wrong with your political system?
Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs
Are white women attractive?
Japanese curry is best curry
Western economies are thriving, more jobs and shit
Summarize your country in one image
What's the best state?
Kurva anyátok
N + Eight = Night
Russia Appreciation Thread
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Is using this acceptable in your country?
Is it normal to be hated for being not having a gf after a certain age in you're culture...
Do fat women have it easy in your cunt?
Your cunt
Tfw e1b
What's your favorite folk instrument Sup Forums?
What's considered fat in your country? Here in America, anything under 600 pounds (270kg) is normal
When will Mexicans stop LARP-ing to be Spanish?
Be me
Hilo latino /lat/ + /ex-yu/
Which song inspired you to join the alt-right and fight against #WhiteGenocide?
Prove you're not a r*cist, say something nice about China
What is it about the japanese here, I mean the actual non JET japanese posters here...
Its sunset here in Southern California
Daily reminder that Pajeet is not an actual Indian name and you are retarded if you keep using this
Do you love Scotland?
Any of you have ever been able to think in another language that wasn't your mother tongue(s)?
The Leaf has been fucking insufferable today, what gives?
Began the industrial revolution which brought the world into the modern age
Wait a second int told me toronto sucked
You wake up in beautiful Mogadishu
International board meant for cultural exchange, language learning, and educating yourself about the world
"So... user.. you promised to show me your country. What are we going to do? Are you going to take me somewhere?"
/fr/ - Le fil hon hon hon
Be honest Americans, are you embarssed of him?
What would've happened if Italy had more colonies
Differences between first and third worlds
Americans think that drinking water is a challenge
Latin America should unify
I kind of wish America used the confederate flag instead of the union flag. It just looks more aesthetic to me
Britbongs pay money for this
ITT: Countries that never get bullied
Post your least favorite Western Hemisphere mixed race Latin speaking country
My business trip to the Netherlands went well. 99% of dialogues went like this
Where do people in your country go when they're feeling sad/lonely?
Post your country's most beloved actor/actress
Any European conservatives?
Literally Japanese Ukraine lmao
Azure window recently fell in gozo, also ask a maltese person anything
Go on Sup Forums
Kurva anyátok
Europoors call americans mutts
Post your cunt's "Air-Force One"
Your Cunt's Best War
What sort of takeaways does your country have?
Sverigetråden - Vatten-upplagan
Spanish pronounce J as R
Who else here disowned by their parents...
How would you prefer to cuddle with a Canadian?
Italians like to claim that if you ordered a pepperoni pizza in their country you would get a pizza with peppers...
When will you accept Chara-chan as the new queen of Sup Forums?
/Brown master race thread/
Ciao, ragazzo sveglio :)
Your cuntry
What has France ever done for the world...
Finland appreciation thread
Americans have to wait until they're 21 to buy beer
/deutsch/ - Liebesausgabe
Dutch Islands
Why are Americans so bad at building decent public transportation?
Be non-Anglo
Daily reminder that protestants are Gods chosen people and superior to non-protestants...
Apply for job
Middle power
How is Germany? Immigration wise
/lusO/ fiO lusOfOnO
Tfw ugly
How can we save the white race from going extinct?
/ita/ - Il Filo
Say something nice about croatia
Hilo Latino /lat/
What seperates Sup Forums from reddit?
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
How do we revive it?
Why Sup Forums hate Turkey?
As a person with Olive/light brownish skin what can I do to not be mistaken as a Muslim?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Second most popular language by country
ITT: Post sad pictures
My business trip to Spain went well. 99% of dialogues went like this
Oh hey user I didnt see you in a while! You really turned into a man, wow!"
Mother Russia
"Wow user you speak another language!?."
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Sverigetråden - en tråd i blått
/vocaroo/ thread
Realistically, would the election of Marine LePen mean French secession from the EU and then collapse of the union?
Kurva anyátok
What is the first thing that comes to mind about this cunt?
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
1. Your cunt
Why doesn't anyone here want an Asian gf?
What's the first thing that comes to mind?
/cute/ thread
Who did it best?
It's 2017 and why aren't you a Turanist?
/fr/ - Le francofil maritime
This confuses and enrages Mexicans and CHIs
What does Sup Forums think about Milo?
What are your thoughts on Americans and the USA?
Today, Neptune has taken away from us one of country's most famous landmark
Daily remember that the Big Boy Russia is poorer than Italy
Americans, how do you view Europe?
They will probably erase america
Why are black people so gay ? At least in France, don't know others countries
Thank you America, you're our greatest alley
What is wrong with sweden
Why is white race so perfect?
I lost my virginity to my older sister
Why does Poland miraculously produce high-quality video games?
Austria calls for less money for EU states opposing refugee distribution
Look at how beautiful this scenary is
Post the most croatian picture you have
Post eye
Why can't Western Euros be 99.8% like Poland?
/Basel/ ehemals /deutsch/
Rank the Slavic countries from your favorite to least favorite:
How well does Sup Forums know their languages?
Scottish independence
Why is Finland so good with memes?
Japanese guy don't want to date with Swedish girls
Be Western European race scientist in the 19th and 20th centuries
Who was in the wrong here...?
1. your country's capital
Must be nice living in a country with legalized divorce and laws preventing middle aged faggots from having sex with 12...
Freeze! By the Halal Act of 2035 you're under arrest for not praying
Why are koreans decent in english while japs aren't?
Any slavs here?
How do we fix this
Sverigetråden - en tråd i gult
Why are japanese games shit?
Syrian girls
Take DNA test
200k is the perfect city size, right guys?
Hey Greeks
Which country speaks polite English?
Today is international woman's day
Cultural appropriation (?)
