The People's Key edition.
Previously: .
The People's Key edition.
Previously: .
plymouth is actually an alright place
The great debate:
Is aspartame safe?
no way. theres literally dozens of studies proven that it causes liver cancer and early onset Alzheimers.
this plymouth gimmick has stagnated
An MDMA tablet
Blue transformer to be precise
Fried my fucking head, still feeling the effects
no i drank diet coke once and now i'm dead
>literally dozens
ah yes
legacy tune
it is unless you consume massive amounts
but that doesn't make it "good" either
you shouldn't be drinking soda
Exeter is genuinely better than Plymouth.
ah yes I'm sure there are
it's one of the most thoroughly tested food additives
it's safe
why would you take three? were they relatively weak
Aspartame has been deemed safe for human consumption by over 100 regulatory agencies in their respective countries
inb4 obscure inconclusive studies from the 70s
*tries to do a deadlift*
>Exeter is genuinely better than Plymouth.
Yes aspartame is safe goy
Also sniff asbestos and chew on lead
>Arsenal Football Club
This is the absolute banger of a tune that I was gurning like fuck to on Sunday for 8 hours straight
Giver her a whirl, a real techno choon
it's self evident lad no need to dress it up
safe =/= healthy or good
you literally are the bluepill strawman if you think "hurr it won't hurt me so I'll just keep chugging it down every day"
here, take this thalidomide. science says its safe and science is never wrong.
The only time I don't wear a condom is when I make sweet passionate love to my fleshlight. Sometimes I even fill up two heavy duty water balloons, stick them in a pair of my girlfriend's jeans, insert the fleshlight into the fly of the pants, and have the time of my life! Busting a nut inside that thing feels so damn fantastic!
One time I almost passed out from cumming so hard, I swear. Well, anyways, my peehole has been burning me mercifully over the past week or so. Boys, it feels like I'm urinating hydrochloric acid or something! Is is possible for bacteria to get into my fleshlight and cause my urethra to suffer this incredible pain?
how is aspartame unhealthy then? no one is claiming it is good for you
Dunno about the MDMA content but they were wayyy stronger than typical yokes
It's 6 minions roughly to get the same buzz out of two transformers, warner bros and blue diamonds are some of the stronger ones however
I took three just to see what it was like, for an hour I thought my heart was gonna explode
dutch music tbqh
Had one match on tinder today but it was a bot
>pill brands
literally bluepilled
good post
had grey simcards over here just needed one 2bh
FULL-TIME - Arsenal 1-5 Bayern Munich
Boos ring out around the Emirates. Arsenal have taken a pummelling.
A 10-2 aggregate defeat. Shocking
Yanks didn't approve it because they were suspicious. Our lot evidently didn't give a shit.
What are you on about ye fool
What was the buzzz like? Bad oul lockjaw and disco eyes or where you sweet?
mr fenkelberg told me asbestos is safe and I should buy it from him to put inside my walls and ceiling
i also painted my house with lead paint
reminder to work on your ankle mobility
Created an Australian tinder bot today
>british culture
Ayyy this got a nikka trippin tho...
imagine being so triggered by people reminding you your alex jones-tier beliefs about aspartame are wrong that you make this kind of post
You might say that
Arsenal 10-2 do quite badly in Europe
>enjoying a chilled glass of pepsi max cherry flavour with Aspartame and Acesulfame K
>gran decides to go on a tirade about how diet sugary drinks do, in fact, give one cancer
yeah alright gran nice one, didn't know you managed to find the time to get degrees in medicine, biology and nutritional science all while still finding time for your line dancing classes and watching daytime telly, jog on
grown on me since last time I heard it
not as euphoric as i'm used to but i think maybe i hadn't recovered as much as i needed to?
lot of gurning and a bit of visuals though
hello nigger
yes, goy keep drinking water from plastic bottles. they dont leach chemicals into the water. scientists have approved these bottles for use and science is never wrong.
the girl in this looks like cara
posting this just to see what the fuck it is
He is a black autist with acne scars from London
there's probably nothing wrong with drinking diet soft drinks with aspartame etc but if you do you're psychologically a child and generally pathetic
who else /harm reduction/?
i vape, drink diet drinks and eat quorn products because i'm weak but not that weak
poo poo!
i'm almost normie and I have smooth skin
>no one is claiming it is good for you
you are apparently saying its ok to chug down soda just because it only has aspartame
its a trick to get people to consume more soda under the guise that its supposedly "not bad for you"
and even 0cal soda is definitely unhealthy
getting my little yank willy circumcised today lads
Sanchez for player-manager
Giving away a random steam key
who wants it? i got it as a present and i dont have steam
hmmm in what way?
anyone got the webm
also literally none of those are me, I love jews now
Moldova is rightful Romanian clay.
night night lads, got to have a clear head for my wageslaving tomorrow aha
Sanchez will never be WC
>you are apparently saying its ok to chug down soda just because it only has aspartame
when did I say this? no shit, it is unhealthy to drink fucking water in massive amounts
>and even 0cal soda is definitely unhealthy
let's see a source for that then
got my butt plug in x
still can't comprehend this event
been having a lot of gay dreams lately
thought of my bum being beaten by a big willy or swallowing a pint of semen still inspires only disgust though
obviously staged
black people don't even get acne
>Unfortunately, the release of this film has been delayed indefinitely due to scratches on the film making it unwatchable. Apparently these scratches were caused by cacti which were strategically placed by the Phone Losers of America.
>high living standards
>geopolitical stability
>"sensible" interventionism
>cultural "exchange"
delusional looneytunes
if dubs take it out and plug your mouth with it
finally, a picture that tells it like it is
We're still bombing the region on a regular basis 2bh
what new york?
VERY disrespectual to our american cousins
high sodium and caffeine, phosphoric acid hampers calcium absorption leading to buildups everywhere including the pineal gland (memes aside its important for regulating sleep and energy levels through the day, that's why you feel groggy all the time) utterly ruins your teeth, ones with sugar and HFCS lead to Obesity.
as for aspartame, considering there are zero health benefits to it, I don't see why I should risk even the possibility of health issues.
there's nothing good about soda and once you get off your sugar kick it doesn't even taste that good.
was art desu