What happens in your cunt if pic related were real?

What happens in your cunt if pic related were real?

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Shoot anyone who sets foot on property that I don't know and trust.

nothing happens
just calm

>330 million people
>300 million guns
>tens of millions more on the shelves of gun stores and wal-marts everywhere
>actual tanks can be legally owned by us citizens

Would be pretty crazy

Masturbate and shitpost on Sup Forums

*Oh, and apparently you can buy a grenade launcher for like $5k if you pass some background tests. Those would be pretty popular in a purge scenario.


Because crime is already legal in half of Italy

i don't think much would happen tbqh phamalam

We call it Paddies Day

the same shit as always

The strongest gang would just destroy everyone

smooth af

200 people died in a week
it just happened

Thank god guns are illegal in Brazil, imagine the carnage if Brazilians had those things.

Lots of money laundering and other white collar crimes would be committed. It would be terrible.

maybe we could shoot back

I'm pretty sure most people in any country just barricade themselves for that one night.

And then a few organized groups try to pull some major shit.

And anyone suspected of pulling any sort of shit is hunted ruthlessly the rest of the year.

(I haven't seen the movie, I'm only going by what's written on the image.)


I know the movie was, a movie, but if it was real this would be the #1 thing done, by far.

how horrifying

What a fucking stupid movie. It wouldn't be poor people killing each other, it would be mercenary armies hired by corporations to take out other corporate structures/banks.

This franchise is so fucking retarded it makes me angry that I still find it campy enough to watch

I think the idea in the movie is that there's no reprocussions

yeah but that wouldn't be FUUUUNNNN user!

Le anarchy is cool xD

Yeah, but if you think someone drained your bank account, burned your house or killed a family member of yours on that one night you can damn well be sure people are going to try and find a way to get back at them for the next 364 days.

It's already real for rapefugees. Gotta love EU open borders.


Yeah but what if they wore a mask

>homicides in Chicago (2016) - 2.7M population

>homicides in my entire region (2016) - 4.6M population

country completely implodes due to shit tons of white collar crimes murdering the economy and niggers/pol chimping out

then everyone will know who they are

>Yeah but what if they wore a mask
Then all means of understanding what happened that night are completely foiled! or not

steet cleaners would probably exterminate half of the favelas

Everyone gets drunk and glasses each other

We colombians hate each other, we would genocide ourselves and Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama and Peru would try to hold a piece of our territories after we disappear.

how many niggers live in your entire region vs chicago tho

Compare nigger to nigger to be more accurate/

eyyo man das racis

Just saying it's apples to oranges

I'm trying to agree with you in a sarcastic way

Think it's blacks to italians


I imagine the same thing would happen here too. We've got so many right-wing militias over here....if somebody gave them license to start slaughtering people indiscriminately, they'd head for the ghettos. It would be horrific.



is that a typo?

Can't wait to move to a 99.6% white country in a few years.

Nothing chances ,its already like that.

Italy has 4.6 million blacks?


This says about 1 million, are you saying that 3.6 million new ones popped up in the last 7 years? That's stunning. The US has about 40 million fwiw.

building a timemachine?

Poland, got my citizenship a week ago :)

nothing changes
niggers keep killing each other while white people go make money.

Cool senpai you got any Polish background or what

I live in one

Italy has 59M of black people + 1M of white immigrants and asians

Yeah man, Polish immigrant parents, older sis born in Poland. I was born here but I am fluent in Polish. Decided to start saving towards leaving Canada about a year ago, spent a few years in Poland. Multikulti can go fuck itself I'm going home

I will literally turn my yard into a minefield.

Realistically though, while most inner cities would be ABSOLUTELY FUCKED in this scenario, most suburbs and tight-knit rural communities will either hire private security or form neighborhood defense pacts. The only people who realistically would fear the purge are people living in multicultural ethnic timebombs or high profile controversial celebrities.

Cool senpai I'm glad for you

Thanks familia. I recommend you make plans to leave too, Canada is going to be third world in 30 years


A large bank having economic troubles contingently affect other banks.

Now imagine one of the big ones going down like that.

Fuck you and your condescending tone

SJW's purge the cis white males.

Probably buy a short-barreled rifle without a tax stamp.
If I buy it during the Purge, will the ATF still try to get me and shoot my dog later?

>implying my country isn't one big purge everyday
I won life in hard mode

with their lack of muscle mass?

I think Muslims would unironically be purged.

Id buy cheap and unregulated and untaxed goods and sell them back for a profit the next day.

Probably a bunch of drunken hooliganry.

Couple of Sup Forumsyps might start shit, but would be massacred by a group of aboriginies who would then later be killed by a group of chinese people, who would then be proceeded to be killed by some Japanese fellas who then commit seppuku when a couple of on-lookers start bantering at them.

PerĂº will do their worse!

drug stores and normal supermarkets would be looted for everything intoxicating

>Sup Forumses getting massacred by aborigines

In what timeline would this happen?

That doesn't work.

>normal price is 100+20 taxes
>buy it without taxes for 100
>sell it the next day for 100 + 20 taxes
>no profit is made

Could it be?

Fucking kek

>leave a future third world country to a current third world country

T. Retard

Have Sup Forums gotten that bad that now even Sup Forums threads are routinely being archived?

Can I get a quick rundown?

All muslims would be dead by morning.


So, according to you, Honduras and Salvador are safe countries since there aren't black people there?

Colombia is a permanent purge

Kek. It's like that everyday. Fucking 50k dead every year.

No I just meant it's not fair to compare the niggers of Chicago to the citizens of Italy

>it isn't fair comparing criminals with criminals

Pic related

Blacks drag Americans down in every single category while contributing nothing, all while constituting a rather small percent of the population. No I wouldn't say it's fair to compare animals to normal people.

Hatespeech. And holocaust.

Humans are animals, m8

I should specify Feral animals.

why have muscle mass when you have fat mass with which to suffocate their cishet white lungs?

Fair enough, easier to maintain too.


Of all things how does that make someone a coward?

Sorry bud some people don't like the direction Canada is and has been headed. And it's not uncommon either, a high percent of Canadian Immigrants leave the country later.

Coward? I don't care about Canada just as Canada doesn't care about me, this country is heading into the gutter and Poland is pretty much first world. I have been there for years before.

Nothing happens

There would be a whole lot less foreigners the next day..

>actual tanks can be legally owned by us citizens

Holy shit, really? How much?

Just ignore him bud, he only sees with rose-tinted glasses. your feels are not unique in any way.


>Among male immigrants 25 to 45 years of age who landed in 1981, about one-third are inferred from their tax filing behaviour to have left the country within the first 20 years after arrival. Similar rates are also obtained from Census-based information.

>Many immigrants leave within the first year of arrival

>About 6 out of 10 of those who leave do so within the first year of arrival. This suggests that a large fraction of immigrants who leave choose to do so within a relatively short period of time after arrival.

Thanks man. It wouldn't really matter either way. I have no ill will towards Canadians but the government/media spits on people like me, I don't want to fight for this country, it isn't my home.

I'll return to the Fatherland and work to make that place better. I wish you luck with whatever you choose to do as well.

it's all good lad, you will probably be much happier in your homeland. Poland isn't even a shitty country.

>Poland isn't even a shitty country

What a stupid faggot I hope you get shot

Nothing would change