Your country
/nordic/ time
Just a russian schoolgirl. Show me yours/
/brit/ + /commonwealth/
Culture Pals /cp/
How much do these cost in your country? Here in America you can get a pack of 20 for $3.59 in the right town
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Nuke one
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
An American nigger is happy of the death of the rhino in a French zoo yesterday
18 years old
Why do British make good music?
Man gets arrested for racism
/v4/ + friends
How long have you been on Sup Forums int? Do you remember the glory days?
Be black
So, does anyone want to chat?
Racists will defend this
Leftist whites think Trump is bay-ud, he duh devil, he so raciss and dumbz
Wtf is this bullshit
1. your cunt
Soon i will able to communicate in the language of my ancestors
Why have you first worlders abandoned Ukraine?
/Afr/ican general - Is this really happening!? edition
What's the best European country?
You wear this in your country in public
Rate the flag above you
Justice served?
Why is Europe so small ?
What is the solution to make Lebanon great again like it was in the 20's?
Kurva anyátok
Why is this allowed?
Has anyone here ever been to Africa?
The rest of the world needs to stop idolizing the US
Iberians and diaspora, do you have a fetish for fucking women who hail from uncivilized and primitive nations?
Met a Muslim Girl, What Now?
What is the Japanese secret of eternal life?
Americans, it's time to explain yourselves and put an end to the fat acceptance movement
Ur cunt
White Canadians on Sup Forums are actually Poles, Serbians, and Italians
Japanese castle>>>>Western castle :3
Second most popular language by country
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
Congolombian attempted to Bribe a Carabinero (Chilean Police), with 65 million pesos = $98.647...
/carib/ - Act 17: The Party
What happens in your cunt if pic related were real?
Why do French people pronounce their "r"s in such a fucked up way?
If we're gonna start a war on terror I say the best place to start would be this country's haunted houses
WTF why is British Columbia so expensive?
Best kept secret of the internet
Daily reminder that if you don't have arm hair, leg hair, chest hair etc...
Which country has the coolest people?
Talking to qt from Belize
Tfw may live in a 3rd world country but at least we have functional police forces
/luso/ fio lusofono
TFW it's another episode of my parents yelling at me
Can Quebecians join the Canadian army? Do they receive their orders in Frog, or are they forced to speak
Does America count spics as white?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Fell for the stem meme
Why do Americans build their homes out of plywood?
Guess the country: Freedom Edition
Which Spic country should be nuked?
Russian military ration
Why are so many Brits depressed?
In what part of Canada would *you* like to live?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/+/ro/ - il filo - firul
/deutsch/ - Extraflaggenausgabe
You wake up in the Aztec Empire
Did coming to Sup Forums make you hate or dislike any country or ethnicity?
How do we save Swedish culture and society?
What is the best way to kill myself Sup Forums?
What the FUCK just happened to American cities?
Are we the 3 most bullied countries here? I feel like we can't post anything as it always comes down to >A FUCKING LEAF...
Irish, English, and Americans Anons, BTFO!
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Any Chileans around?
Why the fug doesn't everyone here speak the superior English language...
What's your opinion of white Americans?
Cowboys, the most american thing ever, were mexican
Is race mixing considered wrong in your cunt?
Mfw pre-WW France wanted Paris to become world capital and spread its culture across the globe
Poland is in the poorest country in Europe
Explain yourself, Finland
European children don't take one of these to school
1. You're a cunt
Niggers killed a 4 years old rhino and sawed his horn to sell it to gooks in a French zoo
Sverigetråden - GW Upplagan
Imagine...a world without germany
What are the stereotypical names for the smaller countries?
/cum/ - Cunt, Uterus, Menstruation
Guess the country
Is Norway just an american state at this point?
Worst parts of your country
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
ITT: Confess to the country you love
Which nation is your country's natural enemy?
National anthems
Are Americans really poor? Seems like America's "poor" are richer than the middle class of many nations
Would you rather be rich and ugly, or poor and good looking?
/vocaroo/ thread
This average Finn slaps your gf's ass, what do you do?
Where did you grow up?
Skyrim belongs to the _______!
1. Your country
Perfect countries don't exi-
I am done with this bullshit
My ancestors :)
Move to Macedonia. We have white people, big malls, skyscrapers and bike paths
/ita/ - Il Filo
/ita/ + /ro/ - il filo - firul
Your country now consists of 20% frenchman
What makes Russian army songs so good?
/fr/ - Le fil pour les Français
/balt + ausnz/
Kurva anyátok
Why do Russian girls look like human dolls?
How does it feel to speak our language and having to know it for your survival?
Post your shitpost station and r8
You wake up in pic related, august 6 1945, 08:00 am
Post folk music
Why do Americans hate social democracy?
One of these threads
Sverigetråden - den exploderande upplagan
/laos/ - How to overthrow the Lao communist regime
Male suicides to female suicides ratio
Is Spain superior to Italy?
Are attractive women really more common in Russia than in other countries? Why is this?
My ancestor :)
Brazil 3 year long recession continues
Am I the only one who doesn't understand how calling Americans "burgers" is supposed to be insutling...
This is my thread
Does all white girls have pure pale white skin and light pink nipple?
Polish autism
Is it illegal in your country to have a bow for self defence?
My ancestors ;)
ITT: People whose countries are going to hell
/éire/ = /gael/
This is how i would partition denmark
German """"""""""""""culture"""""""""""""""""""""
What good has Islam done for your country?
How much longer do they have on EU life support?
Post bizarre architecture from your country
White male feel sexually threatened by blacks (and other brown male)
White culture music thread...
What do you know about Basques and the Basque Region?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Post your cunt's ethno-historic clay
I live pretty far south in Sweden and It's march
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
They speak Spanish in Latin America countries except Brazil
Are French cars better than British and Italian cars?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...